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Finicky Jaguar CD...will run every game except Baldies and Battlemorph


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The topic pretty much says it all. It will manage to load both games, but starts crashing out, giving disk read errors. The rest of the games on the system work just fine.


Somebody suggested the lid sensor might be a problem. Seems logical so far. How do I go about cleaning/fixing this?


Or could it be a more tehcnical problem, maybe the system is due for a laser replacement? Or need a pot adjusted?

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In an update to this, I managed to fix it.


The little contact plate where the lid sensor is was all bent downward, probably from years of use. I re-bent it the opposite direction(carefully) so now it makes better contact when you close the lid. And now it loads Baldies just fine. Testing Battlemorph next.


Battlemorph works, it will load all of the levels except the PLANET PENTER level. The others work just fine though. Has anybody else ever encountered this problem? I'm beginning to think I may just have a defective disc? The disc is not horribly scratched or anything. Odd

Edited by 3DOMan
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Battlemorph works, it will load all of the levels except the PLANET PENTER level. The others work just fine though. Has anybody else ever encountered this problem? I'm beginning to think I may just have a defective disc? The disc is not horribly scratched or anything. Odd

Might get more answers to that if you post in the Jaguar forum.
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He might also get a knife in the back from all the people complaining about all the other people complaining about the shoddy Jaguar CD :)


More on topic - copy the CD with Discjuggler to a CDR and try the copy - a modern drive will most likely read the disc correctly (even with scratches) whereas the JagCD will just go 'ah feck. crash ????????'

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK I had this exact same problem. It would read every game except Battlemorph. I could load it but it would only load certain levels. I changed the drive mech and everything is perfect. It also runs much quieter. There used to be a guy in the jaguar forums with a link to buy them in his signiture.

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