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I IM you and mitkraft on my error of not seeing you 1st.


hloberg did IM me and I completely understand if arcadeshopper beat me to the punch. It's only fair to go with whoever IM'd first and I think its very honorable of hloberg to not only do so but send me an IM apologizing for having to change gears. This forum and the TI section in particular is full of great people with great attitudes and that's a perfect example.


No hard feelings here, its all good.

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There is one guy that bid 11 times on that auction alone. I have yet to figure out why people bid multiple times before the end of an auction. All it does it make it more expensive. Not like it helps you get the item.

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There is one guy that bid 11 times on that auction alone. I have yet to figure out why people bid multiple times before the end of an auction. All it does it make it more expensive. Not like it helps you get the item.


He didn't bid multiple times. Another bidder was trying to bid but instead of putting their maximum they kept bidding in small increments but each time a previous bidders high bid exceeded theirs so it looks like the previous bidder bid multiple times. Not sure I explained that well but did it make sense?

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He didn't bid multiple times. Another bidder was trying to bid but instead of putting their maximum they kept bidding in small increments but each time a previous bidders high bid exceeded theirs so it looks like the previous bidder bid multiple times. Not sure I explained that well but did it make sense?


Pretty sure that is not how eBay shows bids. In fact,



Only actual bids (not automatic bids generated up to a bidder's maximum) are shown. Automatic bids may be placed days or hours before a listing ends.


Those are real bids. Multiple incremental bids from multiple people trying to one up each other. Insane.

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Two of the bidders have zero feedback so I'm guessing there is some funny business going on.


I agree, it's not passing my smell test either! I truly doubt anyone in their right mind would pay that. It may be a Shill bidding situation, it could be a conduit for two people to launder money across state lines too, who knows.. But what do I know, it may simply be a couple of morons with more money than common sense.

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Pretty sure that is not how eBay shows bids. In fact,



Only actual bids (not automatic bids generated up to a bidder's maximum) are shown. Automatic bids may be placed days or hours before a listing ends.


Those are real bids. Multiple incremental bids from multiple people trying to one up each other. Insane.


I actually said it kind of backwards. It is a result of the bidder trying to bid in small increments to outbid a bidder who already has the high bid. Instead of putting his max, the bidder just kept increasing his bid until he had the high bid (or stopped trying). If you click the "show automatic bids" you can see what I mean. It isn't someone bidding against themselves.

Edited by Mitkraft
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yes, and with vintage stuff, you also can "wash" or transfer money in an unobtrusively and easy way.

It is an auction, and there a no rules for pricing. And high prices are nothing special, no surprise at all.

And vintage stuff is much more better for that, than selling a "Rembrandt" on eBay, or so :)

And the way of bidding like here just may be a part of the show, (if so)

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I don't think its anything as wild as that. If someone were trying to launder money they certainly be trying NOT to attract attention. I'm pretty sure one or more people are just trying to screw with this auction.




yes, and with vintage stuff, you also can "wash" or transfer money in an unobtrusively and easy way.

It is an auction, and there a no rules for pricing. And high prices are nothing special, no surprise at all.

And vintage stuff is much more better for that, than selling a "Rembrandt" on eBay, or so :)

And the way of bidding like here just may be a part of the show, (if so)

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