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Atari Parts Questions


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I have begun purchasing broken Atari's and repairing them to resell. The 7850 issue is very simple however I have come across a few I received last night that I need help locating parts for hopefully you can help.


I have a Tele Game 6 switch that requires the green chicklet above next to the 7805, I am also going to replace the 7805 in the process, and Capacitor. Does the capacitor work across all 2600's or are they unique to each system?


I received a Vader 2600 that needs a new DC port (Headphone Jack) I have seen some so called NOS parts but I would prefer to buy a bulk pack online as I know I will replacing them again in the future. Any idea what the part is called I was looking for a 3 pin 3.5mm female headphone jack.


The 4 switch also needs a new capacitor as well.


I plan to keep doing this and would like to buy my parts in bulk, I have gone to radio shack and they are always sold out.


Also is it good to do the AV upgrade for resale or keep them virgins?


I also need some controller parts, joystick paddle knobs and other misc items is there a place these are sold.


The upside this lot came with 80+ games some in original boxes.


I figure this is a fun hobby and when I was 7 years old in the 80's I would take apart my Atari and ColecoVison and see how they worked and mess around with them, quite fun actually.

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I have a Tele Game 6 switch that requires the green chicklet above next to the 7805, I am also going to replace the 7805 in the process, and Capacitor. Does the capacitor work across all 2600's or are they unique to each system?

Not quite sure what you mean by "Chiclet" but the circuit for a 7805 is pretty standard so assuming it is part of that circuit it is likely that it would be the same one for all 2600's. Although they may have moved to a higher uF electrolytic (if there is one, I don't have circuit diagram) at a later point if they decide more smoothing/load stability was required.



I received a Vader 2600 that needs a new DC port (Headphone Jack) I have seen some so called NOS parts but I would prefer to buy a bulk pack online as I know I will replacing them again in the future. Any idea what the part is called I was looking for a 3 pin 3.5mm female headphone jack.

Been a long time since I had a 2600 are you certain it is a headphone type connector you need and not a DC power connector? If so just look for a 3.5mm jack socket perhaps one of theses http://www.newark.com/jsp/search/browse.jsp?N=422+2203+216934&Ntk=gensearch&Ntt=3.5mm+jack+socket&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial


I also need some controller parts, joystick paddle knobs and other misc items is there a place these are sold.

B & C computer Visions, Best Electronics & AYT computers would be your best bets.
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its a capacitor ... some type of film style (my jr has quite a few) Instead of trying to read 30 year old capacitors, familiarize yourself with the schematics found on this site. then run off to jameco, mouser, digikey (listed those off in order of unexperianced friendlyness, not neccarially price selection or least amount of horsecrap, looking at you jameco) or any supplier that sells "small" quantities to the public

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