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U1MB PBI issues


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On the subject of SIDE1 - is it supposed to be, under any circumstances, able to perform ATR loads with the U1MB? I've never managed to make that work.

Yes, Side1 from Zaxon works fine for me with the U1MB from Lotharek and I use atr mounting quite often to copy some data to SDX partitions with reasonable speed (well, at least until FJC will publish his new fdisk, which will hopefully allow to create FAT16/SDX/FAT32 partitions easily, then i'll switch to FATFS.SYS) :). Atr booting is also working quite well and it was my first reason to buy U1MB, I wanted to play some of my favourite LK Avalon games again.

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On the subject of SIDE1 - is it supposed to be, under any circumstances, able to perform ATR loads with the U1MB? I've never managed to make that work.

I believe it can. I want to post here so everyone knows, there were no issues with either the hardware from candle or lotharek, nor the software from fjc and crew. The problem was 100% user error.

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Thanks guys, I'll have to give the SIDE1 another try. Last time I did though it simply would not work with ATR and nothing I tried made a difference.


My 800XL has an original candle U1MB which was upgraded and works just fine with my SIDE2 for ATR loading. The SIDE1 worked fine in every aspect with it except ATR mount/load.

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  • 5 months later...

I believe it can. I want to post here so everyone knows, there were no issues with either the hardware from candle or lotharek, nor the software from fjc and crew. The problem was 100% user error.


Bringing this back up since I just updated both my SIDE1/2 carts yesterday...


Does anyone have the exact settings/environment necessary for a U1MB and a SIDE1 cart to be able to run (boot from the FAT32 'L' menu loader) ATRs? I still haven't managed to get this to work on the SIDE1. On the SIDE2 it works fine.

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Does anyone have the exact settings/environment necessary for a U1MB and a SIDE1 cart to be able to run (boot from the FAT32 'L' menu loader) ATRs? I still haven't managed to get this to work on the SIDE1. On the SIDE2 it works fine.


If you put the same media that's working with your SIDE2 into your SIDE, it should just work. Doesn't matter what's on the cart, since it's just providing IDE hardware when used with the PBI BIOS (which is essential when booting ATRs).

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Thanks for the confirmation guys. Well I've narrowed it down now, and it sucks but at least I have a partial answer.


Three machines - 130XE with Atarimax 32in1, 1200XL with U1MB, and 800XL with U1MB.


SIDE2 cart works flawlessly in all three. SIDE1 cart (using the same 1GB CF media) works in the 130XE and the 1200XL but not in the 800XL. There the BIOS loader gives a FAT32 not found error, and SDX / APT gives a No APT devices found.

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SIDE2 is somewhat less prone to media/bus dependent instability than SIDE1, so you may in fact have the whole answer there.


I pulled another 800XL off the shelf (completely stock) for testing and it didn't work properly there either. Bizarre.


My U1MB 800XL has the Bob Puff 74LS08 mod so I thought it might be that, but apparently not.

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