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is it worth making a new controller for this system?


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Has anyone made a digital controller for Atari 5200? If yes, how well does it work? Do certain games not work? Can games be patched to make them work - do people even do this?


I made a digital controller for Vectrex (another analog controller) and only a couple of games didn't work, but most of them are greatly improved, I'm wondering if Atari 5200 would be similar.


Has anyone made a self centering analog stick for the 5200? Does this work much better than stock?

Edited by grips03
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Has anyone made a digital controller for Atari 5200? If yes, how well does it work? Do certain games not work? Can games be patched to make them work - do people even do this?


I made a digital controller for Vectrex (another analog controller) and only a couple of games didn't work, but most of them are greatly improved, I'm wondering if Atari 5200 would be similar.


Has anyone made a self centering analog stick for the 5200? Does this work much better than stock?

Nobody has made a self centering analog stick that I know of

Edited by AtariBrian
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There have been various attempts to "fix" the 5200 controller problem. Results have been mixed.


Here's a couple of links in case you haven't seen them before:




as discussed on atariage thread:



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Wico made a self centering analog stick. IMO it is not better overall.

It feels ok for many games but mostly it feels clunky.

Games that require analog like Missile Command will of course not work well with a digital controller, like a CX40 and a Masterplay Interface. http://www.atarihq.com/5200/5200faq/06_02.html

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When I got a 5200 - the last Atari game console I needed, my "holy grail" - I immediately sought out and got a Wico controller with a Y cable.


Without that, the console would be useless to me.


The only problem with that was having to rely on a standard controller just to start a game. Even a professionally rebuilt controller failed on me. I controller I salvaged from a garbage can at a car wash worked better to at least start a game.


Only recently did I happen to get the Wico keypad, so now I never have to pick up a stock controller again.


If a way could be found to replicate the Wico controller, that would be awesome. I just don't know how or have the means... ;)

Edited by Brian R.
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Wico made a self centering analog stick. IMO it is not better overall.

It feels ok for many games but mostly it feels clunky.

Games that require analog like Missile Command will of course not work well with a digital controller, like a CX40 and a Masterplay Interface. http://www.atarihq.com/5200/5200faq/06_02.html


Not to mention the Wico is for RIGHT handed players only.


If your CX-52 controller is built correctly with good internals and your 5200 is calibrated, I see no issues with the factory controllers save for pac-man. If you are right handed the WIco is great, If you are a lefty you can swap 2 wires around inside the Comp Pro and you instantly have a southpaw joystick.


I'd love to see someone offerand would pay a premium for a self centering CX52.

Edited by peedenmark7
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Hm , i never feld so much love for the 5200 like i feld for the 2600 but if there were more new games i would buy new controllers


I never had a 5200 back in the day either. In fact 2600 is the only one I did have in its time.


That said, I considered the 5200 my "holy grail" system, and it was the last Atari game system that I found in the wild. In fact, when I once went to a large flea market hoping to find a 5200, I went home with an XEGS - I didn't know what it was, never heard of it, never saw it before then.


I love the look, feel, size of the system and its cartridges. Just looking at it makes me want to play it. And with my Wico, Pacman is the game I play most on it.

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I've jury-rigged CX52s to self-center by working a couple of small rubber bands through the middle of the stick section in an "X" pattern, with the shaft through the intersection in the middle. It's tricky and looks ghetto as hell since there are all kinds of brackets and mountings and pots and shit in the way (I used twist ties to cinch the rubber bands into the "X" shape), but it worked reasonably well, and when the controller's put back together no one can see it anyway. I've had ideas about sticking a good conical spring in there, but I don't know where I'd find one the correct size and appropriate strength, or how exactly I'd mount it (giggity).

The problem isn't the noncentering stick, though, since the games generally were coded in such a way that it isn't particularly touchy or twitchy (as opposed to, say, the TRS-80 Color Computer). The problem is the fire buttons and keypads failing to respond.

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Are you guys using the circuit to make a digital pad?


and then just using an external keypad?


I think it was Lab Rat who modified a Jaguar pad.

Big O and I used analog sticks and built the keypads into the housing.


I've been trying to find an analog joystick that has 500Kohm pots, but so far I can only find the 10k ones. I'll keep looking...

They are pretty rare. I can't remember for sure but I think I used a 100kOhm and hooked in capacitors to change the value to 500kOhm.

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I think it was Lab Rat who modified a Jaguar pad.

Big O and I used analog sticks and built the keypads into the housing.


They are pretty rare. I can't remember for sure but I think I used a 100kOhm and hooked in capacitors to change the value to 500kOhm.


hmm, got directions on how to select a certain uf value?

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hmm, got directions on how to select a certain uf value?


The general idea and the necessary formula are here:


Found my old post with pics and a part list.



Labrat's Adapter:


Edited by yell0w_lantern
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