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Pre-orders for Endless Snow 2600 now being accepted


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do u want loose and BOXED or just boxed

Well, I wanted one boxed edition only, if that is not too much trouble. I already paid for an order one on your site, which I think is loose.


I can send you the difference.

Edited by DZ-Jay
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Ok now that I have 10 boxed whoever sent 31 send difference and I will now make a box order shortly if u paid loose its a 19.00 add on if you want t and box add 39.00 thank u!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not sure I understand. I paid by clicking on the link in your site, $31.00 USD. If I want to upgrade this to a boxed release, do I pay $19.00 or $39.00 more?


if you want t and box add 39.00
What does "t and box" mean? Edited by DZ-Jay
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Does the $31 include a manual with the naked cart? I may be in the minority but I'm interested in Cart + Manual like the base option Albert usually puts in the Atariage store. I often can't justify the $20 surcharge for the boxes since I'm on a budget. I have my carts stacked neatly and the AtariAge manuals stuffed behind the stacks for easy access. Collectors will scoff at the idea because it's "incomplete" and affects resale value, but from a gaming perspective, the manual is often much more useful than a box which can be damaged by frequent opening, and they outline specific details on difficulty / variations settings in Atari games that support them. They are also often clever or have a humorous back story. Is there any surcharge for just the manual or is it included with the loose cart option?

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Cool, he now has a honey bumpkin to snuggle with and keep cozy by the fire... :love: When he's not dying of hypothermia while shoveling snow, that is!!! :skull: Does the girl perform the same effect as the coffee (raise the warm meter)?


Game keeps looking better and better. I'd also like to see some updated Stella screenshots that aren't washed like in the video. (digital cameras never capture CRTs well)


There will be a simple manual with games yes

Okay thanks. So the boxed version gets a fancier manual than the loose cart version? Not quite clear what you mean.

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Haha! There's a chick there now! Does she keep our guy warm? :) That is cool.


I have one question, what happens if you don't shovel the block of snow when it shows up? does it accumulate?


In any case, looks very good--and I'm an Intellivision guy. ;)



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Will you be sending out carts first with option of separate boxes being sent to those customers later? Or, is everything being sent out at same time now (loose carts, boxed copies, etc.)? Also, is the t-shirt set-in-stone at this point, or is a scarf still a viable option? The scarf really intrigued me and I was stoked at the possibility!

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Thanks for all ur patience BOX ART coming soon !!!!!!!!!!!!


Manual is getting done SHIPPING ORDERS SOON so please continue ur orders and notify me when paid, so I can make PAID sheet


Just in case you didn't see it, I paid the $31 for the game and sent an additional $39 to upgrade to the boxed game and t-shirt (though I prefer a scarf, if you make it). :)




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