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Atari 8 Bit Items For Sale


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Ok , slowly catching up on this and will make a more formal update to the ad soon enough.


2 Atari 800 bundles + 1 800 board sold paid and shipped out as of today. ( youve been emailed about this )


a 3rd one was sold and paid for as of today with a 850. prepping for shipping.


a 1200xl, 2 boxed 1050s and an Indus GT with disks ( i believe ) are pending for me to find a box and get a weight for shipping before paying


So this gives me 4 Atari 800 bundles spoken for. 2 left.


an800xl lot available

1 atari 1050 loose available

1 atari 1050 happy available

1 atari 850 available

1 atari 1020 available

a parts 800 available



Not sure if Im missing anything but if something is a miss let me know.



Edited by Scooter83
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