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Why do Ebayers think 400's should cost $150 and up?


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Remember guys, eBay is an auction site, you get what you negotiate..and yes, there are a LOT of suckers out there. If I am going to pay $500 for an Atari 8-bit, the fucker had better be IMMACULATE, sat in the box, box doesn't have a crinkle on it, stuffed in an argon pressurized chamber for 30 years..



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Yeah, I think the only games I truly would use my 400 (modified to 48k and a real keyboard) for are the software titles ONLY compatible with OS/A or OS/B and/or would require the four controller ports. Otherwise.. it's hard deciding if I want to get an XL series and upgrade it to 128k or get an XE series with 128k (standard or upgrade).

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I think the 400 was hideous even back in its day. The keyboard is borderline unusable and I can't imagine why anyone would want one now instead of an 800, unless it was like your first computer or something.

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I think the 400 was hideous even back in its day. The keyboard is borderline unusable and I can't imagine why anyone would want one now instead of an 800, unless it was like your first computer or something.


I disagree completely. I have a zillion atari 8bit computers, and the 400 is my favorite; while my first was an 800xl.


I think it has a fabulous look; it's tiny and the keyboard looks good with the different shades of yellow/brown.


The typing experience on the 400 is not very well indeed, but a while ago when I was testing why I had issues with atarimax 8mbit carts, I actually did some 6502 assembly code on that keyboard, and it was not that bad as I expected… in fact it went rather well.


With 48K my 400 runs almost all games I want to run. It's a great machine.


Another thing why I love my 400 (and 800). With all my XL and XE computers, which I use on a daily base… they are not retro or vintage anymore. They are actual, usable tools/toys. The 400 though… well that is a different story. That is an old machine… retro… history… vintage.


It's like an old car. I use it, and enjoy every ride!

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So, I generally watch Craigslist for Atari hardware and most of the time my searches find nothing...until today...but right in line with what seems overpriced, $500 for 800xl, 1050, monitor, dot matrix printer, and a tape drives. To me, that seems way too high.

Am I way off? If not, what do you think this is really worth


maybe $100 if it's all nice and not yellowed and of course works.

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