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The 7800 Who Stole/Hated Christmas!


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Ok, I'm back to my old unmodded 7800.

These are my two 7800s:

A1 71 5003655 w/port

A1 77 5886485 (only a hole for the interface port) <- This is the modded one.

I hate that my modded one is such a finicky beast. The final straw was trying to get Stella's Stocking to work on it. It would skip the menu and go straight to one of the game screens! No title image, no fireplace music screen. This unit also hates Berzerk in all its 2600 forms and has the death grip cart slot. I had to angle Robotron just right in there or it wouldn't work and then almost needed pliers to get it out.

So now I'm running my unmodded 78 through a blue rgb cord (whatever, it works.)

I do want a reliable 78 modded system for when the XM ships. Is Best Electronics the best option? I'm looking to buy a modded system outright, but I want to be sure not to get another late model finnicky beast. Anyone have a BE unit that can let me know the usual type of 78 they use? I don't want to plunk down over 100 for another 7800 with compatibility issues and a crocodile for a cart slot.

Of course, if anyone knows of another venue, suggestions are appreciated.

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Dont go through Best . Go with this site and he is also member on here . Make sure to get the tia 9 switch .




Is it weird to anyone else that the 2600 mod is "stereo" but the 7800 remains mono?


And is the S-Video the Longhorn mod or something else? To me, it looks good other than the ports being installed on the side instead of the back.


Is there a list of all available 7800 mods?

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