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eBay bidder of the week


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I got this question from an interested bidder on an $8 game I have listed:


"Just wondering if you plan on lowering the price. It's almost 20 years old, and if it weren't for the fact that I can run os 9 games on my mac g4 tower, I wouldn't be interested. But I have some mild interest. I'm in the slim minority. Nobody wants an OS 9 game. I'll buy it from you for 2 bucks. "


Is it me, or is this a poor tact to get something cheap? I just can't imagine it really works to piss off a seller telling them their item is worthless and that nobody wants it.


If I had time, I'd probably post a video of me destroying the item with a hammer and send it to him.


And not that I wouldn't sell it for $2 in person, but a $2 sale is a $1 sale on eBay and hardly worth anyones time unless they are selling 100 of something a week and it's pure profit.

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I'll offer you $1.62 to make the video and post the results of his reply :grin: Actually would you be interested to do it for $1.47?

I would mail it to you for free if you wanted it.


Ok gotta know what this worthless game is :D

Dunno why posting links isn't working for me.




eBay item#400614110582


I admit it's garbage. But people randomly buy stuff like this, and I have trouble throwing things away- without cause.


If I have time I'll make a video smashing it. Fun project to do with my kids. Actually a vine of us abusing it would be ideal.

Edited by ianoid
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This guy is so funny. Strangely, someone else bought the game for full price earlier today. I only say it's strange because I keep 200 items in my store and any other could have sold. So I wrote him:

"Your tact is obnoxious and insulting. Item just sold for full price plus $8 shipping to Canada. "


Bidder writes back:

"I don't believe you. Ebay lists every closed auction as sold, and it's very misleading. There have been many posts on the internet about Ebay's misleading completed listings. You closed it because you realize it isn't worth it to sell at that price. I wouldn't be surprised to see the item up again soon."


I replied:

"I thought it was strange too. Just search for my completed auctions. I'm not sure what motivation I would have for faking a sale ending. But since you're pretty weird to begin with, you can probably cook up a conspiracy. I guess perhaps you were aware that you were being obnoxious, so you might not be too surprised that someone would react to it. In this case, happy to find a buyer for the item. I would have been happy to sell it to you as well, if you could have afforded it."



Some people just aren't worth responding too, with their punctuation, spelling, and obliviousness. This guy is funny in his own paranoid way.

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Some people just aren't worth responding too, with their punctuation, spelling, and obliviousness. This guy is funny in his own paranoid way.


I've been wondering whether there is a higher level of mental illness among retro gamers than the general public. Or maybe it just manifests itself so dramatically among the former.

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It's the "entitlement mentality" They think that they are "owed" by Society. Treat that guy like the P.O.S (and I don't mean Point of Sale) that he is. Send him a message back, belittle him, and block him from bidding on your auction.


You deserve better than that.


Maybe even ask the guy if he is going to buy it with his welfare check. Seriously, don't back down from this. This is a REAL problem with our society. This mentality leads to Criminal activities. One day last year, a "baggie pants hoodie" asked me for a dollar. I said "Get a job, dirtbag", and his friends almost attacked me. I do not owe those criminals anything, but, because of the media, politics, and society, they think I do.


This has gone way too far already, and must be stopped.


That guy was nothing but a cheap-ass wanna be rip off artist.


Just my thoughts on the matter.



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