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Atari Gamer - Digital Magazine


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Isn't Stu the one who so graciously shit all over the pre-release version of Space Giraffe for the official XBox magazine, which really killed sales of the game?


But as a Freelance isn't that his very job, ie to speak his mind, I'm not saying he was perfect but would people rather read continuously positive reviews like some of the US magazines of the day, I forget the name of the magazine but they also owned a shop and nearly every game got a very positive review purely to sell games..


EGM was the mag...

Edited by Mclaneinc
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@McLaneinc: 'As for doing it for free....Very unlikely, pulease........Working for free is one of the great lies of the age....'


Bit of a sweeping statement there, but i'll 'bite'...


Yes, i contributed for FREE, just as i am on Grey's next project on the ST, just as am helping with Timewarp Arcade etc.I'm lucky enough to be in full time employment, shift work at that, so not looking for extra income, or using any of it to class myself as a freelance jurno.or go on my C.V or anything like that.


Cannon Fodder had myself as a gamer, wading through water, slowly, whilst sprites off-screen fired RPG's at me.How the hell that was considered 'fair' in terms of challenging gameplay is beyond me.Plus i gave the game a 2nd chance after originally purchasing on Amiga, i bought again at full price on Jaguar.

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Cannon Fodder had myself as a gamer, wading through water, slowly, whilst sprites off-screen fired RPG's at me.How the hell that was considered 'fair' in terms of challenging gameplay is beyond me.Plus i gave the game a 2nd chance after originally purchasing on Amiga, i bought again at full price on Jaguar.


Welcome to world of gaming where its not 'FAIR', its called fun / a challenge, to ignore Cannon Fodder as gaming gold seriously worries what you thought of Atari games where 'FAIR' was never an option. Many games were neither fair nor sporting, they relied on hardcore gaming.


I'm sorry but your unlike of the viscosity of water rather disturbs me, the US troops in Vietnam could not control it but you dislike its action in a game....


Your 2nd chance means nothing to me, you have already failed to grasp the nature of gaming at its roots, games are never classed as fair purely, they are classed as games with differing difficulties, some easy, some hard, some very hard, depends on the skill of the gamer.


As for doing stuff for free, tell me how that works as a paid magazine contributor.....You get Zero recompense for your work?


It must be nice to be that rich....

Edited by Mclaneinc
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So I presume you are The Laird.............Please don't infect our lovely beast with the numerous claims of titles you produced....


I'll read the mag but all of us will with great knowledge be looking at the articles for factual errors. and of course you wlll be telling us for FREE what you know of the Last Ninja 130XE game that you allude to knowing about?

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@Mclaneinc-This will be my last post on this subject, plus this forum, period at this rate as i'm utterly shocked by certain attitudes on here.Despite explaining things numerous times, the message just is'nt getting through here, so one more time:


No, i am not get paid for any of 'my' articles, (nor am i 'rich')-some of s do not requre a cash incentive to do something for a community.No, i'm not 'The Laird', nor have i ever even attempted any coding (might have picked that up in my earlier post in another thread where i said 'I'm not a coder' .....).


Games like Dark Souls, Demon's souls are challenging but fair, Cannon Fodder was just poor design, it's that simple.


Last Ninja was listed as 'coming soon to Atari 800/130XE' in the big, 2-page adverts System 3 put in UK mags like Zzap 64/C+VG, i found a follow up point to what became of it, but i guess experts like yourself already knew full story...all you've done is make me wonder why i bothered joining here.

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As for this:

'I'm sorry but your unlike of the viscosity of water rather disturbs me, the US troops in Vietnam could not control it but you dislike its action in a game....'


A W.T.F post if ever there was.Games=escapism.Past conflict's that nations just cannot seem to get over=reality, if your thinking Cannon Fodder was designed with realism in mind...i think it's clear Elvis has indeed left the building.

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MODS:Please close my account.Joining here was clearly a huge mistake.Feel free anyone on here to rip into A8 magazine, once you've had a copy that you put nothing into, in terms of trying to get the A8 a lot wider coverage and follow up on what became of annouced games and why etc, just don't question why you don't see many A8 articles these days in future, because the simple answer is, if this is the response when people do try something..sweet jeez...


I'm actually insulted people think i'm The Laird, check my bloody I.P details if you want proof and i'm being paid for giving something to the community.Very small minded attitude by a small percentage on here sadly.


I was more than willing to give this forum a chance, but you've done nothing to help it's image in certain places, just played into their hands.

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If you are NOT the Laid then you have my apologies, having his content in a mag would be totally invalid.


I think my annoyance was that you said very early on that "I'm not a jurno nor do I know much about the Atari" which sort of pulled my shackles, when contributing to an Atari Mag surely that is a bit of a requirement.


As for Stuart, he's marmite....I can understand why he had a moan at that game, its simply a reboot of Tempest again which never has been my fave game.


I still think you are wrong re Cannon Fodder, 2 WAS bad but one was a massive retail seller, I know I sold it. As for the WTF re the water, please, it was you that moaned about the water, I still say its part of the challenge..


So don't drop your account, stay and chat, not going to argue with you any more, if you are not the laird then fine, I'm a devoted Atarian, not a fan boy but devoted as I am to all the computers and consoles I own / like, if there are going to be publications I just want the content to valid and well researched.


End of...

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As for this:

'I'm sorry but your unlike of the viscosity of water rather disturbs me, the US troops in Vietnam could not control it but you dislike its action in a game....'


A W.T.F post if ever there was.Games=escapism.Past conflict's that nations just cannot seem to get over=reality, if your thinking Cannon Fodder was designed with realism in mind...i think it's clear Elvis has indeed left the building.


That wasn't my point. you said it was annoying to wade through water as you were being shot with RPG's, all Sensible did was make the water hard to wade through, there is room for a little realism in a game even as arcadey as CF. Perhaps the analogy was extreme but it served a point.


Elvis remains in the building, a tad overweight but not expired yet and most likely enjoying a game of Cannon Fodder.

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Just to be 100% clear:

1)I know NOTHING ABOUT CODING on the Atari (800XL or ST) so have never claimed to have written ANY games on either, i did own a Sinclair machine (ZX81), again NO coding done.Gameswise and what happened to a good few that were mentioned in various UK magazines, i can say i DO know my stuff.
2)The Laird/A.A's history here-nothing to do with me, was'nt an account holder then/has nothing to do with Greyfox A8 magazine now.Laird has NOT even read the articles i helped Grey with yet, he'll get chance same time everyone else does when it goes on general release.
3)My research, was painstakingly done to best of my limited resources.Unlike Marty G or someone of that standing, i'm limited, so have had to quote from interviews etc done at that period in the A8's history.Claims that are made are backed up by statements from software houses etc at that time.I have avoided using the internet as so much i've read on A8/Lynx/Jaguar etc i know is false.
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(Cont).As i mentioned in the System 3 thread, friend of mine when researching his Myth piece for Retro Gamer, was told by System 3 that the ST version came out, it did'nt, only a demo.on Zero magazine, i emailed him this fact along with question why the C64 cartridge version+new artwork for, was not mentioned in the article, he never even knew it existed and thanked me for the correction on ST Myth.So yes, i'll stand by my research and unlike RG/Edge/Gamestm writers, i am not getting a penny for my work and asked several times to PAY for my version of the A8 magazine.I'm not rich, i scrape a living by doing mix of day/night shifts, take away shift allowance, i'd be in the mire.I used to be an engineer until issue with my back due to the job, forced a change of employment.

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:-) As for Cannon Fodder, i'm fine with the wading, just i cannot shoot, what i cannot see, if it's off-screen.In my eyes, that's as fair as going through a minefield, blindfolded-you might get lucky, chances are you won't.


much prefered Sensible Software's 8 bit output on C64 to what they threw out on ST/Amiga, Mega-lo-mania being the exception.

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After a few PM's I can say I jumped down the wrong line re LD being the Laird (LD - Laird Hmm :) ), this man or lady do know their stuff and would request they stay part of the forum after my argumentative behaviour.


And no, I wasn't two sheets to the wind, I was grumpy last night tho, after spending the whole day on the toilet and vomiting till 3am from some tummy bug I barely was able to sip water let along the nice fizzy we got in for the NY.


But manners should come first...My apols.

Edited by Mclaneinc
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Everybody,


This is my first time here at Atari Age, My Name is Darren Doyle, but some of you may know me as Greyfox from other Retro Gaming communities, I am a professional graphic designer and Digital Media Consultant and a huge fan of the Great Atari Range of products from the Atari 2600 to the Atari ST range and run a small You Tube Channel under the name of Flashback Gamer which has lots of classic atari related videos and have been loving Atari Since 1979, and especially a big fan of the Atari 8-bit range of computers, this was my childhood system and have been waiting over 25yrs to create a digital magazine based purely on the Atari 8-bits, and now it has happen, I felt I needed to let all the great folks here on Atari Age know properly about it and wanted to share with you all the fruits of my labour, I am the sole Creator of this publication from design, layout, some articles and advertisments (re-made especially for Atari Gamer Magazine) from the English Software Advert to the Atari Mania (as without them) this would of been a huge struggle to produce, so I had to honor them in the magazine and kept as best to the original style of 1980's as I could as possible, This magazine consists over 60 Game reviews, Homebrew reviews and Interviews and more....


so Please don't feel I'm spamming here as I have lots of cool Atari related things I can and will be sharing with this community over the next few weeks, but that will be in my second post :)



Please take the time to watch my Video preview

Atari Gamer as mentioned is something I've been wanting to do for some time was to honor and celebrate a machine that more or less never gets any awareness or exposure so I personally set out to change that and needed something of an inspiration to create a proper magazine which will both let readers see these computers in a different light, read about the great games created for it and hopefully learn something along the way too. plus some real diamonds in the ruff type articles never disclosed before and some nice homages and surprises along the way too across about 74 pages or so.




So when is it out you say?, it is available in digital form NOW!!

How much will it cost?, for on its intial release it will cost £2.99 to motovate future Atari related products and is available in high resolution PDF download perfectly suited for any Tablet devices and desktop computer and hopefully based on the amount sold and with enough interest, I wil go on to make an Atari ST gamer magazine with even bigger page count, so I hope you will all support it :)

I hope you enjoy the preview advert and ask yourself "Have you Played Atari Today?"

So what to expect in this Collector's Magazine :)

up first the Atari 8-bit Trivia pages, lots of little hidden fun facts about Atari and the English developers of the time.

Atari 8-Bit Trivia




next, a glimpse of the fabulous Atari 8-bit game review layouts, this is a huge part of Atari Gamer and has lots and lots of reviews to keep you happy :)

Atari 8-bit Game Review Layout



So if you all like what you see, please visit the Website Atari Gamer for infomation about it :)

Thanks for taking the time in stopping by.. :)

All the best


Darren Doyle

Chief Editor & Creator

Atari Gamer Magazine.



Edited by Greyfox
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Looks Good Darren :thumbsup:


Stupid question but will there be an option for a printed and posted(!) copy? If so how much?

Unfortunately the cost to produce a full coloured a4 version of the magazine is simply out of my reach financially and has very lite guarantee that it would sell in the numbers to cover the cost of a printed version, plus the printed publication would of set the customer back much more that its present asking price plus shipping, it should wouldn't be viable I'm afraid :(


But thanks for your interest :)


Have a nice Atari desktop wallpaper for your trouble.




Have a nice day :)

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Unfortunately the cost to produce a full coloured a4 version of the magazine is simply out of my reach financially and has very lite guarantee that it would sell in the numbers to cover the cost of a printed version, plus the printed publication would of set the customer back much more that its present asking price plus shipping, it should wouldn't be viable I'm afraid :(


But thanks for your interest :)


Have a nice Atari desktop wallpaper for your trouble.




Have a nice day :)

looks like you would be the idea candidate for creating next seasons High Score Club certificate ;)

OK you have my £2.99... how do I get the goods ?!

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OK you have my £2.99... how do I get the goods ?!


No Problem Bob, simply goto the webpage click on the magazine, purchase it via Paypal and you'll recieve your link within 30mins or less :)


again thank you for supporting Atari Gamer Magzine and hope you enjoy as much as we did creating it :)





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No Problem Bob, simply goto the webpage click on the magazine, purchase it via Paypal and you'll recieve your link within 30mins or less :)


again thank you for supporting Atari Gamer Magzine and hope you enjoy as much as we did creating it :)





Thanks, I now have the email and am downloading now (76mb).... you might put a message on the site (or paypal response) that there will be am email with the link sent ;)

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I've only read the first few pages but already well worth the £2.99; looks fantastic and is a nice dose of Atari nostalgia :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


You might want to post a new 'clean' thread with this on ;) and fix a few of the typos :-D

Thanks for the feedback Bob :), sorry about the typos, as I was a one man army doing the proof reading, designs and all that and everything in between, so I'm sorry if may of tarnished your experience slightly, but delighted your enjoying it.


And thanks for the honesty , makes for a better future product :)


All the best



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FInished the magazine! It was a very fun read Darren and the layout and graphic design made it a joy too.


I loved the interviews and reviews. I especially liked the homebrew review section as I found a few games I never knew about. Thanks!


Although the magazine overall was very nicely done, I do have 2 minor constructive criticisms: :-D


1) If you do a ST magazine, please consider having it proofread prior to publishing. There were a lot of typos, grammar errors and badly formed sentences. Speaking English as my first language these stood out very clearly. I understand you did the magazine as a labor of love so please don't take this as a condemnation of the magazine. I think everyone understands you did the majority of this as a one-man band. It is just a suggestion to improve the written quality. ;)


2) The reviews for Gridrunner and Beef Drop had the wrong text included so the reviews were for other games.


Anyway, minor issues and overall the magazine is very well done and worth the price of admission. I look forward to your next project! Good Job! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Edited by TheNameOfTheGame
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Firstly I want to thank you so much for the feedback, it really does help me get it right in creating a fantastic magazine for future ones, those mixed up games, I really don't know how that happen, god dam gremlins :), so with that I've done a revised version, and if you can send me your real name in a pm I'll link you and anybody else who purchased it at Atari Age to send me a the real name so I may cross reference them with the purchase and resend you a new link with the game reviews corrected.


Rgarding the grammar within Atari gamer I actually had a science teacher proof it, but seems he can't speak English either, but appolizies none the less, he's fired now after this.


Again many thanks for feedback, and remember to send me a message with your name so I can replace it the the proper reviews.





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