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Atari Gamer - Digital Magazine


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Sorry for double posting, as I could edit the message above for some reason, i have issued a replacement link to all those who have purchased the magazine, with the game reviews corrected and in the proper places..again very sorry for any inconvenience caused :)



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For thos of you who the post on Facebook, I mentioned in a previous Post that I had a nice surprise for all those who supported Atari Gamer Magazine, well, I suggest you check your inbox for your gift sent out today and is my way of appreciation to you all for your great response and support so far Again Thank You All


and to show those who haven't took the plunge, here's what all the Atari Gamer Magazine supporters received as a little thank you .


So, if you haven't grabbed a copy? why not?


check out the reviews




have a nice day everybody


Darren ;)

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Thank you very much STeVE for your feedback, I have trived to try and deliver something special to the Atari Community and its been a fantastic roller coaster ride doing it, if I decide to do a follow up Atari publication I'll do my up most best effort to get things as accurate as possible and try and deliver another superb magazine to the sadly neglected Atari platform in pubicated magazine.


Again thank you so much for your input :)


Kind regards



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  • 1 month later...

I just bought myself a copy and am impressed by Darren's efforts. Some of the articles may not be 100% correct (like sTeVE already stated) but nontheless an enjoyable read. Well done!


I recently finished reading Atari Gamer (every word!) - very enjoyable. I especially liked the interview with Chuck Peavey, gave some insight into his coding; also explains why Panther is so good as he also programmed Blue Max! :thumbsup:

Think you might have been a bit harsh on the review for Jetman - you might have missed it has difficulty level selection and playing on level 3 is much better - don't know why this wasn't the default ;)


Well worth the £2.99 guys :)

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Thanks guys :) , and I hope you enjoyed the extra gift and would love to see some photos of you all wearing it :)... Since Atari Gamer magazine has been so well received , I have began work another Atari magazine which will hopefully be due later on in the year.


Again thank you all so far who purchasing the magazine and delighted you all enjoyed it, this makes it all worth the efforts to bring something like this to the Atari 8-bit community :)



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yes, sure no problems the next instalment on the Atari systems will cover? Maybe I should just leave this here :)


Headings and additional graphics have not been finalised for this preview image and will be updated later on in the year..

Hope this satisfies you curiosity :)


Also just to mention, I had the privilege of been asked to a podcast interview from those great guys over at www.Gamer.no as part of their retro gaming podcast section and had a ball chatting with these guys about my Atari past and about the Atari Gamer magazine and just wanted to share here with RVG crowd, although the podcast is an Norwegian podcast my interview is in full english, so without further ado go have a listen to my wacky Irish accent lol..

enjoy the show http://www.gamer.no/artikler/podkast-retro-crew/157833

I wish to say many thanks to both Ketil Espenæs & Jostein Hakestad opportunity to talk about Atari Gamer and now have begun well underway work on Atari St Gamer magazine and is looking pretty sweet so far

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Just a bump on this thread, for anybody still interested the website address has been updated to




Atari ST gamer magazine will be announced shortly as its now in its final stages of production :)


All the best



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Out of curiosity, why so expensive for a digital magazine? 5$ I can go buy a real print magazine (and the whole print bit is what drives the cost up).

I wouldn't class £3 pound expensive at all to be honest, considering the amount of work and effort put into creating a publication like this and completely created by one person, the cost is based on a very small incentive of time and effort and with it being a very niche subject matter, it has not sold lots either, but I justify the magazine being created for fan for a minimal fee for the efforts and the information contained which can not be got(in-dept) anywhere else on the internet, I'd love to see this in real print but with figures of £4,000 ($6,000) for a print of a magazine which caters specifically for a single computer community based of sales unclear sales projection or without pre-order system in place could not guarantee complete print run purchases which in turn could leave me with unsold stock at my expense, so digital format was the way to go with this. So based on the above statment, I hope that answers your query :)


All the best



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Maybe it's a U.S. vs U.K. thing. I know several individuals that self publish science-fiction short stories and novels and also others that self-publish comics regularly for 99 cents to 1.99 (.58gbp to 1.17gbp or so). Yeah it means less per sale but people are a lot more willing to cough up a buck or two (that's why if you pop over to Amazon's site you'll see so many books from 0.99USD to 1.99USD, same with apps for iOS you see tons and tons at 99 cents) for something with little thought about the purchase.


Not saying you are overpricing or anything, I was just curious :)

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Few years ago, good friend of mine (guy who now runs Timewarp Arcade) had a go at self-publishing a magazine called Fiction which dealt with sci-fi/horror etc short stories, aim was to promote the up and coming talent that could'nt get a break elsewhere.


He paid a small fortune to advertise in UK magazines like:Sci-Fi Now, SFX etc, did a promo.Issue Zero to get people interested, launched Issue 1 at discount price of 99P for a 60 Page physical magazine and self-published 2,000 copies (i'd loathe to guess how many he's still sat on now).Plan was to discount issue 2, yet increase page count and offer it at £1.99 and start offering subscriptions for issue 3 etc.Hope was by Issue 3 there'd be enough advertisers on-board, shops stocking it to have it professionally printed.


He lost thousands on the project and i don't think i ever saw issue 3. Hard lesson learned well for him, it's a nightmare to keep costs down on projects like these in the UK.

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Also, only fair as someone who's had a v. small role in ST Gamer: My personal aim in articles i've helped with, was to deliver the content i'd simply not seen in magazines i'd been subscribing to for years (RG/Edge/Gamestm etc) when ever the ST was mentioned, hence i had a crack at Lost ST games that never seem to be mentioned, along with those that do crop up ( i love my 'what could of been...'when it comes to games, did a bit of Triva that put ST in a much fairer light than being constantly seen as the poor mans Amiga' and interview wise- mixed content with familar names whom i felt had to be included, with a few coders who never seemed to get coverage or if they did, it was very little and long ago, if any at all, interviews wise!.


Hopefully it'll go down well with the buying public and help convey the sense of VFM in Vol 1 and folks will feel they've got more bang per buck with ST Gamer (for ST coverage), than an entire years sub to a commercial magazine.

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