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Wanted: VTech V.Smile System (for my kid, her's died today)


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Not for me, I assure you :) My 4 year old had a second hand VTech V.Smile system and just got a handful of games for it from her Uncle for her 4th b-day yesterday. It is an older machine (circa 2009) but she loves it. But, it has been flakey and sometimes has issues powering on. Now, my wife emailed me and said it is not coming on at all...just a day after getting all of these games. Argh. I see them online for not too much, but figured I'd ask in here as maybe someone had one for their kid and he or she grew out of it. Anybody have one to part with for shipping cost or maybe a low fee and shipping cost?

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Yes, I bought one of these for my kids years ago and they also love it. The graphics and sounds are quite excellent, comprable to Sega Genesis / Super NES era style games. Just a bit of advice, my power button is also flakey as hell, it takes several tries to get it to power up and work properly. (this must be a common problem with these units) I have been quite busy as of late, but will eventually get around to opening it up to see what causes the power button to be so unreliable so I can repair or replace it.


Also, don't waste your time with the batteries. The game just kills them quick and they are a waste of time & money. Do yourself a favor and buy the AC adaptor. I did this from day one and that also helps alot.

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Thanks for the tips! I noticed the power button issue as well. This time however, it is completely dead. It might have been caused by using a 9V 500mA adapter (the unit recommends 300mA) as I did not have the original and had to use a universal....and that is all I had. It did work with this fine however for a very long time so I am not entirely sure if that was the cause of it.

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I have a pile of these....'V Tech', 'LeapFrog', 'Didji', etc. etc. We have been subconsciously hoarding them from the GoodWills and fleas over the years, it seems. (The dedicated handhelds, not the consoles that you'd hook up to a tv.)

I've got a pretty good pile of the various cartridges, as well - all shapes, sizes, and colors.



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Yeah the power adapter I bought for it is an original factory part. I purchased it maybe just a few days after I bought the system at the store. I don't think that slight difference between them would have caused it to kill the console though, but who knows.


And hey, for the guy above who posted about having lots of cartridges, can you post a list of which carts you have for the vsmile system? I would be interested in buying any cart that you have that I don't already have. Thanks!

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