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PRO(C) ATARI - new printed atari 8bit magazine


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I got my English version a few days ago. I really like it.


There is a whole different world out there that I didn't know about-- and can't access because I don't speak German. I was surprised to learn that there is a German magazine called Retro:




There's also this American "Retro" magazine that's just getting started:




Another retro German magazine that covers classic systems (reviewed in the 1'st issue of Pro © Atari) is called "Return:"




Nice issue. I hope that the magazine can continue!





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Hi there,


thank you for your support all the way in any way ... !!!

Sure, PRO© ATARI will continue.

Three more issues (so we got one year filled) is planned for sure.

Than we see where the journey goes to.

If there is a market and people show me they need PRO© ATARI I will continue.

Things look cool for the moment.


I also plan more projects and activities I will post in the forums and mail out to everyone bought PRO© ATARI. Also with supporting this projects you support the magazine too. Cos this is my hobby and as long I get my invested money back I have the will to continue. All takes a lot of time - but it is worth for every single feedback, even critics or just a thank you!



retro and return are two german magazines which already got a lot issues back! But as they are only written in german the market is here. For Return I also write some Atari related text. But at the end I like those mags as they support all systems. And a really great layoutet. Return magazine I also offer from now on on sale. So to order next time both magazines together (as there is than only one time postage) you can take a look into the well layoutet magazine. But just to see the great cover artwork from new Return Issue 17 is great, a formula one race with Commodore and Atari weapons. I post this cover here. And such great layoutet are the inner sides. So for you it is just to see the mag - but it is worth in my oppinion... Questions welcome - so do not hesitate to get in touch with me, also by email - no problem.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Just finished reading the first Pro© Magazine and wanted to say how much I enjoyed it... so I enjoyed it, A LOT!

I really liked the style and articles, particularly the coverage of gaming - this was one of the downsides of Page 6 for me. Reading reviews of some recent releases plus a few of your favourites and perhaps lesser known titles was nice, this will inspire me to check them out too. I also like the "Fixers Corner" where Andreas has a patched/improved version of an existing game :)


I know we get a lot of stuff here on the forum but it was cool to have a paper magazine again. Hopefully you will get enough support, especially for the English version (It's only 5 Euros guys) and can do a 2nd edition. Keep up the great work :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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  • 1 month later...

O.K. I buyed one from KAZ today - great magazine. One info - in magazine is link to zipped folfder to magazine disk image, But - it don't working :(

Marcus, my two cents:

1) use no rasterize font for magazine (now You has rasterize or RGB composite black print to magazine - instead of this use Black only)

2) please more pages ;)

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Hmmm strange,


just tested the download link for the disk-magazine and it worked. Unzipping the ZIP archive also worked. Booted the two 130k ATR images on the emulator and both seem to work fine... So, what`s the problem ?!?


The filename is proc01.zip where "proc" contains an "o" and "01" contains a zero, maybe you mistyped something ? Or did the ZIP archive not unzip ? Or were the ATR images somehow defective (non-bootable) ?!? On my PC everything worked fine. The ATR images contain a very old german gamedos (NDOS or Nano-DOS) without any floppy-speeder. You may boot the images (or disks) with or without Basic and they do work fine with the standard 800XL-OS. The last file on each disk/image is a text-file describing the software.



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sikor, sorry my fault!

I changed the directory on the FTP due my shop etc.

and forgot to put in the file there.

will do this NOW...!!!


so you can download...

I just tried it right now and now it works again!

sorry for this...


for the optic:

the second issue will containing all in one letter size and format. but still the headlines will be pixel ;)


this issue will kill, believe me...

more pages are not possible due cost...

and I think more pages will bring too much unnecessary things in.

but at the end I have to say: it makes more fun and there are more news than in the 90ies when I done my last atari magazine...


I got so much respond worldwide... it seems I do not do (except the entry words) no text myself... so much great things came up from all around, LOVE YOU GUYS!!! this will be killer...


expect it in july...!!!




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sikor, yes sure....

it was cool you report - so I can change the problem.

all with the magazine will be a progress.

so in one year it will look I think a bit different than nowadays...

all is a progress...


at the moment I am really happy about the situation and the texts coming up from everywhere...


I will start a new post with the new issue soon...

Also with other Atari related projects coming up!




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  • 3 weeks later...

I recieved my issue today. It is tons of fun! I really enjoyed it and will continue to purchase issues. I appreciate the work put into the magazine. Great work! And too bad Return magazine is German only. I would love to read it. Time to learn German?



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Markus sent me a copy of Return as a way of saying thanks for the translations. I have to say, it is a beautiful magazine. So even if you can't read German, it'd be worth getting hold of for the artwork.


Do you remember back in the 80s when you saw all the great artwork in the magazines, well, it is more up-to-date and even better quality than back then.


But if you have limited money, make sure you buy Pro© Atari first! :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

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