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Atari 800 XL runs on whale oil


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Ok... showing Atari 8bit is always cool. But... it's probably a culture difference, but... I really don't think this is funny.


Can some native Americans confirm that this is appreciated by a lot of people?


(Not that I can say that our Dutch broadcast 'funny' people are any better)

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Ok... showing Atari 8bit is always cool. But... it's probably a culture difference, but... I really don't think this is funny.


Can some native Americans confirm that this is appreciated by a lot of people?

Political satire has been popular in the US from our inception and the Colbert Report is currently about as good as it gets. The show has won several respectable awards. Many young people use political satire shows like Colbert for news as many "news" sources here are propaganda.


The bit satirized Americans' indignation of NSA spying on citizens while at the same buying more and more devices that broadcast every facet of our lives. Some people find it hilarious and thought provoking. Others are offended. Can't be political satire unless a bunch of people are offended.

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So we're the ones with the funny accents eh?!



miserable b£$%#%d$ not even letting us watch a miserable clip


I quite like Colbert, I watch a few (too many) US shows mainly because our TV is pretty dire... so more Atari, less TV is the perfect solution ;-)

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That's weird, must be UK only, I can watch it without problems from The Netherlands......and we live "under" a monarchy and have even funnier accents when speaking English.....but then again, we speak about 1000% more foreign languages than US people do.

Edited by Level42
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So we're the ones with the funny accents eh?!



miserable b£$%#%d$ not even letting us watch a miserable clip


I quite like Colbert, I watch a few (too many) US shows mainly because our TV is pretty dire... so more Atari, less TV is the perfect solution ;-)


I get a similar screen but being Canadian, it's due to our "overly polite attitudes". Yea, take your overly polite attitude and $%$# the &*^%#@ while buttering the $!@^&%3 before shoving it up your %$#

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I get a similar screen but being Canadian, it's due to our "overly polite attitudes". Yea, take your overly polite attitude and $%$# the &*^%#@ while buttering the $!@^&%3 before shoving it up your %$#



Overly polite attitudes? I was always assured by my mother that Canadians "are very rude"

He's obviously never met Mr.Amiga500 :P

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[NHL tangent]


Says the Maple Leafs fan.


At least my favourite team has won the cup since Atari was founded...




[/NHL tangent]


Oh yeah, let me tell you how long I've waited for a cup. See my L.A. Kings avatar? I made that with Datasoft's Micropainter on my 800 in 1983. Kings finally win Lord Stanley's Cup in 2012. That's a long wait!

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