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Help ID this 810 upgrade/mod


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So I picked up this 810 drive on ebay mainly because it was cheap and because it had 2 switches on it that I suspected might be a Happy or Archiver. While I know 1050's pretty well, I really don't have much experience with 810 drives. I took it apart and found the upgrades/mods shown below. The 810 side board has two chips that are completely epoxied over and a switch on the rear of the board that goes from R118 to R117 (Not the best pic, I know). The data seperator daughter board has epoxy on several of the chips which must have had super glue put on top because they were stuck to the shield. There are no added wires to the daughterboard which also has a © 1982 label from SSM Inc. The shield has a label which says "your personal code is 1109" and it was also epoxied shut on the tabs. Finally, there is a switch which goes to a potentiometer and then across R103 on the motherboard (which I believe would probably be some other type of mod, maybe for drive speed). Anyway, here's the pics. Any help would be appreciated.










Edited by cx2k
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I guess we can speculate... This is the same company involved in DOS. They helped make a ton of Apple stuff and may have also been involved in the developement of the 815. So could it be the double density multi i/o board that vaporized? A custom disk duplication/protection creator?

Edited by _The Doctor__
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Have you considered posting this at an Apple II forum since SSM was mainly known an an Apple developer? It's a long shot, but ...


Have you tried to boot from the drive, flipping the switches? Several folks tried to convert the 810 for DD, but I don't think that any were very successful.



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Have you considered posting this at an Apple II forum since SSM was mainly known an an Apple developer? It's a long shot, but ...


Have you tried to boot from the drive, flipping the switches? Several folks tried to convert the 810 for DD, but I don't think that any were very successful.



I haven't seen one, but some FAQs list the following:

810 Turbo (810T) by Neanderthal Computer Things (NCT) -- double-density,                track buffering, speed comparable to Happy 810 Warp Speed
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