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Ultimate 1 MB Use/Configuration Questions


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Didn't find a thread for this, so here is a place to ask questions and provide solutions about configuration issues with the Ultimate.


Here is my first:


I thought that the purpose of 4 Basic/Car slots was to be able to choose between 4 different carts? I flashed the AsmEd cart into CAR1 slot (leaving Basic undisturbed). I used FJC's UFLASH tool under Sparta to update that slot. But even if I select the AsmEd slot, Basic still comes up. Any thoughts about this? (BTW, I did re-flash the QMEG OS slot with Omnimon, and that works fine.)


I also presume that the Missile Command slot is not usable for anything on a regular XL/XE?


I also noticed that if the IDE+2 is set to UltraSpeed ON, and the High-Speed OS is chosen, MyDos cannot find DUP.SYS. No big deal -- one or the other has to be disabled, and then it works fine.


Last (for now!) -- what does the diagnostic rom slot do? When I activate the Diag. OS, it puts up three lines of ram info and makes a nice soft buzzing sound. Does it do anything else? Is there any problem with flashing that slot with something else, or not advisable?




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Haven't used mine in a while and haven't flashed anything onto it either...


Missile Command - that's a tricky one, as the XEGS in unique in that bit 6 of PORTB is used to enable that ROM, and in other configs it's either unassigned or part of the overall bank selection process for RAM.


Of course seeing that U1Meg is flexible in what it can do, theoretically anything is possible, e.g. other Roms instead of Basic or other Roms only instead of Missile Command and only in XEGS mode.


Probably Jon or candle could answer this properly - TBH I've not played around with U1M a great deal despite being one of the early adopters.

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Hi Larry,

You can replace the Diagnostic slot with any other OS Rom you would like..... I put MyBios 4.8.5 there for my personal use and MyIDE 2...


Asmedit: Always when changing slots (setup) use option 'S' to save the new configuration. Make sure it is Asmedit and not some other rom just misnamed.


Game slot: For me only river raid and Missile command have worked because I have patched roms suitable to put in the Basic slot on real hardware..


Xegs mode: Make sure jumper is in place .... and Like the Xegs SELECT RESET should start the game the slot is configured for. If in the BIOS configuration screen SELECT + 'C' I think the SpartaDos slot needs to be Disabled.

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In testing, my Atarimax Flash carts don't work with the Ultimate. The internal Basic in the Ult. takes over and the flash cart never comes up. Perhaps that is why the SIDE cart must appear as a PBI device or it also would not work? MyIDE-II cart works just fine with the Ult. Original MyIDE flash cart does not work at all.


Perhaps a useful option in the cart slots would "none" (disabled) then other flash carts might work? Possible?


@Roy- still no luck with AsmEd. It is a good image that I use to flash MyIDE-II carts. Works there fine. Do you know of an alternative method to flash those slots? I doubt if it is a UFLASH issue, but would not hurt to try another method?


@Ray- Yes this device is complicated enough that it deserved a user's manual. Maybe as a group we can put something useful together. You sure made a good start with the XE installation manual!



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In testing, my Atarimax Flash carts don't work with the Ultimate. The internal Basic in the Ult. takes over and the flash cart never comes up. Perhaps that is why the SIDE cart must appear as a PBI device or it also would not work? MyIDE-II cart works just fine with the Ult. Original MyIDE cart does not work at all.


Perhaps a useful option in the cart slots would "none" (disabled) then other flash carts might work? Possible?


@Roy- still no luck with AsmEd. It is a good image that I use to flash MyIDE-II carts. Works there fine. Do you know of an alternative method to flash those slots? I doubt if it is a UFLASH issue, but would not hurt to try another method?


@Ray- Yes this device is complicated enough that it deserved a user's manual. Maybe as a group we can put something useful together. You sure made a good start with the XE installation manual!




That is trange. In my U1MB setup everything works right. Both Original MyIDE + Flash, and home-brew MyIDE cart, and MyIDE ][ and AtariMax flash carts.


But: it is depending on which OS i have selected. The MyBIOS from Mr. Atari is good, but not Flashcards friendly. Can this be the case, that you did not select Default XL/XE OS?

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I also noticed that if the IDE+2 is set to UltraSpeed ON, and the High-Speed OS is chosen, MyDos cannot find DUP.SYS. No big deal -- one or the other has to be disabled, and then it works fine.

You do not need High-Speed OS with IDE+2.

When it is set to UltraSpeed ON, IDE+2 takes care about SIO UltraSpeed transmission with compatible drives transparently for OS.


I am dreaming about it being possible with Ultimate 1MB (SIDE probably won't be needed).

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That is strange. In my U1MB setup everything works right. Both Original MyIDE + Flash, and home-brew MyIDE cart, and MyIDE ][ and AtariMax flash carts.


But: it is depending on which OS i have selected. The MyBIOS from Mr. Atari is good, but not Flashcards friendly. Can this be the case, that you did not select Default XL/XE OS?


Hi Marius-


I have two original MyIDE flash carts (haven't tried the old internal non-flash versions). One is flashed with the old 3.5F and the other with the newest released MyBios -- 4.8? IN both cases, the green power LED never lights. These both work perfectly in a stock XL or XE. (They even work in the XL14 @ 7 MHz.) This is with stock OS and no expanded rom used.


Maybe when I flashed the AsmEd something bad happened? Maybe I need to re-flash the whole unit? Think I'll try that and see if it goes better.



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Hi Marius-


I have two original MyIDE flash carts (haven't tried the old internal non-flash versions). One is flashed with the old 3.5F and the other with the newest released MyBios -- 4.8? IN both cases, the green power LED never lights. These both work perfectly in a stock XL or XE. (They even work in the XL14 @ 7 MHz.) This is with stock OS and no expanded rom used.


Maybe when I flashed the AsmEd something bad happened? Maybe I need to re-flash the whole unit? Think I'll try that and see if it goes better.




A non flashing powerled is not related to U1MB, but to a +5V problem. As soon as the atari is powered the Powerled should go on, on your MyIDE. We are talking about MyIDE ONE right? Not MyIDE 2.


If your LED is not going on, there must be something seriously wrong. The fact that you have also problems with the Flashcarts is also a prove that there is something wrong. Are you 100% sure you did the resistor mod right?

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Hi Larry,


I read where you had flashed your U1MB with a V2 ROM, but I didn't see if you had upgraded the CPLD with the V2 JED?

Not sure if that is the problem or not, but thought I'd ask...




Hi Jay-


Nope. Had no idea that I needed to do that. Can it be done in place? How?



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Hi Jay-


Nope. Had no idea that I needed to do that. Can it be done in place? How?



You would need a JTAG Programmer similar to this one if you have an LPT port: eBay Auction -- Item Number: 3308292287481?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=330829228748&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER] or eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1807171509201?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=180717150920&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]

They make USB versions too, maybe someone else can chime in and direct you for a good one of those if you need that option.


And yes, they are connected to the U1MB and programmed with your A8 powered up...

Edited by AtariGeezer
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You would need a JTAG Programmer similar to this one if you have an LPT port: eBay Auction -- Item Number: 3308292287481?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=330829228748&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER] or eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1807171509201?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=180717150920&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]

They make USB versions too, maybe someone else can chime in and direct you for a good one of those if you need that option.


And yes, they are connected to the U1MB and programmed with your A8 powered up...

And also the Software program from xilinx.com Xilinx_LabTools and login required..

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A non flashing powerled is not related to U1MB, but to a +5V problem. As soon as the atari is powered the Powerled should go on, on your MyIDE. We are talking about MyIDE ONE right? Not MyIDE 2.


If your LED is not going on, there must be something seriously wrong. The fact that you have also problems with the Flashcarts is also a prove that there is something wrong. Are you 100% sure you did the resistor mod right?

99.99% sure. I have an adapter from Dropcheck. Regular carts work, MyIDE-II works. Original flashcarts and MyIDE-I don't work. The CPLD issue sounds more likely.



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You do not need High-Speed OS with IDE+2.




I am dreaming about it being possible with Ultimate 1MB (SIDE probably won't be needed).

I was thinking the other day about what else we could put into the Ultimate PBI BIOS, and high speed SIO was one of the things which crossed my mind. Quite doable, but perhaps not without support from a dedicated HDD options page in the Ultimate menu. Edited by flashjazzcat
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Small update... Until I can get the CPLD updated, I've re-flashed my Ultimate rom with V1 which I found here (Post #57, in case anyone else is looking for it):




Now the original MyIDE and flash carts work fine. One mystery solved!


Now to order a programmer...



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Small update... Until I can get the CPLD updated, I've re-flashed my Ultimate rom with V1 which I found here (Post #57, in case anyone else is looking for it):




Now the original MyIDE and flash carts work fine. One mystery solved!


Now to order a programmer...



If you order this one eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1807171509201?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=180717150920&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER], you'll need to make a cable using a 10 pin 2.5mm pitch header to a 2.0mm pitch header. The other one looks to have the correct cable...

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So that one that Larry just ordered is okay to update U1MB boards? I guess you stick all those colored little wires in the right places on the U1MB board?


If someone can confirm that, and also can confirm that this one works… I think I'll go for one too.




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It does not look like a 2.0mm Pitch cable to me. and the description on the Ebay listing did not give any Pitch size.. So even if the programmer will program okay you might still need to make a 10Pin cable that is 2.0mm pitch size.

Edited by rdea6
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Also Candle already stated that it didn't follow any std when making the JTAG pinout so you can't just use any ready made cable.


I managed to "force" the Dupont ends into the U1MB connector (it's a tight fit but it works) when I reprogrammed mine [multiple times to rule out I had a bad CPLD core] but then I bought a 10pin 2.00mm pitch header cable and once I have a little time I will build an adapter for my own usage .... I believe Candle is at work on an improvement for U1MB that requires JTAG programming, so it is not wasted effort.


I'm pretty sure Lotharek could whip up a little cable + board to convert the std Xilinx 14pin header cable or Dupont fly wires to the U1MB pinout and sell it for quite cheap, with the new U1MB that doesn't even have the headers soldered it will be even more challenging but no more than a 10 pin 2.00mm pitch header soldering away.

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It does not look like a 2.0mm Pitch cable to me. and the description on the Ebay listing did not give any Pitch size.. So even if the programmer will program okay you might still need to make a 10Pin cable that is 2.0mm pitch size.

Nope, no 2.0mm pitch header, but there is the colored wires that look like you can plug into the cable and the other ends that fit over the pins on the 2.0mm header...

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And this is what's puzzling to me: why there is no header soldered to the board.

Maybe so you can solder wires on the fly ... not sure it is any more convenient but it allows to have any cable soldered directly with much ease .... but soldering nonetheless.



Nope, no 2.0mm pitch header, but there is the colored wires that look like you can plug into the cable and the other ends that fit over the pins on the 2.0mm header...

It's a snug fit, mind you. You'll bend some pins as the Dupont ends are for 2.54mm pitch, in my case rather than hard plastic the Dupont wires end had a soft rubber cover which due to the tight fit I almost ripped open, hence the idea of building an adapter with a 2.00mm 10pin header connector cable.


I bought 2 for 1$ o something like that, shipped, just need to find the time to solder it to a perfboard and use a more commonly found 2.54mm header on the other side. I haven't decided what header type yet, a straight single line for the Dupont wires or a 14pin double line for the std xilinx cable .... will see what I have available when the time comes.

Edited by phoenixdownita
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