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WTB PS3 w/ PS2 Backward Compatibility


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My sons finally died so I'm looking to replace it with the same model but I would consider models without PS2 compatibility.


PM me if you have one for sale.

You know, mine died too recently and I only played it like twice a week or less, so in my opinion it's better to get the slim PS3 and a used clean PS2. I'll bet that the replacement you are planning to get will die eventually anyway.

Good luck.

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Those launch PS3's are fragile beasts. Mine died on me when playing FF XIII and I had to pay an arm and a leg for Sony to fix it (they wanted to give me a non-BC one and I said no). I keep wondering if mine is on borrowed time.

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I have a launch hardware BC one that for the grace of god hasn't shat out on me yet, but I also have one of the emulated support ones and it plays all the same, I even had a modded slim for a while which was modded to play ps1 games, so the software to emulate it still on them, its just turned off, which is super shitty.

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I used to want one, as well. Then, I figured how many PS2s I already own, how many PS2s that work perfectly that I can purchase for CHEAP, and how *utterly ridiculous* the prices are for backwards-compatible PS3s that are just going to break down and end up and multi-hundred-dollar pieces of shit. I then recalled all the PS2s I own, and the CHEAP PS3s that can be purchased (and replaced) BRAND NEW, and I suggest that path. There's no more unreliable, simultaneous RIP-OFF as a backwards-compatible PS3. Even if I were to procure one (I can, but I am unwilling), it would be so expensive (and thus preciously-expensive) that I'd be reluctant to wear it out [prematurely] by consuming its MTBF by requiring it to function as a common, lowly PS2. For that duty, I can get a PS2 from a thrift store for $10. So, may as well get a PS3 that's not backward-compatible, and I can get a brand new one cheap. So that's what I did, and what I recommend, but if money's no object, I'd fill a room with 60GB backward-compatible launch models and use them to play games, function as firewood, and light cigars. But that's just me. I make-do with el-cheapo versions of everything, and I never feel guilty for "consuming" those cheapies. Silly me! Each to his/her own!

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If I might ask, what does a used launch-style PS3 usually go for these days? I still have mine hooked up and working fine, but I really haven't used it much all these years.

I'm not sure, I haven't looked into a used one until now but I'm curious as well, I'm guessing in the $100 range but I could be way off.
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