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MAME Machines


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About a year ago I picked up an old Zoo Keeper cabinet from a friend that had been gutted (sadly) and turned into a JAMMA Arch Rivals (Dear God Why!?!?). I spefically picked it up with intentions of turning it into a MAME Machine someday, but got distracted by something shiny (as usual) and forgot about it. Well this summer I've decided that I'm finally going to do something with it, but I need information.


I'vew been searching the net for a good page on making a MAME Machine, but everyone seems to have their own ideas on how to got about it. I was wondering if anyone here has built one, and which design they think is the best. I'd like it to be able to play as many games as possible, so that means I'll have to have a trackball, spinner, six buttons (possibly only two if I forsake the Neo Geo fighting games), etc. etc. Is there a place that I can get a pre-drilled control panel and add my own components or is this a make your own? Right now mine has two joysticks with three buttons a piece (I think there may be a fourth hole drilled), and two start buttons. Since it was an Arch Rivals machine I think it might have those strange optical sticks, so I'd probably have to replace those.


I guess my biggest questions are:


1. How fast of a computer do I need?

2. Should I use an Arcade montior or a Computer Monitor?

3. How big of a monitor should I use?

4. How do I handle Vertical vs. Horizontal montior games?

5. How do I get the max number of controls for games without a cluttered control panel?

6. How do I handle input into MAME for non-game stuff like program setup? An external keypad perhaps?



Any help you guys could give would be appreciated. I've always wanted a MAME machine, and this summer I might actually have the time to do it.



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You may want to consider a 27" TV with Svideo input and use a PC card with Svideo output, it'll be a LOT cheaper then an arcade monitor.


There are a ton of MAME sites out there, most modern PC's will do a fine job, heck you can pick up a cheapo 1+ GHz system with 128MB-256MB ram and a 40gb HD for like $200 give or take, so getting the PC H/W is no be deal.


I would make sure to get a good Audio output card or a m/b with good output and invest in putting in a nice audio AMP with some JBL's or other good set of speakers for some kicking sound...




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Somehow I don't think a 27" TV woudl fit in my cabinet, wouldn't that be huge? I have a 19" (I think) Wells-Gardner montior that can with the machine, but it needs a new Cap kit to work. I was thinking of using a 21" computer montior. Is there an advantage to using an original arcade monitor vs. a computer monitor vs. a TV?



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I would happily do the cap kit for you on that monitor, if you decide to go that way. The Zookeeper cab will really only take a 19, due to the wierd angle of the tube against the back door. Curt is right about the computer, though.


As for vert/horizontal, you can configure that in mame, and it will let you play it with bars on either side. For me, building the game was easy.....getting the software was the pain.


I built a Star Wars MAME (the cab was already gutted, sadly) and it played SW, ESB and ROTJ FLAWLESSLY! Even had an intro screen that said Welcome Jedi, choose your game and you could use the controls to select which game to play.


Dont give up hope. I got all the stuff locally, more or less. Between Curt and me, we should be able to get you straight. Let's talk in Philly (if you bring that chassis, I will cap it for you...:) )

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As for vert/horizontal, you can configure that in mame, and it will let you play it with bars on either side. For me, building the game was easy.....getting the software was the pain.


But if I play a vertical game on a horizontal montior won't I only be getting 12" top to bottom? Won't that serious squish the image or do you just not ntoice it? Are most of the classic games vert or horz (or is it 50-50)?


I would happily do the cap kit for you on that monitor, if you decide to go that way.


Haha... I'll just stick the monitor in my suitcase and bring it along, no problem. :D Seriously though, just being showed what to do would be greatly appreciated (those capacitors scare me). Would it just be easier to stick a 19" computer monitor in the machine? That way I could play vector games too right (and no messy Cap kits).


The Zookeeper cab will really only take a 19, due to the wierd angle of the tube against the back door. Curt is right about the computer, though


Hmm... So is this not a good cab to use then? Would a 19" computer montior fit in it? It never occured to me that it might be an odd shape.



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im building my mame cabinet from scratch.

im making it a cocktail table with 6 buttons each.


im focusing on the older games like frogger, the pac series, galaga, etc...and it seems most of those are vertical.

im going to use the i-pac to control nearly everything for the cabinet.

I got lucky and happ controls was having a half price sale on the buttons and joysticks one day, so i jumped on that deal like a lion eating a horsehead at a zoo.

i havent started building my cabinet yet, and i dont know what im doing about the monitor, im trying to get everything and get it working before i start building.....money always finds a way of stopping me though :)

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Cabinet is fine. The monitor has a removeable chassis that you can put in a box. I can only imagine the looks you would get if you were carrying that entire thing on the plane!!!!

I would be glad to show you what to do. If you tell me what monitor you have, I will bring you the cap kit at the show....



I used a 19 inch svga monitor that mounted in the game the same way that an arcade monitor did. Many of the new golf games use a PC base as the "board", and these monitors mount just like arcade ones (metal frame with tabs around the outside). I just checked ebay, and there are none out there like this right now.


Dont give up hope. It can be done, and is super fun to do.



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Actually I'm not so sure I want to use that Zookeeper cab now. I was looking at the control panel and it does look quite small, plus being limited to a 19" monitor kinda sucks (although with classic games it really doesn't matter). Plus it may be my imagination but I swear that cab is low to the ground (I hate bending over too much).


I was thinking about looking in my area (SE Michigan) for an old Street Fighter vs X-Men or Captain America and the Avengers cab because they had wide control panels and big monitors (25" I believe). With a 25" monitor the vertical games wont look so squished even if the montior stays horizontal.


I wanted to put two 8-way sticks with 6 fire buttons a piece, a track ball (in the center) and possbly a spinner in the top center on the panel. I don't think all that would fit on a Zookeeper/Arch Rivals control panel.



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@Tempest -


I've just gotten into converting a 19" vertical cab into a MAME machine. This is my first project, but I'd be willing to give (and take) any advice.


For starters, here is a great site: http://www.arcadecontrols.com/arcade.htm with over 600 examples, how-to and a friendly message board.


Here is what I'm working with so far:


- 1.1 GHz PC, 500 Meg RAM, 4 Gig HD (www.pricewatch.com) ~$175

- KeyWiz advanced encoder ~$40

- Happ buttons, 2x J-Sticks (www.happcontrols.com) ~$50

- Andy's VGA card -- PC->VGA (www.ultimarc.com) ~100

- Trackball hack

- MAME 32


This and a fair amount of time and luck should give me a working box I've been told.


@Cassidy -


It looks like you have some experience with monitors (SpaceWar didn't rebuild itself, I'm guessing :)). If I've left mine unplugged for 2-plus weeks, should I try to get under the suction cup and discharge it, or is it fairly safe to tool around back there? How about immediately after testing it?

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You questioned whether it is safe to poke around the back of a monitor. Im my opinion NO. Unless you have experience with computer monitors or tvs. CRT's can build up charges just sitting there unplugged. If you have a good electronics store near you see if they carry a discharge tool, you connect one end to metal of the crt and the other end is pointed to slip under the suction cup. I used to work on old Apple monitors and some of the power supply boards for the monitors would hold charges for weeks the caps would just not discharge. I know i got the charge a few times. Thats why as you can see by me aviatar my hair turned red :D

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