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PSX controller to Atari 7800/2600


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PS controllers operate by a processor inside the controller and uses serial communication to/from the console.


There are adaptors around that use microcontroller to allow them to be used on computers which have Atari type ports.

Cost - unsure but probably around the $25-$35 range, they've cropped up on eBay as well as being sold from private sites.


Alternative could be to rewire the controller itself to make it Atari-compatible. Likely need some modification of the board, take the chip out of the loop, modify so button/directions connect to ground like on Atari. Extra button for 7800 would need the circuitry added for that, probably just a resistor or 2.

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Assuming the construction is similar to that of the PS2 Dualshock controllers your best and easiest solution would be to remover the original cable and wire directly to the PCB, if it has the analogue sticks then you should separate the two PCBs by pulling the flexible circuit cable that links the two out of its connector and throw away the main PCB.


As Rybags mentioned the PlayStation controllers use a serial bus, you can find some information on reading PlayStation controllers on the web but it is bitty and not entirely accurate and even then the controllers are built in two different factories (at least the Dualshocks are as indicate by an A or H on the underside) and for some reason they are slightly different, unfortunately that slight difference is enough that unless you get the interface spot on you will only be able to read either the A or H but not both.

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What about taking an SNES controller extension cable and splicing it to an Atari controller extension cable? Would that work? I'm just trying to figure out a cheap way to get another controller to work on my 7800. I don't need 2 buttons to work, because I don't have any games that require 2 buttons. I have an extension cable for a playstation and an snes. If this would work, I could just buy an extension cable for the Atari and splice it to the SNES extension cable. Actually, I have several Atari joysticks, and I could use the cord from one of those if it will work.

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I'd just buy the adapter that theloon recommended. I bought one, and it works just fine. Less than $30 shipped, IIRC. Much better investment than gambling on other controllers you might not like. Upside is that you can use the PS controllers on SMS and Genesis if you decide to go that route.

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  • 1 month later...

Would it be possible to take an extension cable for a Playstation controller and an extension cable for an Atari 7800/2600 joystick and splice them together so the Playstation controller will work on the Atari 7800/2600?


I don't know about splicing them, but it is possible to make an adapter. I bought a couple from someone years back. Wish I could refer you to them, but it was a long time ago..

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