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The Official NEO-GEO Thread!

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#山の日 専属祝日限定コードを用意しました! \ コード:20230811 コードの使用期限:2023年8月11日(金)0:00-2023年8月17日(木)0:00 ※専属ギフトコードは1回のみ使用できます ※下記のページで入力してください: https://kof98.fingerfun.co.jp/t2/166/3034.html #KOF98UMOL #KOF #山の日
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/ #山の日 We have prepared a special holiday limited code! \ Code: 20230811 Code expiration date: August 11, 2023 (Friday) 0:00-August 17, 2023 (Thursday) 0:00 ※ The exclusive gift code can only be used once ※ Please fill out the following page: https://kof98.fingerfun.co.jp/t2/166/3034.html #KOF98UMOL #KOF #山の日



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Hi guys,

【月末キャラ】予想キャンペーン 8月の月末限定キャラを予想し、 ひとり1回までコメント欄でご返信してください。 正解者から3名様に600ダイヤをプレゼントします! イベント期間:2023年8月14日(月)17:00まで ※8月31日に報酬を配布する予定です。 #KOF98UMOL #KOF
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[End of the month character] Anticipation campaign Anticipating the limited character at the end of August, Please reply in the comments section once per person. We will present 600 diamonds to 3 people from the correct answer! Event period: Until 17:00 on Monday, August 14, 2023 ※ We plan to distribute the rewards on August 31st. #KOF98UMOL #KOF



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This review is so unfair, the controller is perfect but he for some reason expected it to work on the Analogue Pocket and on the Nintendo Switch, even though it isn't advertised. The only valid criticism is that it doesn't work on the Arcade Stick Pro. As for the Nintendo Switch, isn't there an official NG Mini adapter? I remember it but it appears it isn't on stock. Also, does anyone think 8BitDo is going to make a DB15 dongle to use on the AES, the CD and Jamma arcades? It probably wouldn't be SNK branded though.

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3 hours ago, M-S said:

This review is so unfair, the controller is perfect but he for some reason expected it to work on the Analogue Pocket and on the Nintendo Switch, even though it isn't advertised. The only valid criticism is that it doesn't work on the Arcade Stick Pro. As for the Nintendo Switch, isn't there an official NG Mini adapter? I remember it but it appears it isn't on stock. Also, does anyone think 8BitDo is going to make a DB15 dongle to use on the AES, the CD and Jamma arcades? It probably wouldn't be SNK branded though.

I feel the same way M-S. A shame that it doesn't work on the Arcade Stick Pro, but works on the Neo Geo Mini which is fine with me. Maybe if they do updates towards the controller that will take care of the problem. But judging from the video, the controller is quite responsive and plays like I thought it would. Just don't like that switch in the middle of the back of it through. To me, I have big fingers and would interfere with me personally. 


I was thinking about that the other day similar of the DB15 on the Neo-Geo AES M-S. I think it could be a possibility if the demand is there. Who knows. Hopefully it will. :)


Thank you for posting the video and looking out for us M-S. We appreciate it bro.  :thumbsup: :).




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6 hours ago, SlidellMan said:

Sega Lord X on the Neo Geo CDZ:

Am I the only one who thinks that the CDZ could have used a few more exclusives back in the day?

Great video this is. Thank you for sharing it with us Shane. My problem really with the CDZ is that it actually overheated on me. It's a cool looking unit, but after that issue, I went back to my black top loader that I started my Neo-Geo collection endeavors. Since then, it's been sitting in my closet for years. 



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5 hours ago, Charlie Cat said:

Ah, so it does work on the Switch and Analogue Pocket......But!

It's a "bit but" (😅) though, imho. I don't mind the fact it uses a beta firmware since it will change eventually, but another USB adapter than the one included with the controller... 😬

Why can't we update the firmware for the USB dongle?

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53 minutes ago, roots.genoa said:

It's a "bit but" (😅) though, imho. I don't mind the fact it uses a beta firmware since it will change eventually, but another USB adapter than the one included with the controller... 😬

Why can't we update the firmware for the USB dongle?

Good question roots. Maybe we could ask 8bitdo about this and see what they have to say about it. :)



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Hi guys,

【7周年カウントダウン】 8/15~8/17 三日連続 毎日抽選で3名様に1000円分アマギフをプレゼント! ▼s募方法 1. をフォロー 2.この投稿をRT 1日目〆:8月17日12:00 #KOF98UMOL #KOF #7周年 #カウントダウン #アマギフ #抽選
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[7th anniversary countdown] 8/15-8/17 3 people will be given a 1,000 yen Amagif by lottery every day for 3 consecutive days! ▼ How to apply 1. Follow 2. RT this post Day 1 closing: 12:00 on August 17th #KOF98UMOL #KOF #7周年 #カウントダウン #アマギフ #抽選



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Hi guys,


【7周年カウントダウン】 8/15~8/17 三日連続 毎日抽選で3名様に1000円分アマギフをプレゼント! ▼s募方法 1. をフォロー 2.この投稿をRT 2日目〆:8月17日24:00 #KOF98UMOL #KOF #7周年 #カウントダウン #アマギフ #抽選
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[7th anniversary countdown] 8/15-8/17 3 people will be given a 1,000 yen Amagif by lottery every day for 3 consecutive days! ▼ How to apply 1. Follow 2. RT this post 2nd day deadline: 24:00 on August 17th #KOF98UMOL #KOF #7周年 #カウントダウン #アマギフ #抽選



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Hi guys,

【月末キャラ】 8月の月末限定キャラは一体誰なのか!?その答えは... #KOF98UMOL #KOF
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[End of month character] Who is the character limited to the end of August? ? The answer is... #KOF98UMOL #KOF



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There's no way that a controller can work on all current systems, if there was there would be all-in-one controllers that would work on Xbox, Playstation and Nintendo out of the box already, the only way to do it is by using dongles that can change their own frequencies like the Ultimate one. The disadvantage is that it goes from Bluetooth to wired, not 2.4 GHz so there's more latency. But even then, has anyone tried using a BlueRetro adapter to play on a Neo Geo? I saw this video where the person plugs the dongle on a consolized MVS with USB ports but it doesn't work, so he uses it to play KOF 98 on a Dreamcast instead, he said he's building a cable for DB15 but there are already diagrams on the internet so everyone can build one already. 


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2 hours ago, M-S said:

There's no way that a controller can work on all current systems, if there was there would be all-in-one controllers that would work on Xbox, Playstation and Nintendo out of the box already, the only way to do it is by using dongles that can change their own frequencies like the Ultimate one. The disadvantage is that it goes from Bluetooth to wired, not 2.4 GHz so there's more latency. But even then, has anyone tried using a BlueRetro adapter to play on a Neo Geo? I saw this video where the person plugs the dongle on a consolized MVS with USB ports but it doesn't work, so he uses it to play KOF 98 on a Dreamcast instead, he said he's building a cable for DB15 but there are already diagrams on the internet so everyone can build one already. 


This really is a fantastic video to see M-S. I had to change the settings to read it in English, but this gentleman knows what's he's doing and talking about. Making a cable from the ground up is going to be really cool to see. I'll be glad to buy one from him if he's interest on doing so. :)



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On 8/15/2023 at 10:17 PM, M-S said:

This review is so unfair, the controller is perfect but he for some reason expected it to work on the Analogue Pocket and on the Nintendo Switch, even though it isn't advertised. The only valid criticism is that it doesn't work on the Arcade Stick Pro. As for the Nintendo Switch, isn't there an official NG Mini adapter? I remember it but it appears it isn't on stock. Also, does anyone think 8BitDo is going to make a DB15 dongle to use on the AES, the CD and Jamma arcades? It probably wouldn't be SNK branded though.

I think his review was fine. He wasn't demonizing the controller, he was just disappointed it wasn't as compatible as he expected it to be. Sure, it's not advertised to work on the Switch, but it's not unreasonable to think it would considering nearly every other 8bitdo controller does. It's a weird design decision to severely limit the devices it functions on.


I might pick one up since it apparently works on the MiSTer. I'd grab one in a heartbeat if they had a 2.4ghz adapter to work with the AES/CD systems. Controllers for those are stupid expensive now and they're not going to last forever either.


*Edit: Apparently you can get it to work on the Switch if you have 8bitdo's wireless USB adapter, along with updating the firmware those devices. Kind of a wonky workaround, but it functions: 


Edited by Austin
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