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The Official NEO-GEO Thread!

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Hi guys,


  1. 【SECRET REPORT#097】 ギースといえば白い胴着と赤い袴。スーツ姿も似合っていましたが、やはりこの姿が印象的な方が多いのではないでしょうか。若い頃には髪を伸ばして洋装をしている時期もあったとか。 #キミヒロ #キミヒロSRpic.twitter.com/gs84entWRI

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    [#097 SECRET REPORT: speaking of geese and white bodice and Red trousers. Mesquita was dressed in the suit, but still this form often more impressive is not it. It was also stretched hair when we were younger, Western. #キミヒロ #キミヒロSR




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Hi guys,


  1. 【MSA お知らせ】 1月25日(木)までイベントクランクが開放!イベントクランクからは「モーデン軍」ユニットが出現します! #MSA http://game.snk-corp.co.jp/official/metalslug_attack/news/20180122_02y9g8t.html pic.twitter.com/VnXRQQqYZD

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    [MSA News: 1/25 (Thursday) up opens event crank! Morden's army unit will emerge from the event crank! http://game.snk-corp.co.jp/official/metalslug_attack/news/20180122_02y9g8t.html #ttps://t.co/cj9D9pKgIO




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Hi guys,


This morning were with Cerberus LetsPlay. Here we see the kind sir playing Mutation Nation. Now Cerberus never played this game before. So let's have a look and see him in action, while discussing it shall we? :)


From the description,

" Mutation Nation is a beat 'em up arcade game that was developed and released by SNK for the Neo Geo Japanese arcade and home systems in 1992 while the English versions were released in 1992."




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I'm gonna go lift weights to it right now :). Then I can be a younger Terry Bogard WITH muscle! I just need the ponytail, hat, and star on my jacket :)

Speaking of which.


  1. Terry Bogard approves of this #cosplay cosplayer // @chrismason316 MUA // @charbmua photographer // @laughingorchttp://ift.tt/2yrAP0e pic.twitter.com/rfqBleTwHT



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Let's not forget the ladies bro. :-D



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Let's not forget the ladies bro. :-D



This one's my favorite. I need a woman like this XD. Actually, my favorite female SNK fighter is not Mai or Blue Mary like most people, but Yuri Sakazaki.


I'm gonna try to find a Fatal Fury hat soon and maybe a more authentic jacket.

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Hi guys,


  1. Undo
  2. SNKヒロインズの最新スクリーンショットを紹介! #SNK #SNKヒロインズ #SNKHEROINESpic.twitter.com/ZwO0wZTtjs

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    Introducing the latest screenshot of the SNK heroines! #SNK #SNKヒロインズ #SNKHEROINES




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Hi guys,


  1. 【祈願の樹】 願えを叶える祈願の樹が現れました! 願いをかけるとお気に入りの格闘家破片とグルメが入手できますよ。 ほしい格闘家破片やグルメを獲得するチャンス、ぜひご活用ください。 イベント期間: 2018年1月24日5時-2018年1月26日5時 #KOF98UMOLpic.twitter.com/p92sGbAj4r

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    願e [tree of prayer: prayer fulfill Hiroki has appeared! You can get your favorite martial artist pieces and gourmet and you wish. Chance to win I want martial debris and gourmet guests. Event duration: 1/24/2018: 5 - 1/26/2018 5:00 #KOF98UMOL




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Hi guys,


  1. 【予告】【ラッキールーレット】 明日25日AM5時から、ラッキールーレットが開催されます! ラッキールーレットを回すと、オロチのST魂の破片とほかのアイテムが入手可能!また、ラッキールーレットでイベントアイテム「幸運の水晶」が獲得できます! お楽しみに! #KOF98UMOLpic.twitter.com/l36j9A3hVB

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    [Notice] [Lucky roulette] tomorrow from AM5: lucky roulette will be held 25! Turn the lucky Roulette and Orochi ST soul fragments and other items are available! Also, at lucky roulette earn Crystal a fortunate event item! Please look forward to! #KOF98UMOL




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Hi guys,


Today were with Gamer Geek World. Here we see the gentleman playing Nightmare in the Dark for the Neo-Geo. Glad that the kind sir enjoyed this gem of a title, and we can't blame him for doing so. Enjoy. :)


From the description,

"love this game only stumbled across it by accident the other day.. would highly recommend... and always remember minge,clunge and tits ftw all day long...."




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Hey folks. Another NEO GEO review; this is SAVAGE REIGN. I love the presentation of this game and the characters. The novelty of being able to jump into and interact with the background is also kind of interesting. There's just so many moves involving said background to remember that it's a bit much to process, but it's still well worth tinkering with in this cool vs. fighting game.

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From You-tuber Aloha Trav, You know Geese is badass when he steals the thunder from Trunks of DBZ




Just sad their hasn't been a Fatal Fury game for 13 years now, since that is the main Universe King of Fighter tournament game

Why did they stop Fatal Fury? Did they feel like there was no reason to keep it going with KOF? Fatal Fury and KOF are quite different so I wish they could've continued the series.
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Why did they stop Fatal Fury? Did they feel like there was no reason to keep it going with KOF? Fatal Fury and KOF are quite different so I wish they could've continued the series.

1. A lot of the Art of Fighting/Fatal Fury team left to form DIMPS, and Playmore had a vastly smaller staff then SNK

2. Playmore loved reusing SNK's old art assets, and basically wanted to re used as much Art Asset created for as many games as possible.

The look of KoF and FF is different;


Hence the reason they created spinoffs of KoF such as NeoGeo Battle Coliseum instead

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fdurso224 was kind enough to point me towards a broken AES to add to my ever expanding hardware. He thought it would be a good idea for me to share the repairs and the story with everyone.


The unit itself is in pretty good shape. It came from a Japanese seller with missing sprites but showing a blue diagnostic screen. Upon receiving it I was able to confirm that it was in the exact condition the seller pointed out.


Whenever I have systems like this come in for repair I like to see the issue and then open the console up and see if it has ever been tampered with. In this case it had not ever been opened before and did not show any obvious signs of damage. So no blown caps, obviously damaged traces or broken components.


The first step after board inspection is to do the "flex" test. Basically for those not aware, this is literally going around the board while it is powered on and just pressing on chips and tracks of traces. This will help point out broken solder joints and broken traces. In this case, again there was nothing obvious.


The next step is to remove the BIOS chip and install a socket. The reason for this is to be able to swap BIOS whenever needed and in this case to install a Diagnostic BIOS. The Diagnostic BIOS returned no errors, so next up was to run the Universe BIOS tests. Again no issues. I didn't expect these to show anything, but it's still a good test.


So the next part is where things become interesting. Since this was to be my personal console, I decided to pull all of the RAM and buffer chips that we have seen fail frequently and socket these as well. While doing this, I did find a few corroded traces which I installed jumper wires for, but this did not correct the issue. I also installed known good chips to verify that the issues were not with any of these chips.


At this point ruling out the more common chips, it was time to focus on the custom chips. The Neo-B1 handles the sprite layers as sent from the cart. Before checking traces, I went ahead and reflowed the Neo-B1. This doesn't take very long and will help me if I end up having to remove the chip later. The reflow did not fix the issue either. However it did help enable me to drive the sprite layers as I saw fit. This showed me that I could alter the errors being seen on screen. From this point I had to follow traces from the GAD0-3 and GBD0-3 pins on the cart connector to the Neo-B1.


Now, this is not the only way to test these, but I do not have a scope in my shop right now and I had to buy a new logic probe which will be here tomorrow, so I was doing this solely with a multimeter. After testing each pin to see if I was getting continuity from the cart slot to the Neo-B1 I found the GBD3, the last one of course, did not have continuity. From this point it was a matter of following the trace to determine where the break was. Many people would just run a new wire from the cart slot to the Neo-B1 and that's ok. However my goal was to keep this as OEM in appearance as possible while also keeping any jumper wires as short as possible and crossing as few components as possible, to minimize interference.


After following the trace I found the break was actually underneath the Neo-B1 itself. How this broke, I have no idea. Despite having the equipment to remove the Neo-B1 and repair the trace, I made the decision to use a jumper wire instead of taking the risk of removing the chip and potentially causing additional damage, keep in mind the Neo-B1 is a QFP160 package.


After adding the jumper wire, everything was perfect. At this point, the console is good but I am going to replace all of the capacitors since they are TK brand. I also cut the traces running under the crystal to minimize jailbars and I will be installing a new RGB amplifier soon.


I know this was a long read, but fdurso224 and I discussed putting the entire story out there for you all to read. I do have a few more broken NeoGeo consoles coming my way for repairs, so if you would like to see or hear more about repairs let me know and/or check out my website. The pictures are large because I take high quality pictures of everything I work on. Also I need to make better labels for UniBios, but please note that the UniBios I am using is authentic. I have permission from Razoola to purchase and burn my own UniBios chips for installations. I cannot sell the chips outright without an install however.























Awesome job!!!! =D

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