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The Official NEO-GEO Thread!

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9 hours ago, Hwlngmad said:

Wow!  That is pretty cool.  However, I have only played the tile clearing Mahjong game Shanghai (and various clones of the concept), but never the actual game.  Still, this is pretty nifty and it has been nice to explore the Neo Geo more as it was something I remember reading about and seeing just once in person back when I was a kid.  Definitely I dig the console a lot, that's for certain.

Interesting to know Hwling. Me too. I play the tile clearing versions of Mahjong a lot of Facebook games. 8^)  Glad you like this controller. I've been trying to purchase one for years at the right price. They go for good money and quite uncommon these days too. 



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Any of you have a feeling one way or the other on Shanghai Mini for the nGPC?


How about the different variants of Picture Puzzle (it's picross) between the US and JP having their own entire map sets?


And did anyone ever yet leak that early beta/alpha of Magician Lord 2 for the NGPC that was in development after that video dropped?



I've been considering maybe getting just a couple more games for the little handheld, still debating chop shopping my nice handheld with that drop in LCD.

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Hi guys,

【お知らせ】オンラインにて初級者大会が開催されます。ぜひご参加ください! #SNK #SAMURAISPIRITS #サムスピ #週末大会 https://twitter.com/vsnetinfo/status/1268021964938964992 https://vs.netgamers.jp/blog/?p=4855
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Quote Tweet
· Jun 2
週末大会情報局: 第8回 サムスピ初級者大会 開催告知 https://bit.ly/2zVFmNx #週末大会 #サムスピ #サムライスピリッツ
7:34 AM · Jun 3, 2020


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Hi guys,

【お知らせ】オンラインにて九州在住者限定大会が開催されます。ぜひご参加ください! #SNK #SAMURAISPIRITS #サムスピ #ヒムスピ
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[Notice] The Kyushu residents limited competition will be held online. Please join us! #SNK#SAMURAISPIRITS#サムスピ #ヒムスピ
7:37 AM · Jun 3, 2020·


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Hi guys,

#サムコレ サウンド開発小話】 「SAMURAI SPIRITS(2019)」のサウンドディレクターが振り返る、サウンド開発小話! 今回は、剣を極めし独眼竜『柳生十兵衛』! 動画では旧BGM「竹林」から新BGM「竹林の里」に切り替わりますので、是非聞き比べてみてください! https://snk-corp.co.jp/official/ssngc/
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[ #サムコレ Sound development story] Sound development story that the sound director of "SAMURAI SPIRITS (2019)" looks back on! This time, with a sword, the single-eyed dragon "Yagyu Jubei"! In the video, the old BGM "Bamboo Forest" will be switched to the new BGM "Bamboo Forest Village", so please compare them! https://snk-corp.co.jp/official/ssngc/



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Hi guys,

フッ、どうやら第一波はおさまりつつあるようだな…。 だが、完全に収束したと思い込んでいる不届き者も多いようだ。 理解が足りぬ輩には、痛い褒美が必要だな。 #StayHome
#餓狼伝説 #龍虎の拳
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Hmm, apparently the first wave seems to be subsiding... However, it seems that many people do not believe that they have completely converged. Those who lack understanding need a painful reward. #StayHome
#餓狼伝説 #龍虎の拳
2:04 AM · Jun 3, 2020·


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Hi guys,

本日『THE KING OF FANTASY 八神庵の異世界無双 月を見るたび思い出せ!』(原作:天河信彦先生) 単行本1巻発売です https://kadokawa.co.jp/product/322002000619 発売記念イラスト描かせていただきました https://comic-walker.com/contents/detail/KDCW_MF09000003010000_68/…… https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/comic/44750 原作小説2巻は明日発売です よろしくお願いいたします!
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Today, whenever you see "THE KING OF FANTASY Yagami Ian, another world Musougetsu, remember!" 』(Original: Professor Nobuhiko Tenkawa) Volume 1 book is on sale https://kadokawa.co.jp/product/322002000619 I drew a release memorial illustration https://comic-walker.com/contents/detail/KDCW_MF09000003010000_68/ ...... https://seiga.nicovideo.jp/comic/44750 Volume 2 of the original novel will be released tomorrow Thank you!
1:41 AM · Jun 4, 2020


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Hi guys,

【1話まるごと試し読み】ヒューコミックスが6月4日に創刊!第1弾タイトルから、異世界に転移した「KOF」の八神庵を描く物語「THE KING OF FANTASY 八神庵の異世界無双 月を見るたび思い出せ!」を読む! https://natalie.mu/comic/comic_trial/comic-hu1
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[Full story trial reading] Hugh Comics first issue on June 4! From the first title, read the story "THE KING OF FANTASY Yagami-an other world warriors!" https://natalie.mu/comic/comic_trial/comic-hu1
11:00 PM · Jun 3, 2020·


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Hi guys,


Back with RockstarRunner7. Here we see the kind sir receiving his Kraut Buster AES CE edition in the mail. WOW. That's nice. 8^)


From the description,

"Five Years! But I'm a patient man, and it's finally here, NG:Dev.Team's Kraut Buster AES C.E."





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Hi guys,

Pix'n Love and SNK thank you for your support and the exceptional welcome you have given to the SAMURAI SHODOWN NEOGEO COLLECTION Collector's Edition! If you hesitated, a few dozen units are still available on
1:03 PM · Jun 4, 2020


Edited by fdurso224
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Hi guys,

[ANNOUNCEMENT] An update is scheduled for smartphone games "KOF-i 2012" and "KOF-A 2012" on June 9th(PDT). This update fixes issues with the games makes them compatible with newer versions of iOS/Android. *Currently no updates are planned for KOF-i 2012(F)/A 2012(F). #SNK #KOF


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Hi guys,

【ガチャ】 6月6日(土)14:00より新ガチャ「桜花舞う、刹那の邂逅」を開催! ガチャにて新たに登場する SSR[過ごした時の証]草薙京をご紹介! ※同時開催のイベント「刻を超える悠久の絆」で効果を発揮するカードになります
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[Gacha] A new gacha "Sakura dances, moments of moments" will be held from 16:00 on Saturday, June 6th! New appearance in Gacha Introducing SSR [Proof of time] Kyo Kusanagi! ※ It will be a card that will be effective in the event "Eternal Bond Over Time" held at the same time
5:00 AM · Jun 4, 2020·


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Hi guys,

#SNK美少女祭りinゲーマーズ 】 本日からゲーマーズ博多店にて、SNKコーナーがスタート!限定商品も販売中!催事期間は6月21日(日)まで、お見逃しなく! ■詳細は下記サイトをチェック https://gamers.co.jp/contents/event_fair/detail.php?id=382 #SNK #KOF #SNKヒロインズ
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[ #SNK美少女祭りinゲーマーズ ] The SNK corner starts at the Gamers Hakata store from today! Limited products are also on sale! Don't miss the event period until Sunday, June 21! ■ Check the site below for details https://gamers.co.jp/contents/event_fair/detail.php?id=382 #SNK#KOF#SNKヒロインズ
11:05 PM · Jun 4, 2020·


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Hi guys,

#サムコレ お宝イラスト紹介】 今回ご紹介するのは、「サムライスピリッツ」のCD文庫用表紙イラスト! 「電撃CD文庫 サムライスピリッツ〜秘宝流転之巻〜」用に描かれました。 正面に大きくナコルルが描かれており、当時から人気キャラクターであったことがうかがえます。 https://snk-corp.co.jp/official/ssngc/
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[ #サムコレ Treasure illustration introduction] This time, I would like to introduce the cover illustration for the Samurai Spirits CD library! It was drawn for "Dengeki CD Bunko Samurai Spirits -Hiho Ryu no Maki". A large Nakoruru is drawn on the front, and it can be seen that it was a popular character from that time. https://snk-corp.co.jp/official/ssngc/
10:40 PM · Jun 4, 2020·


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12 hours ago, Steven Pendleton said:
Wow!! This really is great to know. Thank you Steve for looking out for us. This made my day for sure. ;-)


Darksoft Neo Geo Multi Firmware Updates, Price Drop

Posted on June 5, 2020 by Bob

Darksoft has just posted firmware updates for both the AES and MVS versions of his Neo Geo ROM cart.  Each can be downloaded from their respective pages:

AES Firmware:  https://www.arcade-projects.com/forums/index.php?thread/8450-darksoft-s-multiaes-latest-firmware-menu-and-instructions/#post134321
MVS Firmware:  https://www.arcade-projects.com/forums/index.php?thread/5101-darksoft-s-multimvs-latest-firmware-menu-and-instructions/&pageNo=1

Here’s the full list of changes and bugfixes:

  • Fix BUFF opening and closing. Possibly also fixes other related to SD card issues.
  • Fix new type of code injection breaking handling after clearFix routine.
  • Fix vblank/USER subroutine injection: two ways of breaking injection: by last or first instruction hit.
  • Turn off JSR injection module when return to Menu detected. Bug introduced long time ago. Gets activated by latest changes.
  • Fix clear injection minimized
  • Improved loading speed.
  • Fixed GFX glitches on some AES models.

Also, the price of the AES cart has dropped to about $425 and is in stock at the sellers below.  Unfortunately, the MVS carts are out of stock, with no indication of when they’ll be available for purchase:

US Seller:  https://highscoresave.com/neo-geo-multi-aes-cart/
European Seller:  http://www.saveyourgames.it/index.php?route=product/product&path=89&product_id=166

While the video below is about a year old, the overall operation of the Darksoft cart is pretty much the same and the video will give you a good idea of what it’s like.  Since that video, the Neo SD Pro (only available for the AES) has added support for Neo Geo CD games (in mono) and Darksoft has implemented even faster loading times as well as the changes mentioned above:






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Hi guys,

家庭用NEOGEOで楽しめるカセット「BREAKERS REVENGE」と「武蔵巌流記」が6月25日に再販決定。駿河屋通販で6月10日から予約を受付 https://4gamer.net/games/999/G999905/20200605046/ から
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"BREAKERS REVENGE" and "Musashi Ganryuki" cassettes that can be enjoyed by home NEOGEO will be resold on June 25. Accepting reservations from Surugaya Mail Order from June 10 https://4gamer.net/games/999/G999905/20200605046/ From
5:52 PM · Jun 5, 2020·\


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