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any updates of lost caves of kroz release

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So one gets to pay for the privilege to be a software tester?


That's *exactly* how it works with modern gaming today. Wouldn't have all the "updates" otherwise. Hell of a lot easier to patch a program on a hard drive though than it is to produce a whole new game cartridge. ;)


And don't worry... We'll be seeing these special "test" carts on ePay before you know it. Probably even before the finished game is released.

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Oooh, clear shells would be cool. So who are the 5 testers?


I was third in line ... so Scalpel, unknown, Me and I'm assuming that AtariBuff made it ... did you sneak in at the end, Cmart?


And don't worry... We'll be seeing these special "test" carts on ePay before you know it. Probably even before the finished game is released.


While that wouldn't shock me ... I'd have to say that I doubt it. Most of the community is pretty die hard collecting anything that is considered a rarity and, knowing most of those who got in, I don't see anyone that would let the profit overtake the hoarder instinct :D.

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I made 5 in line, so cmart must have overtaken me in the end ;)


I have no intention of ever selling it, since we do have a test obligation with William's offer and I do keep it as such. William doesn't have to offer anything at all, so I see this early chance to playtest the now "Found Caves of Kroz" as a nice bonus as I would've bought (and still will buy) this great game at its official release date. I was just lucky to be in the right forum in the right time. To ascribe the pre-buyers of wanting to make money on this is an unnecessary insult.

Edited by AtariBuff
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Not trying to cause a fight here. I'd love to be able to send out test copies to everyone who is interested, but really I don't have the resources. It might say ' Classic Game Publishers, Inc' on the box, but it doesn't mean we are a huge corporation with a huge budget. I'd love to start selling the game right now. I certainly have thousands of dollars tied up in the game. However, it needs testing.


I hope that the recognition that people will get if they find some bugs will be motivation enough to put the game through its paces. If not, they've put a bit toward the development of the game by paying a premium for a game that has not been tested yet. It is up to the individual if he would like to take a chance on an untested game to get his hands on it early.


There is no need to assume that they will resell the game.

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The game looks like it's going to be fantastic, and as an aside, I just played Old School earlier tonight for the first time and I really didn't find the cornering to be an issue. Now if I could just get overlays, a box and a manual to go along with my four copies.... :)

OOOOOH......you bought them like me, with the thought there was never a box coming. I know how that feels!


I will not purchase a numbered game, I can only afford to wait for the box release seperately..


Kinda unfair to us that purchased it cartridge only first! just Sayin'....

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If you send Old School back Wolfy, I will be glad to refund you your $40 and discount you your shipping on your next purchase. Email me at gamesforyourintellivision@hotmail.com


SoulBuster dropped more than a few thousand dollars to make the box happen. I was not prepared to do the same. I don't want to be unfair. If Old School is not the collectible you wanted, I will be happy to take it back.

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Test Copies will probably be shipping tomorrow.....latest on Monday. I put the latest version on cart today.


Each room has a 'Target Time'. They are guesses based on what the author thinks should be the time taken to complete the room. These values are subject to change, and we certainly would love feedback whether these values should be increased or decreased in the final release. Changing these values should not affect the game logic.


Full sound has been installed on the scroll... (compared to Soul Buster's copy which is now unique ;-) And SoulBuster's doesn't show the Apogee splash screen)

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are two problems that have been found so far. They are mainly problems with script errors in the room data file.


John is getting these dealt with. I may do a recall of just the circuit boards, reprogram them and send them back out.


I'd rather you talk about these in email. The game is 'not ready for prime time', so, let's keep this private.

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