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Stereo Pokey upgrade?


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OK, I've been thinking of putting a Stereo Pokey board in one of my A8's for some time now. Here is my question...


Is it just a few demos that use it, or is there actually a visual composer that willl take advantage of that second Pokey, allowing for 8-voice, stereo compositions?


It doesn't seem that it'd be worth it to me, just for playing demos, but I love chiptunes, so I thought I'd look into it and see if what type of software support there might be for it.


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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"is it just a few demos that use it...?" Its much more than that. There are:


a) dozens of sound/music-editors which can generate sounds and music in stereo (e.g. Theta-Music-Composer, Stereo-Chaos-Music-Composer, Stereo-Soundmon. Prof., Raster Music Tracker,...),

b) dozens of sound-players that playback in full or emulated stereo (e.g. AMS-soundplayer, Pokey-Player soundplayer, Megaplayer for CMC, TMC and MPT sounds, RMT soundplayer, etc.)

c) dozens of newer games that have stereo sound (and also a dozen of older games that can be patched or that are already patched for stereo, e.g. Zybex, Draconus, ...)

d) hundreds of demos with stereo-sound



Just take a look here for stereo games and demos:



-Andreas Koch.


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