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Game with different colors between 800XL and XEGS, is it possibile?

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According to http://videogamecritic.com/xemp.htm#Micro_League_Baseball


at the end it says:

"Technical note: This game was reviewed on an Atari 800XL because it displays the wrong colors on the Atari XEGS."


Anyone aware of it? Is it even possible?


If so, anyone has a list of other games with the same behavior and some screenshots for comparisons?


I only knew of the color limitation of the FGTIA.

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That's all that comes to mind.

Seriously, WTF!!!!?

Who designed something like that?


I'm so stunned by the variations that my brain is stuck on the WTF TLA.


Apologies if it is considered politically incorrect but once more WTF!!!!?


(in any case thanks for an awesome response to my question)

Edited by phoenixdownita
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Well, artifacting is sort of a cheat to get more color in high-rez mode, but the colors are dependent on the propagation delay of the video amplifier circuits. Since Atari changed the circuit several times, the artifact colors changed.


It's a side effect of the fact that Atari uses pixel clocks based on the NTSC color carrier frequency. So, a 320 line of alternating light and dark pixels will fool a TV or composite monitor into thinking it's getting a strong color signal.


(you're welcome)

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