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Atari 800XL Keyboard Problems

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I have two that have the mylar keyboards. Both have keys that don't work. Can't afford the nonmylar keyboards unless someone has extras to sell or knows where to get cheaper than Best or B&C? Have tried reading the repair guides but I get confused as how to repair. Can anyone help and explain the way to repair these without getting too technical or the easiest way to repair? Guess I'm getting old!LOL Would appreciate any help. Thanks.

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I've cleaned the mylar with a pencil eraser and 90% Isopropyl alcohol. Lightly follow the traces with the eraser and then follow it up with alcohol on lint free cloth. You will probably see a lot of discolored dark marks on the mylar. Just carefully clean those away and reassemble the keyboard.


I've done this with many old keyboards with great success. I'm not sure if any of this is recommended or not, but it has worked for me.

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I'd think contact cleaner is more appropriate than what I used, but the isopropyl was in the house so that is what I've used. I haven't had any issues with bad traces after the cleaning so I do not have any experience there. I have seen posts about people using a conductive ink pen to repair traces, but I have not tried it.

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