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CENTRON 3D - Title Screen Shot


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So another question ...


Would my ICE CIN 80 color mode (or others like PCIN) also work in this way without flicker? That is, you use an Antic 4 display list swapped with an Antic 2 one, use monochrome shades for Antic 4, but make sure that the GTIA is engaged to mode 11 when the Antic 2 display list is active to ensure the maximum 16 chromas, and also maybe increase the value of COLBK when mode 11 is active?


Also, in regards to double-10 with color register changes: You could hardcode COLBK to be the BG color, and change PM0 ... only thing is you would get a flickering border, but it would still get you the 81 colors. So it would look pretty much arse on a CRT. Tradeoff is fewer colors, but you can get subtle gradients from blending different colors, plus you can get pure whites and greys here too unlike 9/11. Or blend colors opposite the color wheel (blue-yellow, green-magenta, red-cyan) to get greys.

Edited by Synthpopalooza
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Personally I'd remove the RPC Games bit, its too text crowded otherwise.


That is the downside of sacrificing resolution for color. Your objects and texts need to be bigger to be recognized.

It might be better to draw a 320x200 picture with 8 or 16 colors and let GIMP or any other graphic program convert it to 80x50 picture with more colors with bilinear (or lanczos, ..) filtering.

This might look better, as we can see in the APC thread. YMMV


@Rybags: please do it :)

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I just threw it into GIMP... problem is that when importing an Atari palette the colours in the captured pic don't match up properly so you lose luma detail. Also, it seems to be a frame from a video so there's MPEG artifacting which further spoils it.


TBH, I'd sooner just take some random pic off the web and do a frame-blended executable from it.

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Another thing to take in mind. I hope that you have the game (almost) finished and that your title screen was the last thing you had to do. If that is indeed the case you'd better concentrate on other techniques for a title screen. I have seen fabulous creations here on AtariAge that perhaps had less colors on one scanline but the overall picture was really much much better. It's worth it to take a look at that.

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@Creature, yeah I realised its part of the colour to res issue, it just looks crowded with the RPC Games bit, perhaps remove it and have a following screen with the company name, make that funky as hell with DLI's.


Like everyone else, I'd love to see what it looks like on the real hardware, RPC, can't you do an xex or whatever just to see it?

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Another thing to take in mind. I hope that you have the game (almost) finished and that your title screen was the last thing you had to do. If that is indeed the case you'd better concentrate on other techniques for a title screen. I have seen fabulous creations here on AtariAge that perhaps had less colors on one scanline but the overall picture was really much much better. It's worth it to take a look at that.

For example: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/200118-images-generated-by-rastaconverter/?p=2557165

But maybe authors want to use the same graphic style in all the game.

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For example: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/200118-images-generated-by-rastaconverter/?p=2557165

But maybe authors want to use the same graphic style in all the game.


That was exact the thread I meant. Well… perhaps RPC games can find a way to implant THAT technique in the entire game… well… THAT wouldn't be something, wouldn't it?!

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@ Mclaneinc

LDY #0

LDA #46

STA 40000,Y

LDA #47


STA 40000,Y

RTS ; :)





I guess this means "NO"? :)

From now on I don't expect much of teh game. Your skills optimising 6502 code are rather low.


You could as well have used "STA 40000" and "STA 40001".







I hope this is recognizeable as a joke :-)

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@ Mclaneinc

LDY #0

LDA #46

STA 40000,Y

LDA #47


STA 40000,Y

RTS ; :)




When I was just moving from Basic to 6502 code (somewhere in 1995) I also kept using decimal numbers the first months after I started learning 6502. Today I use hexadecimal or binary format most of the time (except for a few shadow registers).


I hope Creature XL is wrong … and I hope even more that you are not just moving from basic to ml.

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@ Everyone: HEHEHE Yes, It's a joke. We have been programming in 6502 since 1989.


Centron 3D is coming along well. The graphics is taking up most of the time.

Coding is a breeze :) I Can't show you guys any video or any more screen shots as yet

due to the graphics not completed yet. We are still drawing up the software sprites but most of the

background screens and intro screen with animations is completed. It's only been 2 weeks.

Most of the main 6502 routines are completed as well, so just waiting on the graphics and then I'll

put everything together.


One of my employees and I are working on Centron 3D everyday and the rest of my team is working

on other important projects so there's really only 2 people working on Centron 3D at the moment.


And with the code above, hahaha yes It's just a joke. :) I was having a Jim Beam at the time :)




RPC-GAMES Aussie Land.

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One of my employees and I are working on Centron 3D everyday and the rest of my team is working

on other important projects so there's really only 2 people working on Centron 3D at the moment.

Imagine it's 2014, you call a meeting and tell your developers: "From today we are starting a new project, it will be coded in 6502 assembly, please approach it seriously, I expect the best of you!" :D


Wow, I wanna be a manager ;)

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Imagine it's 2014, you call a meeting and tell your developers: "From today we are starting a new project, it will be coded in 6502 assembly, please approach it seriously, I expect the best of you!" :D


Wow, I wanna be a manager ;)


This sounds like a pleasant dream.

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Things must be going well to afford employee's........Must be doing a lot more than just this game?

Here at Cosine Systems PLC I have two employees... well okay, they're cats but it's the same thing and the issues we have about them not actually doing any programming or having to be let out for toilet breaks because they can't work a door handle are the same as publishers had with some of their staff in the 1980s as well so close enough.

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Here at Cosine Systems PLC I have two employees... well okay, they're cats but it's the same thing and the issues we have about them not actually doing any programming or having to be let out for toilet breaks because they can't work a door handle are the same as publishers had with some of their staff in the 1980s as well so close enough.


It's a pitty I am so "young". Would have been amazing to work in Video Game buz in the 80s.

Not only because of all teh weed smooking at Atari :P

"Back then" YOU wrote a game, not you and 20 others.


Guess nowadays the only way is to concentrate on mobile games to earn money and make Atari (or 8-bit stuff) once a week.


I know there was a thread a year ago or so (from Jose?) about earning money with Atari stuff. When I see people like "rpc_games" planing to make money and the US-guys here in the A8 forum it might be really possible...



to be clear, not that much money as one earns in a real job, I am not drunk :)

Edited by Creature XL
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