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I must report that I truly dislike Notepad++ with a passion.

Who ever designed a Notepad app that is incompatible with Windows Notepad is a horrid programmer.


To name something after what it is incompatible with is asinine.

The main issue is after Notepad++ saves a file it reformats so ONLY Notepad++ can load that file properly.

Using normal Windows Notepad gives a single line of code that wraps back and forth after Notepad++ has saved the file.


Maybe the concept is that once you load Notepad++ you are forced to load it into every single OS you have installed on a computer order to view text files properly.

Or if you save a file with Notepad++ you force others to load that software as they have no choice much like 7Zip or RAR. (I also dislike these)


Anytime a app expects you to only use that app for something normally built into a OS I have to question the sanity of using that app at all.

Throwing backward compatibility out the Window on purpose for a feature that has a set standard is one badly written piece of software.


Others may like it, I personally detest it. If not backwards compatible with the OS installed within then that says much about that software.


At the very least it should have a option to stay compatible with the OS Notepad or Rich Text format in that OS.

Edited by RXB
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I have no trouble using Notepad to view files created with Notepad++

Are you using only Notepad++ to view the files?


The issue is when a file is saved with Notepad++ and then I go to normal Windows 7 or 8 Notepad to view or load the file each line in the original file is one long continuous line.


It looks fine in Notepad++ but loaded or viewed with anything else it is just one continuous line.

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The issue is when a file is saved with Notepad++ and then I go to normal Windows 7 or 8 Notepad to view or load the file each line in the original file is one long continuous line.


It looks fine in Notepad++ but loaded or viewed with anything else it is just one continuous line.

Testing this on an XP Vbox, I am able to reproduce this as well, so Rich is correct. I too get a single line file that should have multiple lines.


I would suspect that there is a setting that needs to be tweaked to fix it - either from the Notepad++ side, or from the generic Notepad side. That said though, why even go back to Notepad once you've got Notepad++ ?

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Testing this on an XP Vbox, I am able to reproduce this as well, so Rich is correct. I too get a single line file that should have multiple lines.


I would suspect that there is a setting that needs to be tweaked to fix it - either from the Notepad++ side, or from the generic Notepad side. That said though, why even go back to Notepad once you've got Notepad++ ?

I run Windows 8 and OS X each on a separate drive and have zero use for Notepad++ on them.

The only thing I have needed Notepad++ for is MESS so far are Windows 7.


If I could do without Notepad++ that would be fine.

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Yea only reason I used it was everyone else was making files with it and normal Windows 7 and Windows 8 Notepad would not open or use these files properly unless you used Notepad++


I find it odd that MESS does not have a problem with it?

(Seeing as how it makes the files formatted so only Notepad++ can read them.)

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Edit > EOL Conversion > Windows Format

Personally I find Notepad++ to be far superior to Notepad. Everything I have made for the TI has been edited in Notepad++.

You beat me to the punch - I had to figure out how to do it though, since I haven't before. It turned out that the file I opened earlier had a Unix Line-Ending, hence the reason it came out as one line in Notepad ;).

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The main issue is after Notepad++ saves a file it reformats so ONLY Notepad++ can load that file properly.

Using normal Windows Notepad gives a single line of code that wraps back and forth after Notepad++ has saved the file.

At the very least it should have a option to stay compatible with the OS Notepad or Rich Text format in that OS.


Rich, you need to RTFM dude. Or at the very least, learn the difference between Unix and Windows line-endings. Still, you used the word asinine, which is cool, so I forgive you ;)


It's a pain that the Unix and Windows worlds can't agree on how to interpret the end of a line of text. I mean, when you can't agree on the interpretation of a freaking text file then you've got big problems. Sort it out Win/Linux worlds!


Go to the edit menu, then look for EOL conversion. Ta dah!

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Rich, you need to RTFM dude. Or at the very least, learn the difference between Unix and Windows line-endings. Still, you used the word asinine, which is cool, so I forgive you ;)


It's a pain that the Unix and Windows worlds can't agree on how to interpret the end of a line of text. I mean, when you can't agree on the interpretation of a freaking text file then you've got big problems. Sort it out Win/Linux worlds!


Go to the edit menu, then look for EOL conversion. Ta dah!


LOL! Well Robert and I talked about this and whenever I save a text file for Classic99 or Mess or Win994a I hit delete key for that last line and it works fine for OS X Unix.


You just have to remember to always delete the last line. That is much less of a hassle then Notepad++ re formatting so only Notepad++ can view or read the file.


I suppose it comes down to loading a app that replaces what is already in the OS if you prefer that app instead.

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Sort it out Win/Linux worlds!


Will we ever get to know all of Bill Gates' weird design decisions from MS-DOS times?


Unix line endings have always been LF only (\n), inherited from Multics (1964). I don't believe the different newline encodings will change in foreseeable time.

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Will we ever get to know all of Bill Gates' weird design decisions from MS-DOS times?


Unix line endings have always been LF only (\n), inherited from Multics (1964). I don't believe the different newline encodings will change in foreseeable time.

Whereas the "windows way" more accurately (imo) reflects what would need to happen on a real teletype. You need to issue a line feed and a carriage return to get to the left hand side of the page! :)

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One thing you should do if you use Notepad++ is to select a different font that uses a slashed zero. Zero and capital O are almost identical in the default font. I worked for over an hour one time before finding that I had used an O instead of a 0.


Settings>Style Configurator. Check enable global font. Choose a font. I like Fixedsys, but there are a couple other monospace fonts in there.

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One thing you should do if you use Notepad++ is to select a different font that uses a slashed zero. Zero and capital O are almost identical in the default font. I worked for over an hour one time before finding that I had used an O instead of a 0.


Settings>Style Configurator. Check enable global font. Choose a font. I like Fixedsys, but there are a couple other monospace fonts in there.

Yea Microsoft Notepad has a zero that is narrow and taller than the O key that is fat and round.

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I must report that I truly dislike Notepad++ with a passion.

Who ever designed a Notepad app that is incompatible with Windows Notepad is a horrid programmer.


To name something after what it is incompatible with is asinine.

The main issue is after Notepad++ saves a file it reformats so ONLY Notepad++ can load that file properly.

Using normal Windows Notepad gives a single line of code that wraps back and forth after Notepad++ has saved the file.


Maybe the concept is that once you load Notepad++ you are forced to load it into every single OS you have installed on a computer order to view text files properly.

Or if you save a file with Notepad++ you force others to load that software as they have no choice much like 7Zip or RAR. (I also dislike these)


Anytime a app expects you to only use that app for something normally built into a OS I have to question the sanity of using that app at all.

Throwing backward compatibility out the Window on purpose for a feature that has a set standard is one badly written piece of software.


Others may like it, I personally detest it. If not backwards compatible with the OS installed within then that says much about that software.


At the very least it should have a option to stay compatible with the OS Notepad or Rich Text format in that OS.


Practically none of what you say is true—except for your opinion, of course. Notepad++ lets you do anything you want (already mentioned by others). I had the opposite problem with MS Notepad. I was editing a CGI/Perl file that ceased to work after I saved it from MS Notepad and I had no idea why for quite some time—and, Notepad gives you no option to save the EOL character(s) any other way than the way the short-sighted MS Notepad programmer deemed fit.


On the other hand, MS Wordpad handles the Unix-style EOL just fine—but—you're way ahead of me—it gratuitously, and without warning, converts the EOL to <CR><LF> upon saving the file.


As you've probably guessed, IFL Notepad++!



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Will we ever get to know all of Bill Gates' weird design decisions from MS-DOS times?


Unix line endings have always been LF only (\n), inherited from Multics (1964). I don't believe the different newline encodings will change in foreseeable time.


Why do people keep blaming Bill Gates? All he wrote was BASIC and emulators to run BASIC on. ;) He /bought/ MS-DOS.


That said, I'm in agreement with Willsy - the CRLF sequence was more correct for the original teletypes, since both commands were needed to get down and back on the next line. I never understood why *nix reduced that to one character (or why they chose Line Feed instead of the at-least-typewriter-correct Carriage Return ;) )


But no, it probably won't ever change, and in the distant future kids learning to output information on holographic displays will think the concept of a line ending at all is stupid, let alone the two schemes we old-timers chose. ;) "A whole byte? Why didn't they just superimpose a quantum bit on the last character if they really HAD to mark end of line??"


(grumpy me: oh wait, I'm being overly optimistic. It'll be "I can't read these stupid 8-bit sequences. Why didn't they just send '<!XXML Version="1.0"><Command><DisplayFormat><OutOfBand><Type="End-Of-Line" Options="Advance,ReturnHome" /></OutOfBand></DisplayFormat></Command></XXML>'?? At least I know what that does! Character "13", yeah, that's SOOOO obvious.")

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That said, I'm in agreement with Willsy - the CRLF sequence was more correct for the original teletypes, since both commands were needed to get down and back on the next line. I never understood why *nix reduced that to one character (or why they chose Line Feed instead of the at-least-typewriter-correct Carriage Return ;) )


Taken from Wikipedia: The CR-LF sequence was indeed used with teletypes, but it was not fully correct either because of the long time the carriage needs for its return, so in fact a NUL sequence was usually inserted in between (CR-NUL*-LF)


Multics systems abstracted from this detail by only using LF which should be translated to the appropriate sequence. Unix (and then also Linux) inherited that from Multics.


Whatever, it's different, and it won't change. Anyway, I'd rather like to see Windows finally using UTF-8 encoding as default.

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