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Used 5.25 inch floppies


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Hi Folks


I've started a thread over in the Marketplace as I'm massively downsizing my collection due to pending house move. I'll be updating it as I get things out of storage. Pretty much everything must go. I'm only going to be able to keep one or two machines and a minimum of accessories and software.


I have a large amount of used floppies which I've collected over the years as I've bought up collections from here and there. Some of them have copied games on (not copied by me), some have disk mags. I've got a lot of Page 6 disks too.


EDIT: Should say that I can't guarantee that they're all good - don't have time to try booting or formatting that many disks!


If I were to offer these out in batches for the cost of shipping would anyone be interested? Does anyone even still use floppies? If not they'll end up going to the landfill since they definitely can't come with us :(


Oh - I'm in the UK. Happy to ship anywhere.




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Hi Larry


I hope to be able to get back into things at some point, but it could be 6 or 7 years before that's possible. We'll be moving house three times in that time and our first move (in three months time) will be into an apartment much smaller that our house.


We're moving because I've been accepted by the Anglican Church for training for ordained ministry, something I've been working towards for a few years. That means the family and I get to spend 2 years at theological college and then 3 or 4 years serving out an 'apprenticeship' as a Curate before they let me loose on my own. I'm certainly not giving up all of my gear, at least my Incognito 800 and souped up 600XL are coming but I've got boxes of stuff in the attic that I just won't have anywhere to put and storage is expensive. I'm going to keep stuff that is of personal importance (i.e. the stuff that I actually owned back in the day) and a few other bits and bobs but the rest just has to go.


I will still drop in here from time to time to say hi of course !





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