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SOLD OUT: 4 x Atari 7800 MCP POKEY NVRAM DevKits


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Asking price is $120.00 shipped each, PM me if you are interested. If I don't reply right away today, it's because I can hardly move, mucho leg and back pain. :(


More info and a video RevEng put together here...




FYI, this is currently Windows only, tested on XP & Win7, will most likely work under Win8 as well.


P.S. I know there are 5 in the picture, one has already been sold. ;)


Picture of the sealed units and a separate pic with the contents of the box...





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Recommendation #3 here…I purchased both a POKEY and non POKEY version. I have no idea how to use them yet, but I can promise that good (cough…cough…Shatner inspired…cough…cough) home-brews are on the way!!! It might take me years to figure out how to code for the 7800, but I am committed to doing this. Let's just hope that I don't overwhelm everyone with noob questions during my learning process!!! :D

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Thanks for the kind words, guys. Bob, remind me, if you don't magically have a POKEY devcart sitting in your mailbox. ;)


I have 2 left, one is pending. Glad I didn't make more. LOL I am gonna have to come up with a crazy POKEY thing, considering how much I spent on stocking up on them. Maybe a lightgun thing, who knows. Dance Dance Atari? Hack a PS2 dance pad or something. Nah, don't have the time.


Did I mention that the cart has 10+ really hardcore POKEY tunes built in? Just for demo purposes, every time you turn it on, another tune plays. The cart self-modifies itself and sections of the bankswitched ROM get copied into an area I designated as partial "RAM", which is where the music plays from, while the bankswitching handles the big graphic spinning around. Pretty much all of the 144K of BIOS memory is filled with data and code. I am going out on a limb here and gonna say, you will never see something like this again, even without the fact that it can also be used as a non-volatile devcart, with POKEY access.


The time it takes to upload a 144K binary, is 38 seconds! Can anybody beat that? I've never used a CC2 serial connection, not sure how it works. :)


EDIT: I just tested http://atariage.com/forums/topic/226443-adventure-demo-7800basic/?p=3010157 and it uploaded in 8.4 seconds.

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CPUWIZ, If you don't mind, I could throw in a copy of the Donkey Kong XM binary that's setup for the cart.


You mean give anyone would purchase one, a ROM that uses the custom bankswitching and POKEY location? Sounds great.


Not sure if you saw my post in your other thread, would you be willing to sell me the cable only with some info about how it works?


Hope your leg is better!


I don't really want to explain the protocol and nuances of how to talk to my PIC BIOS, too much work. What do you want it for?


And thanks, yes, I am fine. I was just sore as hell.

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I don't really want to explain the protocol and nuances of how to talk to my PIC BIOS, too much work. What do you want it for?


And thanks, yes, I am fine. I was just sore as hell.


Good to hear! I wanted to see if I could get it working on another system. Maybe it's too complicated to get everything just right then.

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