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Season 3/ Week 16 ~ The NEW HSC ~ Atari World Cup Soccer


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For me Realsports Soccer game 1 the computer doesn't do anything.

Is this the correct setting or am I playing it wrong?

I scored 45 goals.


Wrong setting. I had that too, before I realized you have to switch to Game 1,1 player. Default setting is Game 1, 2 player.


You will see that once you get the hang of it, there is't much of a difference between both settings :-).

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Prediction (sure to be wrong):

Netherlands looked impressive, so I'm giving them a slot.

Home Team Brazil is a possibility, and Germany is also a favorite to win, but since my cart says "Pele's Soccer" I gotta give Brazil the second slot.


Just so I'm not copying MisterVCS, though, I'm gonna go Netherlands beats Brazil.


Do I really think they will? Not especially, but then I've never been good at predicting the World Cup, so I'm not gonna think about it too hard.


[When I helped my college buddies sent up their NCAA Basketball pool brackets, I usually ended up putting TBA teams into the Sweet 16 and Elite 8 just to mess with people!]

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I would have performed much better in these games if it weren't for my tendency to kick the ball in the wrong direction. Felt like I was stuck in an Abbott & Costello schtick......


RS Soccer: 13 - 9 post-27900-0-45270300-1402908664_thumb.png


Pele's Soccer Gm. 52: 8 - 9 post-27900-0-33658600-1402908703_thumb.png

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A meager improvement on Pele (I tried playing RS Soccer again, but honestly couldn't finish the game. dreadful)


7-7 (where's the overtime?)



I can't get into the Realsports soccer either. One of the greatest snoozers in Atari history!

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