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2015 CIB Release Summary

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I don't know about that, INTV Funhouse still has not acknowledged Christmas Carol... :P


Oh, crap. I finally open my mouth on here and I've started a feud. :twisted:


Hey, DZ-Jay. I just listened to the Intellivisionaries episode featuring Christmas Carol. You were excellent. Your passion for your creation really came through the interview, and it sounds like a super game. Well done. You've sold at least two more copies as I will be getting one for my nephew and me for Christmas. I am really anticipating it.

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Oh, crap. I finally open my mouth on here and I've started a feud. :twisted:

Oh, no worries, it was in jest. :)


Hey, DZ-Jay. I just listened to the Intellivisionaries episode featuring Christmas Carol. You were excellent. Your passion for your creation really came through the interview, and it sounds like a super game. Well done. You've sold at least two more copies as I will be getting one for my nephew and me for Christmas. I am really anticipating it.

Thanks for the kind words, I hope you enjoy it. :)

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Oh, crap. I finally open my mouth on here and I've started a feud. :twisted:


Lol.. There's no feud. My website's notoriously slow to update on occasion. About the time I was gearing up for the LTO page, another much more interesting project (ironically, with LTO) landed in my lap and has been using up the little free time I have. So most of the game entries are in the database, though not reviews. I still need to put together the main page. Which, honestly, isn't a ton of content. At the very end of last year intvnut sent me a nice history. So what remains is for me to digest it and pull the right levers behind the curtain.


Carol is listed on the 'Games List' page, but since I've not written up a review page, there's no link. Most of the images (box manual overlay, label) are also prepared -- just no page to show them.

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No fight please!!!


I have a job, a Wife and a Family with financial obligations. That is its own daily battle.


And, with all these games coming out I have taken on a weekend job as well so I can try to keep up with my Intellivision collecting and hobby.


So much going on for all of us I am sure, so please lets all get along.


I love the Intellivision and everything all you folks do for it! :thumbsup:

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Trying to keep track of this year's definite CIB releases, so I thought I'd put it all in one place. Here's the 2014 releases in alphabetical order with release and pricing details:


Boulder Dash (First Star Software and Elektronite)

Shrinkwrapped / Serial numbered

Not taking orders or payment

Price TBD

LTO Flash! (Left Turn Only)
Shrinkwrapped / No serial number
Not taking orders or payment

Lost Caves of Kroz (Elektronite)

Shrinkwrapped /Serial numbered

Taking orders and payment


Magic Carousel (Revolutionika)

No shrinkwrap / No serial number

Taking pre-orders, not taking payment

Price TBD

Mouse Trap CBS (Revolutionika)

No shrinkwrap / Serial numbered

Shipped / Sold out


Ms. Night Stalker (Intelligentvision)

No shrinkwrap / No serial number

Not taking orders or payment

Price TBD


Ms. Pac Man (Intelligentvision)

No shrinkwrap / No serial number

Not taking orders or payment

Price TBD

Old School (Elektronite)

Shrinkwrapped /Serial numbered

Shipped / Sold out

Princess Quest (Collectorvision)

Shrinkwrapped / No serial number

Not taking orders or payment

Price TBD


Space C*** (Revolutionika)

No shrinkwrap / No serial number

Taking pre-orders, not taking payment

Price TBD


Space Raid (Collectorvision)

Shrinkwrapped / No serial number

Taking orders and payment



Sydney Hunter and the Shrines of Peril (Collectorvision)

Shrinkwrapped / No serial number

Taking orders and payment



Tron Complete (Revolutionika)

No shrinkwrap / Serial numbered

Backorder list, not taking payment

Price TBD



Please let me know if I've missed any details, or have incorrect information. That's 12 Intellivision titles scheduled to hit thiGreat

Great summary, thank you!

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Thank you for this thread, it is a very good idea to have all the information in one place.


Perhaps this thread should be configured in such a way so as it will appear always at the top. Just an idea :)


The information found here is extremely useful. Cheers. O


Thanks Oscar, I can ask Albert if it can be a Sticky if others think it would be useful. Someone else suggested I add links to pre-order threads, which I can certainly do.


Great summary, thank you!


Thanks Wolfy! I thought it might be nice to have all 2014 CIB releases "at a glance".


UPDATE: Tron Complete removed per Rev as it is now a 2015 release.

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Lol, the plot thickens! Also, they use the new Bee3 PCB, they come in Elektronite gatefold boxes, Nanochess helped with programming, Rev is including patches, dZ is hosting the HSC contests, and Soulbuster is helping to distribute them! Also, I may have made some of that up :)


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  • 4 weeks later...

Updated. First batch of Ms. Nightstalker shipped (mine should arrive any time) and now ordering has been placed on hold until later in the year - maybe when Ms. Pacman is available.

I believe both Magic Carousel and Space C*** are shipping.


What a great year it's been! Only 2 months left in 2014, and we still have Boulder Dash, Kroz, LTO Flash!, Ms. Pacman and Princess Quest to look forward to!!

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Nice, though I can barely, if even afford to keep up. Thank you for the update! I better sell some stuff off from other systems!


You can always sell some organs right????



If not that, do you have pianos to sell?




Badda boom. Im hear all night folks!

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