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Looking for Mac/65 version 1.02 .ROM

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I'm looking for a .ROM file of Mac/65 version 1.02. I aim to use it mostly in Altirra.


Atarimania and many other places have version 1.01, but I'd like to see 1.02.




The screen says it's 1.01




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It would depend on which type it is, they come in two flavors 034M or M091, from the attach cart menu in Atari800Win:


There are two types of OSS cartridges. Both are 16 KB and occupy 8 KB of address space between $A000 and $BFFF. The cartridge memory is divided into 4 banks, 4 KB each. One bank ('main') is always mapped to $B000-$BFFF. The other 3 banks are mapped to $A000-$AFFF. The current bank is selected by accessing a byte in $D500-$D5FF. Only 4 lowest bits of address are significant.
The '034M' scheme is the more complicated one.
The main bank is D. An access to:
$D5x0 or $D5x1 selects bank A.
$D5x3 or $D5x7 selects bank B.
$D5x4 or $D5x5 selects bank C.
$D5x2 or $D5x6 is not useful. It disables ROM (there're $FF bytes in $A000-$AFFF).
$D5x8-$D5xF disables whole cartridge (enables computer's memory in address space between $A000 and $BFFF).

The 'M091' scheme
This is the simpler one of OSS schemes. It uses only A0 and A3 address lines:
A3=0, A0=0 - $A000-$AFFF: bank B, $B000-$BFFF: bank A.
A3=0, A0=1 - $A000-$AFFF: bank D, $B000-$BFFF: bank A.
A3=1, A0=0 - disable cartridge.
A3=1, A0=1 - $A000-$AFFF: bank C, $B000-$BFFF: bank A.


You'll have to store the above described data to address D50x in order to effect the correct bank to show and do a a DOS K Save of the correct ranges and then post the files here? There might be a better way depending on how fluent you are and what tools, DOS, etc. you like using. Please elaborate further on those tools, skill set level, including your current methods of PC to Atari file transfer used and let us get your code! TIA - this one has been MIA for as long as I can remember, Jindroush said he had it, but of course was obligated to not share it, so I couldn't even bring myself to ask for it. Sort of like we are friends to the end - you ask me for money and that's the end. I always assumed he had the former bad joke version.


Before you get confused as to what to do next, you just might try a standard K Save to file in DOS from A000 to BFFF and post that here. Chances are good that the file will have enough information in it to know what to do next. I tend to use a hex editor on banking cartridge multiple file saves to patch the ROM file together with since this is all done so much easier on the PC and I don't mind working on several files at the same time. The two OSS types makes it a bit more complicated of course, but the 034M type is pretty rare, at least in my experiance as I don't think I've had one cross my desk at all.


The nice thing about the OSS banking carts is that at relative address AFFF is the operative byte/address offset that brings that bank into the cart window. I cheat and LDX with 9 for example, and then do TXA then STA D500,X which covers both address banked and data banked cart schemes at the same time. So you can do that with either 0,3,4 or 0,9,1 loading into X depending on the type of OSS cart you have. There is a way including sending you DOS mode files that bank the cart so you load those banking code files, do a run at memory xxxx and then do a standard DOS K Save of the desired region.

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I've been using the CartDump program along with a MicroSIO2SD to copy my other carts, but just needed the values to use in the $D5xx range and in what order. After I get that data, I'll concatenate them in WinHex to make the ROM...


With the info you provided (Thank you!), I can do that ;)

Edited by AtariGeezer
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I've been using the CartDump program along with a MicroSIO2SD to copy my other carts, but just needed the values to use in the $D5xx range and in what order. After I get that data, I'll concatenate them in WinHex to make the ROM...


With the info you provided (Thank you!), I can do that ;)

I'm pretty much can't remember. I've copied OSS banks before accessing $D5xx. The only contribution I might make is how to tell if it is '034M' or 'M091'. 034M is two chip 'A' version.

M091 is one chip 'B' version.

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That's one thing I haven't bought yet. Will have to look into it...


It can dump both OSS 16K carts, as well as an OSS 8K cart , which I wasn't aware of.


According to the list it can also dump carts from other systems, with appropriate adapters, which I guess Steve sells. I think it's a great device. Makes the dumps almost instantaneously.



Edited by MrFish
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It can dump both OSS 16K carts, as well as an OSS 8K cart , which I wasn't aware of.


According to the list it can also dump carts from other systems, with appropriate adapters, which I guess Steve sells. I think it's a great device. Makes the dumps almost instantaneously.


attachicon.gifMaxFlash Dumping.jpg


Oo! This concisely answers another question I had about how to make cartridge dumps. Thank you! Looks like I'll be ordering one of these soon.

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I'm pretty much can't remember. I've copied OSS banks before accessing $D5xx. The only contribution I might make is how to tell if it is '034M' or 'M091'. 034M is two chip 'A' version.

M091 is one chip 'B' version.

I remember a little more. You asked what order to 'stack' the 4k dumps. It goes $D500 (a read there selects bank A) $D503/bank B), $D504(bank C), (all three dump $A000-$AFFF), and 'main' is the last one dump $B000-$BFFF.

I'm assuming version 1.02 is a two chip ROM, like 1.01.

I'm guessing you have Omnimon. It would save you buying APE.

Edited by russg
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I remember a little more. You asked what order to 'stack' the 4k dumps. It goes $D500 (a read there selects bank A) $D503/bank B), $D504(bank C), (all three dump $A000-$AFFF), and 'main' is the last one dump $B000-$BFFF.

I'm assuming version 1.02 is a two chip ROM, like 1.01.

I'm guessing you have Omnimon. It would save you buying APE.

Thanks for the help Russ :)


I don't have Omnimon installed in any of my A8's but I do have 2 pass-thru carts to use. What I'll do today is use the Cartridge Dumper program to dump the 3 4k blocks to 3 blank ATR's, then combine them (I read that $B000-$BFFF doesn't change). CartDump can be found here: https://sites.google.com/site/ataripal/cartdump

It has a feature built-in where you can enter a value in the $D5xx range and it will display a bitmap so you can see if the data changes...

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It can dump both OSS 16K carts, as well as an OSS 8K cart , which I wasn't aware of.


According to the list it can also dump carts from other systems, with appropriate adapters, which I guess Steve sells. I think it's a great device. Makes the dumps almost instantaneously.


attachicon.gifMaxFlash Dumping.jpg

Okay, Cool... I see Atarimax is having a sale on those now :)


Scratch that, I just found the USB programmer on ebay plus 2 8MBit carts for $50 :-D

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