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@Albert: Is RPC authorized to syndicate AtariAge forum content on his site? At the very least, his use of the avatars and post layout HTML must require some approval. No?

No, RPC is not, but Pete's not worth the time or effort to make a big deal of it. Anyone with half a brain will come to AtariAge to read the threads and realize this guy is off his rocker.



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AA captured and edited "example" page 10K+ visitors (counter at the bottom), while main page 2100+ ..... funny math!!!

YouTube view of the 8th video is 100 ..... yeah "ignorance is bliss".

"Message for AL" at the top points to http://onlineforumpolice.webs.com/

and that page shows missing pictures and last post more than 1 year ago ... dunno,

misery surely loves company.

Edited by phoenixdownita
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PMSL. Fabricating his hit counter like that, I doubt the real figure is much over 100 and half that is probably webcrawler bots.


And does this guy actually believe there's some body that has authority over what appears on internet forums? Pretty sad.

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Yeah, Pete is obviously inflating the visitors count--it jumped from ~600 hits to over 10,000 hits in a very short period of time. Pretty sad. And hey, he included a link to AtariAge! Awesome! That'll make it even easier for people to read these threads in their entirety, instead of selected messages taken completely out of context.

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Yeah, Pete is obviously inflating the visitors count--it jumped from ~600 hits to over 10,000 hits in a very short period of time. Pretty sad. And hey, he included a link to AtariAge! Awesome! That'll make it even easier for people to read these threads in their entirety, instead of selected messages taken completely out of context.

Exactly - when I visited the page the other day, IIRC the counter was 490. What an unbelievable tool. Maybe Pete and Steve had all the other RPC employees and consultants click on the page :)

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In a perfect world - where this whole topic didn't exist - wouldn't a section called "Works in Progress" be helpful? I released a game called Tornado Blast that was more a tech demo than game (being 2k). I announced it in the batari BASIC section as it wasn't very polished and needed feedback. Maybe RPC_Games could have used a "Works in Progress" section and explained its early state.

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In a perfect world he'd never have signed up at AA in the first place, period.


Yeah, I don't get the name calling at all. If anything he should have considered being extra nice to you given your level of expertise. That new screen mode he talked about sounded a bit hard to pull off.

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Yeah, I don't get the name calling at all. If anything he should have considered being extra nice to you given your level of expertise. That new screen mode he talked about sounded a bit hard to pull off.

Except it's not new. It's been done half a dozen times by other people in the last 15 years. Some jackwagon shows up, announces a release of the best 3D game the Atari has ever seen with the most colourful graphics mode ever seen will be completed in 2 weeks - start to finish? That's not how things work.

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Except it's not new. It's been done half a dozen times by other people in the last 15 years. Some jackwagon shows up, announces a release of the best 3D game the Atari has ever seen with the most colourful graphics mode ever seen will be completed in 2 weeks - start to finish? That's not how things work.


I beg to differ. With enough hard work anything is possible!

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Well, I have to give them (him) a little thanks.... Yesterday we buried my mom who died last week and while we were in the limo driving from the church to the cemetery, stopped at a traffic light was a DeLorean. Made me think of this thread and brought a little chuckle.



Really, Pete's Crazy!

Edited by Tillek
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I like RUN! Pete's Coming!!


I also like this sentence from his site:


Haha... OK, We would like to thank Move Systems for giving us the opportunity to be part of a whole new Personal Computer Gaming System. Bringing back the old Retro games is the biggest buzz for us and we can't wait to start. We also have a few new titles on the drawing board so let's ALL go sick mate !!! :) hahaha


So, Pete would like to thank Pete for giving Pete the opportunity to be part of Pete's pipe dream.


...and if you're reading this on the RPC losers page, be sure to visit AtariAge!


(so sorry... couldn't resist.... leaving topic alone now...)

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Looks like I made Peve's list too, though he chose to post #92 instead of #89 which I found much more entertaining LOL I love the little animated GIFs at the top of the page he ripped off from somewhere, they are too adorable. ;-)


I'm sure he's mommy's "special little boy". Looks like this thread is winding down so I'll leave him alone for now. This guy really does crack me up though.

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