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One more thing, I can't see how the Losers Page helps him at all. Basically, we get to make the case against him on his own website. If we somehow tricked him into doing that, we're friggin' forum ninjas!

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I say we sue him:





There are a few things in life that makes me grin when I see them, one such thing is when someone proves his own hypocrisy online.


Imagine a scenario where: someone makes critical comments about a GUI project that's supposed to be "groundbreaking, never been done before, will push the limits of hardware" which has been "in progress for the last decade or so", one gets labeled as a troll, a buzzkill etc.


Yet the owner of the so called GUI project turns around and makes similar comments about another developer who claims "he is pushing the limits of Atari 8 bits" and makes mocking YouTube videos about his game and becomes the target of those very similar comments like a troll, buzzkil etc.


I guess what goes around comes around.... always :)

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There are a few things in life that makes me grin when I see them, one such thing is when someone proves his own hypocrisy online.


Imagine a scenario where: someone makes critical comments about a GUI project that's supposed to be "groundbreaking, never been done before, will push the limits of hardware" which has been "in progress for the last decade or so", one gets labeled as a troll, a buzzkill etc.


Yet the owner of the so called GUI project turns around and makes similar comments about another developer who claims "he is pushing the limits of Atari 8 bits" and makes mocking YouTube videos about his game and becomes the target of those very similar comments like a troll, buzzkil etc.


I guess what goes around comes around.... always :)

You can't possibly be comparing FJC and the GUI project to Pete/Steve and Centron 3D.

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You can't possibly be comparing FJC and the GUI project to Pete/Steve and Centron 3D.



"Boy, you've sure been hyping this game you want us to buy. Can we see it?"


@ Mclaneinc

LDY #0

LDA #46

STA 40000,Y

LDA #47


STA 40000,Y

RTS ; :)


(this is intended to put "NO" on the screen)



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You can't possibly be comparing FJC and the GUI project to Pete/Steve and Centron 3D.


Why wouldn't he? It was only a matter of time. The fact is, Ray and Pete/Steve are closely related psychological types. Neither accept criticism well, and both think they are far more able/popular/respected than they actually are. It must be excruciating for Ray to watch another fellow Internet pest being pilloried for threatening legal action over opinions expressed on an Internet forum:




Heh: how does that make you feel? As for the rest of his drivel: I think most of the complimentary comments in the GUI thread were made by interested commentators, not by me. And I know that's hard to accept. ;)

Edited by flashjazzcat
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There are a few things in life that makes me grin when I see them, one such thing is when someone proves his own hypocrisy online.


Imagine a scenario where: someone makes critical comments about a GUI project that's supposed to be "groundbreaking, never been done before, will push the limits of hardware" which has been "in progress for the last decade or so", one gets labeled as a troll, a buzzkill etc.


Yet the owner of the so called GUI project turns around and makes similar comments about another developer who claims "he is pushing the limits of Atari 8 bits" and makes mocking YouTube videos about his game and becomes the target of those very similar comments like a troll, buzzkil etc.


I guess what goes around comes around.... always :)

Perhaps you fail to see all those videos FJC posted of the real software, actually working, and missed the fact that such videos are completely absent from any of the RPC threads.


P.S., can you put Ape-time back into aspeqt already rather than trying to force your custom re-invented wheel onto people? It WAS working wasn't it? why take it out?

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Apparently YOU flashjazzcat are a target platform :)

Indeed. And the comparison presented is laden with inaccuracy, untruths, undisguised envy, and chronological exaggeration to the tune of three hundred per cent. It more or less defines the term "tortured analogy", although I can imagine the light-bulb moment where it seemed like a good move to write it on the forum. Derp!

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You can't possibly be comparing FJC and the GUI project to Pete/Steve and Centron 3D.


You have a point, Centron 3D (notwithstanding the "groundbraking" claims made by its developer) is at least complete and available for Amiga and will perhaps be available for Atari 8 bit some time this year (should the developer lifts the freeze on release), so in that respect there is no comparison. A technical comparison however can not be made until we see a final release of the GUI.

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"Boy, you've sure been hyping this game you want us to buy. Can we see it?"


(this is intended to put "NO" on the screen)




Has he (Pete) been selling (i.e. money exchanging hands) and delivering nothing in return. He only put a Paypal/Buy it Now button to his website, is that enough to blame him with any wrongdoing, a lot of people here collect money for hardware projects some of which still haven't been delivered to their rightful owners (no need to give names). Nobody seems to blame them for not being honest but always stand on their behalf with such excuses as "this is a hobby, give the guy a break, he will deliver etc..) why not give him (Pete) the same benefit of doubt. Is it because he is new to Atariage and hasn't delivered anything before. His game maybe a work of genius (or not - I personally find nothing exciting about it) but that's not the issue here, just because he is overly enthusiastic about his project and perhaps a bit ahead of himself in terms of promoting it does he deserve the gang-rape???? Everyone is free to express their opinion, but when the discussion progresses into a personality assessment by non-qualified parties it gets dangerously close to be a subject of a lawsuit (and rightfully so)..... so let's give the guy a break and go on with our lives, otherwise no one will really benefit from the end results...

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Why wouldn't he? It was only a matter of time. The fact is, Ray and Pete/Steve are closely related psychological types. Neither accept criticism well, and both think they are far more able/popular/respected than they actually are. It must be excruciating for Ray to watch another fellow Internet pest being pilloried for threatening legal action over opinions expressed on an Internet forum:




Heh: how does that make you feel? As for the rest of his drivel: I think most of the complimentary comments in the GUI thread were made by interested commentators, not by me. And I know that's hard to accept. ;)


Here's another paragraph of nonsense and insults that are not worth answering.. Enough to say it's typical FJC which I no longer take seriously... :)

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You have a point, Centron 3D (notwithstanding the "groundbraking" claims made by its developer) is at least complete and available for Amiga and will perhaps be available for Atari 8 bit some time this year (should the developer lifts the freeze on release), so in that respect there is no comparison. A technical comparison however can not be made until we see a final release of the GUI.

I just checked RPC's page. IT says "Centron3D" is in "TESTING STAGE 1". It definitely doesn't say that "Centron3D" is "complete" or "available". Also, I don't see any claim that they have reconsidered their ban on the Atari 8 platform, such that "Centron3D" might be "available...some time this year".


The GUI project, on the other hand, has provided executable demonstrations, "available" for download. I mean, like, plug in your mouse and move things around. Click menus. That sort of "available".


When you bust into a completely unrelated thread and make it about you attacking FJC instead of whatever the subject of the thread originally was, it makes you look obsessed. Kinda like an old girlfriend whose been dumped and keeps showing up at parties to make a scene. Seriously, dude. Move on. You've done some really excellent work on the platform, as has FJC. We appreciate you both. But your random jilted bitch act makes you look bad.

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Perhaps you fail to see all those videos FJC posted of the real software, actually working, and missed the fact that such videos are completely absent from any of the RPC threads.


P.S., can you put Ape-time back into aspeqt already rather than trying to force your custom re-invented wheel onto people? It WAS working wasn't it? why take it out?


Oh I've indeed seen the demos and patiently been waiting for a working product with all the claimed bells and whistles since.. ehmm! 2009.

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P.S., can you put Ape-time back into aspeqt already rather than trying to force your custom re-invented wheel onto people? It WAS working wasn't it? why take it out?

No I won't... Because AspeQt needed its own time/date server/client that is not a proprietary software, besides it does lot more than just date/time. Oh by the way you are still free to use whatever for that functionality if that suits you better, just make the change in the code... it is open source after all :). AspeQt is a community project, I just happen to be the current develeoper/maintainer. It is not a tool for self-gratification like a never arriving closed source GUI

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@pixelmischief : "When you bust into a completely unrelated thread and make it about you attacking FJC"


I am not attacking FJC, he is among the gang-rapists on this thread, I was just showing his dishonesty when it comes to appreciate someone's work and he is no different than anybody else in this matter.

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I am not attacking FJC.

Come on man. That's bullshit. I've only been around here for a few years, and I've seen you do this several times; enough to recognize the pattern. You think you have good reason to throw shots at the guy? Fine. But at least be man enough to admit that's what you're doing.

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I just checked RPC's page. IT says "Centron3D" is in "TESTING STAGE 1". It definitely doesn't say that "Centron3D" is "complete" or "available". Also, I don't see any claim that they have reconsidered their ban on the Atari 8 platform, such that "Centron3D" might be "available...some time this year".


Try giving the guy(s) a break and see if they change their attitude, who can blame them for being defensive when they are attacked from left and right, being laughed at, insulted, mocked by YouTube videos. Are they promising the world, do you think they can not deliver, or think their software is not worth buying simply don't buy it. That will show them your disapproval without being insulting and believe me they will learn their lesson much quicker. Now we just made them look like the ultimate heroes and the whole Atariage community as a bunch of thugs who like to attack outsiders.

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Come on man. That's bullshit. I've only been around here for a few years, and I've seen you do this several times; enough to recognize the pattern. You think you have good reason to throw shots at the guy? Fine. But at least be man enough to admit that's what you're doing.


I hate to repeat myself over and over but the whole thing between FJC and me started when I asked the purpose of the project and indicated that in my opinion it (GUI) will be a novelty rather than a useful tool as most, if not all, older atari software can not be run in a GUI environment and thus compatibility with older software (which by the way constitutes the bulk of the available atari software) will be a major issue. We all know how successfully the first releases of Windows ran legacy software (especially games that access hardware directly) so it's a no brainer. He apparently, with his fragile ego, took my comments as an insult to his programming prowess and tried to marginalize my every subsequent posting. Well, I am not here to prove my own "programming prowess" or to become an Atari legend, but I am also not here to take his bullshit. So I will reciprocate if need be. Simple as that....

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and chronological exaggeration to the tune of three hundred per cent.


Let's see 2009 to 2014 is ==> 2014-2009=5 years, damn you're right!! its only 5 years not a decade, although its obvious that the exaggeration is only 100%, that's of course if you went to high school to learn math :grin:.


On another note, 5 years is enough to get a career from scratch, so if you started coding the GUI with zero atari knowledge you would have been an atari expert by now, but wait, you have started programming ataris in the 90's right?

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Let's see 2009 to 2014 is ==> 2014-2009=5 years, damn you're right!! its only 5 years not a decade, although its obvious that the exaggeration is only 100%, that's of course if you went to high school to learn math :grin:.


On another note, 5 years is enough to get a career from scratch, so if you started coding the GUI with zero atari knowledge you would have been an atari expert by now, but wait, you have started programming ataris in the 90's right?


excuse me...what have YOU done, exactly? You are acting like a troll. Go back under your bridge.



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I hate to repeat myself over and over but the whole thing between FJC and me started when I asked the purpose of the project and indicated that in my opinion it (GUI) will be a novelty rather than a useful tool as most, if not all, older atari software can not be run in a GUI environment and thus compatibility with older software (which by the way constitutes the bulk of the available atari software) will be a major issue. We all know how successfully the first releases of Windows ran legacy software (especially games that access hardware directly) so it's a no brainer. He apparently, with his fragile ego, took my comments as an insult to his programming prowess and tried to marginalize my every subsequent posting. Well, I am not here to prove my own "programming prowess" or to become an Atari legend, but I am also not here to take his bullshit. So I will reciprocate if need be. Simple as that....


I just went back and read it and I thought you were tolerated pretty well given your insistence that the project wasn't worthwhile and probably wouldn't work anyway. It looks like you got the response you were trying for. Besides, practicality doesn't really factor in when you're writing software for an obsolete 30+ year old computer.


And by the way, a GUI app which needs unfettered access to IRQ and NMI events probably shouldn't be a GUI app. For most things it's enough to get an event from the OS.

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