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How do I transfer files to the Side 2


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Hi All


I am new to Atari 8 Bit.


How do I transfer files to the Side 2 (CF Card) using a PC or Mac.

What programs do I need to do the transfer, and where do i get them Please.

I am able to put them on the Fat 32 Partition that is seen by a Mac or a PC.

But don't know what is required for the ?? Other Partition.



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Everything you need is here:




With the most recent SDX build flashed to you SIDE cart, you can boot into SpartaDOS X and install the FATFS.SYS driver right off the CAR: device. This will give you access to a FAT16 partition (of less than 32MB) right from the DOS prompt. You may then copy files from the FAT partition into SDFS (SpartaDOS File System) partitions.


You'll need to use FDISK (also on CAR:) to create the partitions, and documentation is provided which explains how to set up the system. Sorry if this is a bit brisk, but if you have more questions, just shout up. There are also quite a few topics on the forum which have talked about the subject. ;)

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Thanks for the reply, I have spent 3 days trying to find a method and was at a loss.

I have yet to learn the NEW Language that is used around the Atari 8 bit world.


I will have a look at the Spartados X Manual. ?? I assume thats where I Start ??


I come from a TRS-80 Model 1/3/4/4p Background and thought i would diversify to the Atari 8 bit environment.

This is an interesting device, It looks like additional hardware that would be useful are - Side2 and Sio2SD combination

and if i can get a 1050 Floppy, Or is there another model that i should look for ??.



Thanks to Rybags for selling me an Atari 130XE and getting me started.



Edited by Audronic
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SDX's manual is required reading if that's the DOS you intend to use, but as far as partitioning the hard disk, refer to the APT User Guide on my website. This should get you up and running with FDISK, and indeed it explains the precise "external FAT partition" scenario I described above.


I can heartily recommend SIO2SD or SIO2PC used in conjunction with SIDE2: it offers a second path when it comes to getting data on and off the hard disk (indeed the only way to get data off the APT partitions while the FAT drivers are read-only).


As for floppy drives: I have two XF551s, and I recommend those too, although they're reputedly less robust than 1050s. The XF does DS/DD out of the box, though, and matches your 130XE colour scheme.

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