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Wanted Atari 2600 Heavy Sixer NTSC


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I know its my first post in the forums and I will admit to not owning anything Atari at the moment, but I have caught the collector bug in regards to this console for various reasons.(I want to AV mod it)

I am looking for a Atari 2600 Heavy Sixer NTSC unmodified console thats looking for a new home here in the UK

The console does not need to be complete in regards to cables as these can be found here in the UK.

I have looked on the usual auction sites and been let down by a few sellers mainly due to the US Postal Service charges (Priority Mail)

The reason why I want one of these consoles is I want to relive playing on this console from years ago, hopefully with a new Harmony Cart.

I thought it would be better to post here on the atariage enthusiast forums as you guys might be more helpfull.








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