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Sorry for the posting in general 8-bit computers, but it seems the "Wanted" section in Marketplace is not near the traffic as this.

If you're looking for something 8-bit cart related, please let me know in addition. Thanx in advance.


looking for Atari 8bit Cartridges (Boxed can be just box and instructions, I have the carts for the ones on my list marked ‘boxed’):


Boxed Activision Space Shuttle, Pitfall II, and Beam Rider

Boxed Atari XE Karateka, Mario Brothers, Crystal Castles

Boxed Epyx Jumpman Jr, Alien Garden,

Boxed Broderburd Software SeaFox

Boxed Sega Super Zaxxon

Boxed Sierra Online Learning with Leeper, BC’s Quest

Boxed Parker Bros. Frogger II (USA or Canada).

Boxed Synapse Pinic Paranornal, Protector II

Boxed Roklan Castle Hassle


I desperately need: Espial (Tigervision) either loose or boxed.


Hobgoblin (GR8), Yoomp (GR8)


Utility carts:

A/D convertor, Persistent RAM, GTIA, Express, Diamond GOS


Thanx a lot!


Money or trade (or combination). Thanx.

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