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The Eidolon: Game or Tech Demo?


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Do I just not get it, or is "The Eidolon" really not much of a game? I mean, beautiful to be sure. Sound effects on point. But as for game-play, the only things I can see to do are to collect the crystals and then spam the space bar when something animate comes on screen. I don't get much return fire from the mobs, which is convenient since I can't really dodge; and they don't seem to dodge much. When I watch YouTube videos, other players seem to be doing pretty much the same. I guess what I'm asking is, am I missing something?

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Exactly. The cave motion is very well done and that bass-y chime/crush sound when you pick up the crystals is nice too. But the mobs are kinda shitty and, as has been said, there really isn't much of a game there. Now, Rescue on Fractalus. THAT was a game, AND good use of the fractal driven, dynamically generating terrain. Apparently a remake is underway.



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It's one of those games that keeps you in but once you've worked it out and finished it, the replay value quickly diminishes.


RoF just keeps you coming back - sure, it's a grinding type of game but with infinite world possibilities and the suspense factor still applies even after playing it for years.


Koronis Rift for me was just too frustrating. In many ways it's graphically the best of their games but trying to get the right mix of gadgets so that you could actually go out there and loot without getting massacred constantly wore thin pretty quickly.


Ballblazer - it is what it is. A simple ball game that is elevated well beyond that by the technical presentation.

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