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Wanted: large lot of PacMan, MsPacMan, SpaceInvaders, Pitfall...


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I have a bit of an odd request...

I am willing to pay between $1 - $1.50 for 16 to 20 of the same 2600 game cartridges.

Specifically, I am looking for PacMan, mspacman, spaceinvaders, night driver, pitfall.I am not intrested in juat a few, I am looking for lots of 16-20 of the same game.


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just to add to this post:

I don't care if the games are broken or working. I don't care if the end label is there or not. I am only concerned with picture labels in very good condition. I am not interested in text labels.

Combat games are out there by the millions...somebody out there must have 16-20 good picture label 2600 Combat games, I will buy those as well.


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I have a bit of an odd request...

I am willing to pay between $1 - $1.50 for 16 to 20 of the same 2600 game cartridges.

Specifically, I am looking for PacMan, mspacman, spaceinvaders, night driver, pitfall.I am not intrested in juat a few, I am looking for lots of 16-20 of the same game.


Hello, do you still want these games? lmk thanks

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