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I have very early working prototype created for Corina cartridge. Unfortunately this project is cancelled as I know. So I'm glad that you try to create your new version. Good luck!

That is incredibly awesome! I really wish I hadn't peeked - mine just looks like a soggy bag of dog barf in comparison.

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I'm using that technique right now to give me full access to the normal character set and my redefined one.


I meant something different: Without using space for a second/third character set, you could use the 'filp-char-display' feature (via CHACT...) at the horizon of the dungeon graphics. The lower depiction is often the upper but mirrored (try 'POKE 755,4' in Basic).

Just a way to improve the graphics without enlarging the memory footprint.

Edited by Irgendwer
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Ah, now I understand. Hmmm interesting idea - currently I don't have a true horizon, I'll have to play around and see a) making a horizontal horizon affects the perspective, and b) if this will save very much - because my focal point is at eye level (of the assumed player) and not at the middle of the screen, there may not be many savings. Thanks for the idea however!


I should have a playable demo sometime in the next week or so...

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Ah, now I understand. Hmmm interesting idea - currently I don't have a true horizon, I'll have to play around and see a) making a horizontal horizon affects the perspective, and b) if this will save very much - because my focal point is at eye level (of the assumed player) and not at the middle of the screen, there may not be many savings. Thanks for the idea however!


I think your perspective/distance representation is perfectly fine..

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I've attached a very rough demo for anyone who is interested. It contains two complete levels and 5 different monsters. Currently there are a number of missing components (sound being the most obvious), but I'm continuing to work on it.


Comments are very welcome!




Dungeon Hunt - Prelim.pdf

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I've attached a very rough demo for anyone who is interested. It contains two complete levels and 5 different monsters. Currently there are a number of missing components (sound being the most obvious), but I'm continuing to work on it.


Comments are very welcome!




attachicon.gifDungeon Hunt - Prelim.pdf


Well, I haven't seen the demos yet, but I would like to make a point about sound. I would advise keeping the sound to ambient stuff..ie., water dripping. monster noises, maybe stepping sounds, heavy breathing, thuds when fighting, etc. It seems like most new games insist on having a tracker loop playing with complicated euro dance tunes. I personally find that kind of obnoxious. I also remember the way Dungeon Master's ambient really set the tone and added to the immersion.

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Please nobody should piss off Pete the assistant manager so we can actually have this game released...

OK, I'll bite - who is Pete?



Well, I haven't seen the demos yet, but I would like to make a point about sound. I would advise keeping the sound to ambient stuff..ie., water dripping. monster noises, maybe stepping sounds, heavy breathing, thuds when fighting, etc. It seems like most new games insist on having a tracker loop playing with complicated euro dance tunes. I personally find that kind of obnoxious. I also remember the way Dungeon Master's ambient really set the tone and added to the immersion.

Not a problem - sounds generation is not my strong suit, so the sound effects will likely be best described as "minimalist".

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Had a go (130XE/PAL/CRT) made it to level 2 :)

Dungeon Hunt looks nice, the controls were good. Yes the sound will be the big atmosphere maker - I love Ultima III! Was nice to have the automatic on screen map :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Thank you, glad you liked it! I always liked self-mapping games - pausing and grabbing graph paper seems to take a lot away from the momentum.

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Looks promising, although I had a different experience than therealbountybob concerning the controls. I was only running the program in Altirra, but I found the joystick response via Altirra's keyboard mapping to be a bit too unresponsive. If I just did a normal keypress to move, I wouldn't. I kind of had to learn to hold each key press for at least 1/2 second for the program to respond. Not sure if that's the case with real hardware and joystick.



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I'm almost done the game engine itself - which is a very good thing since my nose is pressed firmly against the memory wall! Now I must spend some time creating the rest of the monsters and designing levels.


Changes since the last update:

  • More sound effects - monster being hit, monster doing the hitting, irregular drip noise, door unlock
  • Better corpse for defeated monster
  • Firestorm spell (severely damages every monster around you)
  • Working bow and arrow for ranged attack
  • Allow blank wall panels to randomly award bonus
  • Burning torch - when it runs down to 25% the dungeon gets darker, when it hits 0% the dungeon becomes very dark and the monsters hit much harder
  • Doors lock after walking through them, allow more complex (and frustrating :-) puzzle creation
  • A large number of cosmetic issues fixed
  • Issues with sticky fire button fixed as well as (hopefully) better joystick control



New video - walk through of the first level: http://youtu.be/UlX0jisgG6I

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I also remember the way Dungeon Master's ambient really set the tone and added to the immersion.


Dungeon Master on the Amiga was the first game I played that used stereo effectively. The little scurrying noises in the corners freaked the heck out of me. First time playing I ended up searching the apartment for rodents before realizing it was coming from the game.

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Thanks everyone for the encouraging words! Gone are the days when I might have made money developing games for the Atari, so the next best thing is to get feedback from the people that matter!



After reading the entire R-P-C saga I now understand bbking67's "Pete" comment above - although I don't plan to release very many copies of this game, it is real and will be complete (fairly soon!)

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Alright, this is likely the last video before the game goes gold. I've spent the last few days adding eye candy, a pause feature, marketplace (to purchase health etc), and text engine to spell out some of the game interactions, as well as an indicator to show the monster's current health. I have 5 more maps to create and then (unless any more bugs appear) this will be ready for play testing and hopefully I can send it to manufacturing within the month.





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