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32x and Model 1 Headphone Jack Question

Rick Dangerous

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I am about to plug a 32x into my model 1. I often use the headphone jack at night on my genesis model one so as not to wake the house. If I have a 32x plugged in, will I still be able to use the jack (to listen to both 32x and Genesis games plugged into the 32x unit)? Or am I better off getting sound from my TV or receiver via the Genesis 2 av cables?


I also noticed that sound from the headphone jack has a reasonable amount of background noise compared to getting it from the receiver (from the same source!-that is to say I plug the headphone jack into the "aux in" on my Sony Surround sound amp. I'm thinking this is because most modern receivers have built in Noise Reduction technology for any analog signals it receives. Has anyone else noticed this?


Lastly I have seen cables that connect the headphone jack and genesis to the 32x. Are these necessary? Isn't true stereo for both 32x and Genesis games coming out of the back of the 32x via the Genesis 2 AV cables?



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The only way I get sound from my 32x connected to the model 1 Genesis is to use headphones. No sound comes from the TV. I think you need a cable that has one end which goes into the headphone slot on the Genesis 1 model and the other end that goes into the AV slot on your TV or VCR.

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The only way I get sound from my 32x connected to the model 1 Genesis is to use headphones. No sound comes from the TV. I think you need a cable that has one end which goes into the headphone slot on the Genesis 1 model and the other end that goes into the AV slot on your TV or VCR.

So what is the point of the rca cables coming out of the back of the 32x. You must get sound out of them? Even stereo most likely?

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So what is the point of the rca cables coming out of the back of the 32x. You must get sound out of them? Even stereo most likely?

Some of the graphics come from the Genesis to the 32X.

Model 1's only have mono at the back. This gets disabled when the 32X is added. (Model 2's pass stereo out the back to the 32X.)

You can order a special Model 1 cable that plugs into the headphone jack AND the back, then goes to the 32X, so stereo comes out the 32X.

I never used it that way. I always take the sound from the Headphone Jack from my Model 1 regardless if the 32X is connected or not.

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Some of the graphics come from the Genesis to the 32X.

Model 1's only have mono at the back. This gets disabled when the 32X is added. (Model 2's pass stereo out the back to the 32X.)

You can order a special Model 1 cable that plugs into the headphone jack AND the back, then goes to the 32X, so stereo comes out the 32X.

I never used it that way. I always take the sound from the Headphone Jack from my Model 1 regardless if the 32X is connected or not.


Gotcha. So even if you have a 32x plugged in, and are getting video from that, you want to get your stereo from the genesis stereo output. What a convoluted setup.


I found this:




It looks like if you have a sega CD attached, you still get video from the 32x, then stereo from the headphone jack to the cd unit, then RCA stereo out. What were they thinking!!! lol

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The cable that connects the Genesis and 32X passes sound between them. If you use the original cables, you get mono sound out of the 32x AV cable. If you use one of these with the 32X stereo AV, you'll get stereo sound.


Thanks! What if I am running a Sega CD Model 1 underneath my genesis? Better to run the cable to the back of that and then RCA stereo out to AV In? Or could I still use this cable and leave the CD unit well alone?

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The SEGA CD will output stereo on CD games but not Genesis/32X games as is. The Model 1 CD has a stereo 3.5mm input jack though, which you can connect your Model 1 Genesis headphone jack to. That will pass stereo from Genesis to the CD unit. If you're using the 32X, I'd say disconnect that wire, and use the cable I mentioned from ebay. To use the CD, reconnect the cable from CD to headphone jack. For the few CD/32X games, I suppose you could try a stereo splitter of some sort!

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The SEGA CD will output stereo on CD games but not Genesis/32X games as is. The Model 1 CD has a stereo 3.5mm input jack though, which you can connect your Model 1 Genesis headphone jack to. That will pass stereo from Genesis to the CD unit. If you're using the 32X, I'd say disconnect that wire, and use the cable I mentioned from ebay. To use the CD, reconnect the cable from CD to headphone jack. For the few CD/32X games, I suppose you could try a stereo splitter of some sort!


Jesus....why would they set it up so you have to switch cables to get stereo out of all units!!! ARGHH

Edited by travistouchdown
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So are the rca jacks coming out of the 32x dual mono or are they just dead channels?

They're not RCA jacks at all BTW, they're mini-DIN jacks.


They are stereo if fed with stereo. If not, then only the Left channel will have sound.

Actually no, the mini-DIN for the Genesis 2/3 and 32X has a dedicated pin for mono audio, which is what both the mono AV cable and RF modulator use.
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So lets get this straight for posterity.


How to get stereo from a 32x, Genesis, Sega CD Combo:


If you are playing Genesis or 32x


1. Video from back of 32x. Headphone cable to receiver.




2. This cable: http://www.ebay.com/itm/201148181254 And then the Genesis 2 AV cable coming out of the back of your 32x will produce stereo




1. Unplug the 32x audio patch cable from your Genesis Headphone jack. Patch the Sega CD headphone jack to the Genesis headphone jack. Then you will receive Video from the Genesis 2 AV cable coming from the back of the 32x, and Stereo from the RCA outs on the back of the Sega CD unit.




Otherwise: Everything runs through the Genesis 2 av cable coming out of the back of the 32x as MONO


Please fix if you see anything wrong here.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

The SEGA CD will output stereo on CD games but not Genesis/32X games as is. The Model 1 CD has a stereo 3.5mm input jack though, which you can connect your Model 1 Genesis headphone jack to. That will pass stereo from Genesis to the CD unit. If you're using the 32X, I'd say disconnect that wire, and use the cable I mentioned from ebay. To use the CD, reconnect the cable from CD to headphone jack. For the few CD/32X games, I suppose you could try a stereo splitter of some sort!


This is incorrect, both model 1 and model 2 sega CDs will accept stereo from the headphone jack of the model 1 megadrive and output this for standard megadrive games.


The 32x will also output stereo through the megadrive headphone port, so you can pass it through the sega cd without switching cables.

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  • 4 months later...

I don't know what anyone is talking about on here.... I had non-hi def model 1 no ext port when I bought the 32x new the chritmas it came out and audio came out of it fine be it mono with the standard cable that came with it... now I have a TMSS hidef model 1 and a stereo a/v cable connected straight to the 32x no headphone jack and sound works too be still in mono. Unless I'm not understanding everyone else cause it sounded like you all said ALL sound gets cut off as soon as the 32x gets plugged in which is not the case at all unless it has something to to with the revision of the genesis and not that it's a model 1 at all.

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