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A number of TI-99 Goodies that need appraisal =D


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I have a number of Ti-99 CIB and some manual + games that need to be appraised, I can't find enough information on rarity / value on a handful of them, so I will be posting on a flickr the pictures I take of the items =] Is anyone knowledgeable on this systems software? As far as rarity and value are concerned mainly =]. Thanks!

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Pretty much anyone who has a lot of posts here would be able to give some indication--but there are about half a dozen collectors with intimate knowledge of the rarity and probable value of things TI--most of us post here. I've got one of the most extensive TI collections on the planet--and I've been following online sales for this system for more than 15 years.

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There is no defined value for anything TI. It all depends on the need the buyer has for a particular item.

For exmaple, I am not a collector, so even the rarest of cartridges will have a value of exactly zero for me, but perhaps a boat load of cash for another.

As OLD CS1 said, put the items to auction and hope for the best :)

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Agreed. For example, most cartridges are only worth a couple of bucks to me because I am more interested in the shells than the PCBs inside—at least, for the moment. :)




Same here, a buck at the most. Anyone selling cartridges, I'll give you a buck each for them, and you can give me just the shell - you keep the board. :)



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I have about 150 it 99 4a games and I got them with the computer and expansion in trade for a n64 and 10 games :) but value is based on number of collectors looking for it. Ex Conkers bfd is not rare its atmost an uncommon, but everyone is looking for it so its over 70 bucks on the other hand zany golf on the genesis is very rare but goes for around 10, but not alot of people looking for it

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