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Had a question on load the RXB cartfiles.


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I have had some great success loading various cartfile using them as practice on how to do it and so far it's been working great. I have been reading this thread here:




I loaded the XB 2.7 using this commands in the classic99.ini file


; *** ubergrom cart - works ***
name="ubergrom XB v2.7 Suite"
I try a new section for the RXB eg [usercart5] and it just doesn't show or or if it does it won't load.
I'd like to learn what I am doing wrong and maybe that can help me in the future figure out how to load various Cartridges.
Edited by firepod
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One thing to check when something 'doesn't work' in Classic99 is Edit->Debugger, where you can read a running debug log, and see if it reported any issues. (If it already scrolled the cartridge load off the screen just use File->Reset and it will reload them).


If it's not showing up at all, you probably are missing the 'name' field. Paste a copy of the entry you created? :)

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Thanks Tursi, I will do that when I get back to it, for now I am reading a book about programming with TI LOL want to make something happen here and show it to my boy:) So far I want to say I have been able to load other Bin's so I am happy with that for only have worked with the software a few days. And Tursi, you're a genius, what a wonderful program, it makes me want to own a real Ti now which is awesome!!!!


OOps I just realized I showed the wrong usercart LOL



;name="RXB Suite 512"
I Tried changing the C to other letters and numbers as I was reading that will load the bin file in different locations but they all failed to load. I also tried changing the |6000|8000| to other values with no luck.
Edited by firepod
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Actually, RXB won't work with what you've included--it looks like you've only included the ROM files. You also have to have the five GROM files (examples are the rom0 through rom4 files in your XB 2.7 list). That's the real reason it isn't working. . .and the ROM portion will always start at >6000, which is why you can't change that address. . .

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