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Mega Speedy, the ultimate 1050 upgrade. Intrest assesment.


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the german Floppy 2000 showed a menu when you booted without a disk (some other floppy upgrades too). You could then choose which program you wanted to load. Maybe for those that do not want the LCD display you can create a similar menu for the MegaSpeedy, where one can choose the speeder (Happy, Turbo, Speedy, SuperSpeedy, etc.) he wants to use, so the LCD display is not nescessary anymore...?!?

That's what I meant with "adding to the flasher". The flasher software is loaded from the drive if you select the "flasher mode" and boot with an open drive door.


Actually the flasher mode is identical to the mega speedy mode, but you are usually not supposed to update this slot (if you mess things up, well, you might have a problem doing further updates).


In mega speedy mode there's 24k of space for "bootable software", in more or less the same way as with the Speedy (speedy had only 8k of space). So people may write some super-nice configuration menus with DLIs and whatnot, if they like, and just upload them to one of the mega speedy ROM slots. I'll release the necessary programming information with the added registers etc, but first I have to write it :)


I find the beeper much more annoying. What does it do, other than beep in high frequency (ouch, my ears, tinnitus alert!) when an error occurs or an unformatted disk was put into the drive ?!?

IIRC there were some programs that used the beeper to play a tune, but if you don't like it, just remove it :) Anyways, only the speedy modes support the beeper, so if you use Happy, Turbo, ... your drive will be quiet :)


so long,



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I absolutely do not want to derail this topic, but I need to know the following...


What is the expected lifespan of a 1050 from now on? These drives are overall 30 years old now, and what can I expect? 10 more years?

I have a rather cool stack of 1050's here, and I really want to invest in this upgrade for myself… but if my 1050's will stop working in a few years, I might regret it (that's why I ask).

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That's really hard to predict.


But since the MegaSpeedy replaces CPU, RAM and ROM there will be 3 30-year-old parts less in your 1050 that can fail :)


so long,




Thanks! But what about the drive belt… is there any thing useful to say about that… or something I can do to let it last longer?

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Hello MrFish,


Here's two pictures of the front. One with the final display PCB on top.

The switch to the upper right of the picture is to select the drive number and has nothing to do with the Mega-Speedy.

The rotary encoder is supposed to go to the right of the displays. A switch with 3 positions may also be placed there.

And the wireing can be connected to the PCB and the encoder placed elsewhere.

Or if you want to leave the drive intact, route the flatcable below the drive, between the bottom and the front bezzel.

The PDF contains a printout of the complete display board.


As to how long the drives may last, at ABBUC they still send disks to the members.

These have been copied with the same 1050 for many years. And it still works fine.



Guus Assmann




When in doubt, please do not buy this unit !



MEGA Speedy Display 1050 WF rev 24-aug-2014.pdf

Edited by guus.assmann
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@The Doctor,


If you mean Euro's, then maybe we're there.

But if you mean $, I'm not so sure, $39,95 is a very low price.

It also depends, if I can get more CPU's at a good price.

Up till now, I've bought enough to make about 50 units.


As this unit replaces most other upgrades, You can sell those to earn money to buy the Mega-Speedy. :-)




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It is compatible with "TOMS turbo drive"?

After correcting the obvious errors in the jsobola schematic, the memory layout seems to be identical to the 1050 duplicator (8k RAM at $2000-$3FFF, 8k ROM at $E000-$FFFF) and this TOMS ROM seems to be working - at least I can see the boot menu and use the integrated disk copier.


But I need some more information about this upgrade and some links to (diagnostics-)software:


Do you have some known good schematics of this upgrade?


Do you have installation instructions in english (or in some text-format that I can run through google translate)? I guess CPU and ROM have to be removed and then the board plugs into the CPU socket - or do you need to do further modifications to the 1050 like soldering some wires?


I also tried to run "Toms Turbo Drive Kopier 1.15" (v1 and v2 from atarionline.pl), but didn't get very far - I still need to find out how to use google translate on my 800XL :) I just pressed return a few times, saw "0", "39", then "T" at the bottom of the screen, then "S" appeared on the top right (I had an SD disk in my drive), but when pressing return another time I just hear the drive "fart" and then the "CTRL-2 error tone". Not quite sure what's going wrong here :-)


I'd be happy about any information, maybe I can add support for TOMS, too (I won't promise anything, but I'll try to).


so long,



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Thanks! But what about the drive belt… is there any thing useful to say about that… or something I can do to let it last longer?

Drive belts are available from B&C and Best, at least for the time being... If you ask me, I'd say get one upgrade put it in one of your 1050s and if that 1050 goes bye bye after a while, you could move the upgrade to another one... I guess you have enough 1050s to last you a lifetime :D

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