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Hummingbird EPROMs is back at full range


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It has been several months since I have been able to program TMS2532/TMS2532A EPROMs. Part of the problem was my eprommer and part of it was a lot of defective chips. As of this afternoon, that problem has been solved. My list of supported EPROMs has become very long and unwieldly. If anyone in the community needs an EPROM, I probably have it. Send me a PM if you have a specific request and I'll let you know if I can provide what you require. Chances are, I can probably do it.

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Here is a list of available EPROMs. In addition, I can do any of the files released on Atariage EXCEPT for Tony Knerr's "XB Suite" variants\






DSR/Program Filename(s) Chip Description

~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~-------







256K Buffer Vn 2.1 cc_2562_1 2764 Corrects minor

problems in the

Original DSR


FDC (Bank 1) cc_bank1 2764 Original Bank 1



FDC (Bank 2) cc_bank2 2764 Original Bank 2



FDC (MG Bank 1) cc_mgbank1 2764 MG mod eliminates

the start up and

adds additional



FDC (MG Bank 2) cc_mgbank2 2764 MG Bank 2



FDC (MG Bank 1) cc_mgbank3 2764 Removes DSK4



Memory Plus cc_mem+_1 27128 Original DSR




RS232 cc_rs232 2732 2764 Original DSR



Tripletech cc_trtech 2716 Original DSR



9900 RS232 cc_9900232 2764 Original DSR



9900 FDC cc_9900dsk 2764 Original DSR


9900 cc_9900_1 27128 Original DSR




9900CES cc_9900ces 27128 Original DSR











GENEVE Boot Vn .98 my_gen098A 27128 Vn .98 boot EPROM




GENEVE Boot Vn 1.0 my_gen10A 27128 Adds a menu and

my_gen10B booting from a

my_gen10 SCSI device


GENEVE Boot Vn 1.1 my_gen11A 27128 As above for

my_gen11B GENMOD



HFDC V11 my_hfdc11A 27128 Original DSR




HFDC V14 my_hfdc14A 27128 Reduces floppy

my_hfdc14B head step time to

my_hfdc14 8ms and 4ms


HFDC V15 my_hfdc15A 27128 Removes floppy

my_hfdc15B access



RS232 my_rs232 2732 Original DSR



RS232 (AVPC Mod) my_avrs232 2732 Eliminates

interrupt line

conflict with AVPC


128K Card my_128v1 2764 Original DSR



128K Card (XB212) my_xb212 2764 For use with XB212



512K Card my_512_enh 2764 Original DSR



512K Card Vn 1.3B my_512_13b 2764 Intermediate



512K Card Vn 2.1 my_5122_1 2764 Final release of



512K Card Vn "JD" my_512jd 2764 Intermediate




FDC 80-Trk my_80trk 2764 80-TRK upgrade for








RS232 ti_rs232 TMS2532 Original DSR



RS232 (AVPC Mod) ti_avrs232 TMS2532 Eliminates

interrupt line

conflict with AVPC


RS232 (Guion Mod) ti_grs232 TMS2532 Serial port as SIO

BA=4800 PAR=710



RS232 (Overclocked) ti_rs232oc TMS2532 For 3.58mHz clock



RS232 (High Speed) ti_rs232hs TMS2532 Increased baud

rates 1200-38.4K



Console ROM (Even) ti_evenrom TMS2532 Even console ROM



Console ROM (Odd) ti_oddrom TMS2532 Odd console ROM



FDC ti_diska (U26) TMS2532 Original DSR

ti_diskb (U27)


FDC (DSDD) ti_dd2564 TMS2564 Original DSR



FDC (40/80/80) ti_u264080 TMS2532 DSK1 40-TRK, DSK2-

ti_u274080 DSK3 80-TRK



FDC (80/80/40) ti_u268040 TMS2532 DSK1-2 80-TRK,

ti_u278040 DSK3 40-TRK



FDC (40/40/80) ti_u264040 TMS2532 DSK1-2 40-TRK,

ti_u278080 DSK3 80-TRK






FDC Guion "A" ti_dsk12a (12ms) TMS2532 Adds DSK4 and

ti_dsk20a (20ms) lowercase drive



FDC Guion "B" ti_dskb TMS2532 See above (U27)




Misc DSRs

~~~~ ~~~~



AVPC Vn 2.0 avpc_vn2_0 2732 2764 Upgrade of the

original DSR



AVPC (Knerr) avpc_knerr 2732 2764 Restores FCTN=



Alphacom alphacom 2732 Original DSR



AT RS232 at_rs232 2732 Original DSR



GRAMULATOR Vn 1.1 gramul_1_1 2764 Original DSR



GRAMULATOR Vn 2.0 gramul2_0 2764 Adds MBX facility



GRAFTRAX A graftraxa 2716 For Epson MX-80



GRAFTRAX B graftraxb 2716 Chip #2



GRAFTRAX C graftraxc 2716 Chip #3



STX-80 stx80 2732 Original DSR



Boxcar RS232 bxc_rs232 2732 Original DSR



Foundation 128K Card foundation 2732 2764 Original DSR



Foundation 128K Card f_xb212 2764 For Myarc XB212



AT RS232 at_rs232 2732 Original DSR



Winchester Pers. win_lower TMS2532 Original DSR

win_upper TMS2532


Parallax TI parallax TMS2532 Original DSR



ParaPrint paraprint TMS2532 Original DSR



Percom Disk Cont percom 2764 Original DSR



Mechatronic 80 Col mech80_3_5 2764 Last DSR version



Mechatronic 80 Col mech801_2 2764 B. Boone's



Son of a Board (SOB)sob40_1 27128 A 40-col version



Son of a Board (SOB)sob80_1 27128 The original DSR



Cartridges 8K

~~~~~~~~~~ ~~



Air Wolf airwolf 2764



Ambulance ambulance 2764



Ant Colony antcolony 2764



Anteater ant_eater 2764



Centipede centipede 2764



Clowns clowns 2764



Crossfire crossfire 2764



D-Station d_station 2764



Database(Navarrone) database 2764



Disk-Fixer(Navarrone)disk_fixer 2764



Driving Demon drvng_demn 2764



Fig Forth 2.0(Weind)fig_forth 2764



Galaxia galaxia 2764



Guardian guardian 2764



Hamsoft hamsoft 2764



Henhouse henhouse 2764



Henpecked henpecked 2764



Home Sentry(CorComp) homesentry 2764



Munchman II munch2 2764



Nature's Way nature_way 2764



Paddle paddle 2764



Paint N Print paintnprnt 2764



Peripheral Diags perdiags 2764



Princess and Frog p_frog 2764



Rabbit Trail rabbit 2764



Roto-Raider roto_raidr 2764



Saguaro City saguaro 2764


Schnozola schnozola 2764



Shanghai shanghai 2764



Sneggit sneggit 2764



Space Aggressor aggressor 2764



St Nick st_nick 2764



Star Wars starwars 2764



Super Duper(Navarrone)superduper 2764



TI->IBM Transfer(CorComp)ti_ibm 2764



Tafara tafara 2764



Tombstone City tombcity 2764



Topper topper 2764



Typoman typoman 2764



Typoman II typo_ii 2764



Video Vegas vegas 2764



Worm Attack wormattack 2764




Cartridges 16K

~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~



Computer War computerw1 27128




Killer Caterpillar killer1 27128




Junkman Jr junkman1 27128





Neverlander neverland1 27128




Robotron robotron1 27128




Star Runner starruner1 27128




Super Storm superstor1 27128





TurboForth (Wills) turbo1 27128




Word Writer wordwrite1 27128









Archiver Vn 3.02 arc302 2764


Archiver Vn 3.03 arc303 2764



Archiver Vn 3.04 arc304 2764



Disk Backup dskbackup 2764 Saves a disk to a

SCSI drive


Disk Backup dskbackup1 2764 Saves a disk to

WDS1 and HRD at



DSRLDR3 dsrldr3 2764 Loads SNUG DSRs



DSR Scan dsrscan 2764 Scans DSRs and

CALLs they l

contain 80-col

card required


GKRACKER gkrack 2764 Converts GK to

HSGPL format


F'web Vn 4.4 fweb 2764 F'WEB kernel



HRD16SAV hrd16sav 2764 Original program



HRD16SAV hrd16sav1 2764 For HRD at >1800

and WDS1



HRD16SAV Vn 1.10 hrd16sav2 2764 White/blue and

adds lowercase



Linehunter linehunter 2764 Finds lines and

tags in source



Quest Vn 2.0 quest2 2764 Changes allowable

CRU addresses



Quest Vn 4.0 quest4 2764 Allows 4 Quests

as DSK4-F



Super Bugger superbug 2764 A/L debugger

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I'm actually trying to get set up to do PALs/GALs. The catch with those is being able to read them (fuses set to prevent reading) or getting the necessary JEDEC files. I have a couple of them now, but not many.


Yeah, I know that problem, and cracking them is not easy, I been trying myself recently I have my own set of PALs/GALs I used for my own OPA projects and over the years I lost the original source files also, and I been slowly recreating them from printouts and ex-employee files and testing, so I can publicly release them for everyone to be able to repair or service any of my previous hardware addons.

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