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Best Vectrex Games?


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I hope to scoop up Vector Pilot as well.. It looks and sounds incredible! :-o


I checked out a few YouTube videos and this game totally blew my mind from what I saw so far, I could only imagine how much more sweet it would be to play it in person, on a real unit whenever I get one. :)

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I hope to scoop up Vector Pilot as well.. It looks and sounds incredible! :-o


I checked out a few YouTube videos and this game totally blew my mind from what I saw so far, I could only imagine how much more sweet it would be to play it in person, on a real unit whenever I get one. :)

I purchased a copy of Vector Pilot Yesterday. I have also watched some YouTube videos and I am totally stoked!
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I have searched AtariAge for this topic before posting this topic and maybe I didn't look hard enough. I could not find this topic and I am just beginning my vectrex collection. Seeing as these games aren't particularly easy to find or cheap I would like to know what games are the best. I already have star castle thanks to frank which I know is awesome, but I have found mixed opinions on different review sites about the other official release GCE games. I am saving my money up for a couple months before going any further, so any input on what to get would be much appreciated. Sorry in advance if this topic has been done a million times before.



Get John Dondzilla's games. They are some of the best games on the system, I especially like Trackers (targ clone), Patriots (missile command), rockaroids and rockaroids remix (asteroid clones). Most of his games are really, really good and they are cheap. Unfortunately, he is selling out his existing stock and won't be making any more. You can also check the games out on an emulator to see if they are something you would like. He has all the roms at his site. Just google his name.


The home brew scene used to be really big on the Vectrex and many of the homebrews are better than most of the original games. Protector/YASI is really great, but expensive and (IIRC) has been out of production for a decade or more and will be next to impossible to find unless you have a flash cart, but I'm not sure the rom is out. Scramble is a pretty good original game and the best original is, of course, Star Castle. Vectrex is my favorite home console because it's so unique and emulation, no matter how accurate can never replace the real thing. Nothing like a true vector monitor!

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My favorites out of the original GCE games:

  • 3D Minestorm
  • 3D Narrow Escape
  • Armor Attack
  • Bedlam
  • Berzerk
  • Clean Sweep
  • Cosmic Chasm
  • Fortress of Narzod
  • Hyerchase
  • Mine Storm
  • Mine Storm II
  • Pole Position
  • Rip Off
  • Scramble
  • Star Hawk
  • Web Wars
There are a lot of great homebrews as well. I recommend getting a VecMulti to load both original and homebrew games onto the same flash cart.
  • Birds of Prey (Phoenix)
  • Bloxorz (beta)
  • City Bomber
  • Moon Lander (Lunar Lander)
  • Nagoya Attack (beta)
  • Omega Chase (Omega Race)
  • Patriots (Missile Command)
  • Protector (Defender)
  • Rockaroids (Asteroids)
  • Rockaroids Remix (Asteroids Deluxe)
  • Space Frenzy (Space Fury)
  • Spike's Water Balloons (Kaboom)
  • Star Fire Spirits (Star Wars Arcade)
  • Trakkers (Targ)
  • Verzerk
  • Wormhole (Gyruss)
  • YASI (Space Invaders)
There's a lot of love for Vector Pilot, and while I think it is very impressive, I just haven't been able to justify buying a $70 (shipped) adaptation of Time Pilot because I can play the arcade original in MAME or on other classic systems. (I pretty much refuse to buy any single game on any system if it is over $50 delivered, no matter how awesome it might be.)


There's also a lot of excitement about the upcoming Vector Patrol, a Vectrex adaptation of Moon Patrol.


Mine Storm is the game I always go back to. Nice that it is built in.


I highly recommend downloading and trying the games via the ParaJVE emulator. A lot of games are included and it can run most homebrews available for download.



Good list, all of these games are good or great (I love trackers and rockaroids). I concur with you on Vector Pilot, it's too expensive and there are good versions of it for other systems and MAME. It looks really good and I think he's been working on it since the 90s (this guy takes forever to finish a project), but there is no way I would put out so much money for a Vectrex game. IIRC, it's priced OK if you live in Europe, but having to pay in USD just puts it out of what I am willing to spend. The overlay is really good too, from what I can tell.

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Personally I found most of the original release games were quite shallow and had poor gameplay with Scramble and Berzerk being the exceptions,as already said above there is some interesting stuff going on in the homebrew scene though.

Some interesting examples are Patriots,Gravitrex,Vectrexians,Vector Pilot and Protector.

Edited by R.O.T.S
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