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I! :-D


Lettuce be real for a moment, this isnt why i came here to write this. Only in the company of men can we talk before sunrise. You must never forget its a wonderful life and this is the city of god. For its our performance in the big country that will decide our brief encounter. While I may rest unforgiven its the passion of christ that will save me, and eventually you too. Whilst true romance may save us on those boogie nights, there will be blood when we're dancing with wolves. Harvey, can i ask you a question? Do you know the rules of the game? I dont. The Hustler is lost in translation. We walk and walk, we walk east, we walk north, north by northwest, like resevoir dogs until we find that american beauty. And we will all find her one day Yojimbo, worry not. The shining light on the waterfront is what will guide us through the matrix of uncertainty, for the heat will be gone with the wind. Do you know what lies beneath? 12 Angry men, and the third man is a taxi driver. ITs a matter of life or death that we wait until superman returns.

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I not why you? Because it. Do not from there.


On a good day you're a half-wit. You remind me of drool. You are deficient in all that lends character. You have the personality of wallpaper. You are dank and filthy. You are asinine and benighted. Spammers look down on you. Phone sex operators hang up on you. Telemarketers refuse to be seen in public with you. You are the source of all unpleasantness. You spread misery and sorrow wherever you go. May you choke on your own foolish opinions. You are a Pusillanimous galactophage and you wear your sister's training bra. Don't bother opening the door when you leave - you should be able to slime your way out underneath. I hope that when you get home your mother runs out from under the porch and bites you.

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I have to say- in my opinion, this thread is better the Hulk movies that have been released in the last decade or so!!!!!


I agree. It's truly inspirational. In fact, this thread is a much better screenplay that practically writes itself. It touches all the big themes - the fragility of human life, the fact that some truths will necessarily remain hidden, and that everyone has a chance at redemption. For your enjoyment, I submit to you the outline of "Hulk Thread - The Movie":


The movie opens with the protagonist, established as a vintage video game collector, on his way home from work. He suddenly comes across a strange little shop he had never noticed before. On impulse he enters, and among a jumble of old video games and mostly useless knickknacks his trained eye suddenly spots a sealed The Incredible Hulk game box for the Atari 2600. The shot establishes it as something truly special - it seems to glow with an inner light and as the protagonist slowly approaches to pick it up, holy grail-like choir music grows to a crescendo. (In the background the camera picks up two other game boxes: Airworld and Winter Games. As the protagonist walks by, the words "world" and "Winter" are momentarily obscured, so that for a split second the two boxes form the word "Airgames". It's one of those blink-and-you'll-miss-it-scenes; the writer's hidden homage to the source of his inspiration.) At this point the protagonist suddenly becomes aware of the shopkeeper, a small, bent figure with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. The shopkeeper assures the protagonist that the Hulk box is real, one of only a few prototypes worldwide, produced for promotional purposes, invaluable. The protagonist cannot believe his good fortune and buys it on the spot for an incredibly low price. (During this short conversation and the ensuing transaction some ominous, dissonant music plays in the background, foreshadowing that something may not be quite kosher.)

The next scene shows the protagonist at home, excitedly posting pics of his incredible score to an online video game community. After some initial excitement, the online community quickly establishes the Hulk box as a fake and accuses the protagonist of being a troll and a scammer. Confused, hurt, and unwilling to believe that he was duped, the protagonist returns to the shop to confront the shopkeeper. To his surprised dismay, he finds the shop a deserted ruin that looks like it has been out of business for years. The protagonist stands there for a moment, open-mouthed, not knowing what to make of this. (This is the key shot in the movie; as he stands there, the camera spins around him faster and faster, giving a sense of his world spinning out of control. If the budget allows there may be some CGI effects of buildings, trees, etc. spinning away into oblivion.) In a moment of lucidity, the protagonist suddenly realizes that he has a split personality, and that he and the enigmatic shopkeeper are actually one and the same person. This is established through a series of flashbacks; one scene shows the protagonist standing in the ruined shop with a bent back, fabricating the Hulk box, the next scene revisits the purchase of the box, except this time the protagonist is alone, talking to himself, handing the box to himself, and paying himself, all while scrambling back and forth from one side of the sales counter to the other, changing his posture and his voice.

The scene then switches back to the present, to a closeup of the wide-eyed protagonist, now back in his apartment. In a fit of wild, desperate rage at the discovery of this awful truth, he loses control and smashes the Hulk box with his fist. This scene should be shot in slow motion, with a semi-translucent image of the Hulk smashing a car superimposed over the protagonist to draw the obvious comparison. (Although upon further thought that may be a bit heavy-handed. Maybe a more subtle touch, like shooting this scene through a green filter would make a deeper statement and appeal to a more sophisticated audience. What do you guys think?) After this outburst, the protagonist regains his senses and the realization that he has destroyed his most valued possession hits him like a ton of bricks. Wailing "I broke!!" he crumples onto his bed, weeping, cradling the destroyed Hulk box to his chest. (This is the main tearjerker scene of the movie, so the camera should linger on his devastated form for a while.)

At this point there is is suddenly a knock at the door. The protagonist hastily dries his tears and cautiously opens the door to peer outside. To everyone's surprise, it's a hot woman of roughly the same age as the protagonist. She introduces herself as his new neighbor who just moved in, and asks for his help in moving a few heavy boxes. There is an instant connection between her and the protagonist; they exchange some friendly banter and discover that they both love Italian food. The protagonist agrees to help, and in exchange the hot woman offers to invite him for dinner. (Through the use of some artsy camera angles this scene evokes a somewhat surreal atmosphere, suggesting that the hot neighbor may in fact not be real, but just another figment of the protagonist's imagination. The movie does not answer this question, however, but leaves it to the viewer to decide.)

The last scene is a shot from inside the protagonist's apartment towards the door, and shows the two leaving, beaming radiant smiles at each other. As the door closes on the empty apartment, just before the fade to black, the camera pans down to reveal the crumpled remains of the Hulk box protruding from the protagonist's trashcan, symbolizing a turning away from the old and a new beginning.


Any similarities to Fight Club or Shutter Island are totally unintentional. So what do you guys think? Anyone here with connections to Hollywood who could make this happen?

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I feel like buried somewhere deep in airgames' borderline oracular aphorisms there lies a poetry that goes beyond any of our means. I just spent 15 minutes skimming through all of his posts in this thread and I'm left with both a sense of awe and a sense of something so beautiful words cannot do it justice. Maybe 10 years later after this thread dies some internet voyager will stumble upon it and will crack the Airgames Code that has eluded all of us. Maybe we're the uneducated masses that lie at the bottom of Plato's allegorical cave. Maybe airgames is the only one with any real knowledge here.

Edited by Bixler
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I feel like buried somewhere deep in airgames' borderline oracular aphorisms there lies a poetry that goes beyond any of our means. I just spent 15 minutes skimming through all of his posts in this thread and I'm left with both a sense of awe and a sense of something so beautiful words cannot do it justice. Maybe 10 years later after this thread dies some internet voyager will stumble upon it and will crack the Airgames Code that has eluded all of us. Maybe we're the uneducated masses that lie at the bottom of Plato's allegorical cave. Maybe airgames is the only one with any real knowledge here.


Airgames = SHATNER HAWKING!!!!



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WolfAmongWolves in the plot of your film there are errors.

the store exits already really the joint owners of the store exits already really.

the protagonists are two not one.


No, they exist only in the protagonist's mind. The only errors in the movie are on the Hulk box itself, but you never actually see them.

Oh, and disclaimer: This film is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincidental.

Edited by WolfAmongWolves
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