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There should be some quirky scene in the Hulk: like when Bruce Banner is in a donut shop and he's overwhelmed by the variety and cannot make up his mind. Yet, other customers waiting impatiently behind him tell Banner to hurry up.



Is that seriously any worse than falling over in your chair or biting your lip to make you angry like you have to do in the Hulk text adventure?

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I agree. It's truly inspirational. In fact, this thread is a much better screenplay that practically writes itself. It touches all the big themes - the fragility of human life, the fact that some truths will necessarily remain hidden, and that everyone has a chance at redemption. For your enjoyment, I submit to you the outline of "Hulk Thread - The Movie":


The movie opens with the protagonist,...



This could be the movie of the year! Jim Parsons needs to star in it.

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I thought google translate mangled things, so I asked a friend for help. He is Italian and English is his second language. I explained the situation as best as I could, then asked him if he could figure out the true meaning to "close this discussion..."


He laughed and said it didn't make sense in either language!

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All I want for Christmas is this topic hand printed on heavy paper de luxe and bound in leather.


Anyway through broken english I hear my mother tongue saying:

"close this sh*tty thread.

I've had enough!




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No, they exist only in the protagonist's mind. The only errors in the movie are on the Hulk box itself, but you never actually see them.

Oh, and disclaimer: This film is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is purely coincidental.


This is the first and only movie for which I would contribute to its Kickstarter fund. My sole condition is the home video release includes an alternate ending too shocking for theaters, wherein airgames dies of autocorprophagia asphyxiation.

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